

  • All Points Bulletin Reloaded blog post focuses on the "home stretch" to launch

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Enforcers and criminals better listen up, because it's time for another All Points Bulletin Reloaded blog post. This one focuses on the open beta "home stretch," as the post's title refers to it. With the game's patch 1.5.3 hot off the press, the team is gearing up for patches 1.5.4 through 1.5.7, which are the last planned patches prior to the game's official launch. So what kind of issues have been spotted throughout the span of open beta, and what does the team hope to accomplish prior to the game's official release? Well, sit down and get comfy, because the team has put together quite a list, included after the jump.

  • Quantum Phantom prototype lets you control your computer screen with a webcam (video)

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    A guy named Ben Wu sent us this video recently and it sort of blew our minds. Wu, an engineer and self-described dreamer, has spent the past year developing a program he calls Quantum Phantom -- an Iron Man-inspired system that allows users to control a computer's cursor using only an ordinary webcam. With his Windows software onboard, Wu can draw, write and move onscreen icons or widgets, simply by waving his camera in front of a set of dual monitors. The prototype is even sophisticated enough to recognize his own webcam-produced handwriting and automatically convert it to rich text. In most cases, the sensor relies upon an ordinary cursor to navigate a screen, but Wu has also developed a pointer-free solution, as demonstrated toward the end of the above, three-part video. Be sure to check it out for yourself and get lost in the magic. [Thanks, Ben]

  • Speaker concept does away with the volume knob by becoming the volume knob

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    How to solve the problem of controls cluttering up electronics devices? Simple: make the device the controller. That's the simple but elegant solution employed by designer Hironao Tsuboi with the equally simply named Vol Speaker concept. The speaker is the knob -- or maybe the knob is the speaker. However you choose to unravel this zen-like chicken and egg riddle, the result is pretty neat. [Thanks, Arthur]

  • TUAW's Daily Mac App: Music Commander

    Samuel Gibbs
    Samuel Gibbs

    Controlling iTunes with the keyboard is easy enough, but what if you want a little more information without having to resort to the full iTunes window? Music Commander is here to help. Sitting in the menu bar, Music Commander allows you to control iTunes with an extensive drop-down menu. You've got the usual play controls for quick access with your mouse, but you've also got some of iTunes more advanced music controls. You can rate the current song, switch shuffle and repeat on and off, as well as change the current playlist. Volume control is right there too, as well as the album art and metadata of the current track including album, artist and song name. If you want to get a bit social with your iTunes listening experience (no I'm not talking about Ping), Music Commander has Twitter, Facebook and built in, letting you tweet, post or scrobble the current song. When you've had enough you can even quit iTunes right from Music Commander. If you've been looking for a decent iTunes controller for your menu bar, Music Commander might just be the ticket. While you can accomplish quite a lot of the functionality using Apple keyboard media controls and Growl, Music Commander puts it all there, in one nice and tidy package. Music Commander is available for US$0.99 from the Mac App Store.

  • Encrypted Text: Controlling tempo in PvP

    Chase Christian
    Chase Christian

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Encrypted Text for assassination, combat and subtlety rogues. Chase Christian will be your guide to the world of shadows every Wednesday. Please email me with any topic requests or questions you have! PvP is hard to discuss in writing. (I'm not talking about how to properly 4-gate your opponent on Shakuras Plateau, but rather about WoW's player-vs-player content.) It's a relatively easy task to distill a PvE encounter into a list of salient points, but that's because raid bosses aren't random. Magmaw is going to do the same thing against every single raid group that encounters him, and so our strategies for countering him are fairly unilateral. We're playing rock-paper-scissors with the developers, except that we know they're going to throw paper ahead of time. All we have to do is successfully become scissors, and the raid bosses will fall over and explode with purples -- they're just loot piñatas. PvP, meanwhile, is impossible to condense into a single strategy. In a raid setting, most classes use less than a dozen simple abilities on any given encounter. In an arena or battleground, players will be drawing from the deepest, darkest pages of their spellbooks to gain any advantage. I can't tell you what that warrior on the opposing team is going to do, because he can literally do anything. Instead of trying to make some sort of overly complicated flowchart in an attempt to remove all decision-making from PvP, you have to adjust and react on the fly. The key to surviving in this volatile environment is to maintain control of the tempo -- you need to fight on your terms.

  • Puddle preview: Liquid assets

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Discovered among the demo units at Konami's pre-E3 event yesterday, sandwiched in between much less surprising titles like Burgertime: World Tour and Red Bull X-Fighters World Tour (with names as generic as their gameplay) was Puddle, an intriguing little game wrapped around a splashy concept. The Konami rep running Puddle didn't have a lot of information on the game's origins, but a little Googling reveals something surprising: Puddle was a winner in the Independent Games Festival's Student Showcase at GDC 2010 earlier this year, put together by a team from the French school ENJMIN. The Konami display listed Neko Entertainment as the developer for the release on display, so presumably the French developer has hired those students to release the PC title (still available for download) on Xbox 360 and PS3. The PS3 version is Move compatible (the Xbox version is controller-only, I was told), and that's how I played it. While the version on display was clearly still a work in progress, with most levels missing and lots of placeholder code in the UI, it was enough to see there's something special about this game.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: In the case of Dominators

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Holy wow, it's been a really long time since the last archetype column. We kind of had an entire month (and then some) taken up with various anniversary shennanigans, and while I wouldn't exactly call that unfortunate, it did sort of take a bit of momentum out of the whole project. But we're back to discussing the archetypes of City of Heroes, and in a way today's discussion seems appropriate for being locked in place and unable to act for quite some time. Yes, today we're taking a look at how the other half lives when it comes to control-based sets with a look at the Dominator. Like every villainous archetype, the Dominator combines elements that were previously separate, but on the surface it looks an awful lot like a Controller. Whether you're new to City of Heroes or just to the archetype, it's a good time to understand the difference and show off the positive elements of the class, because while those differences from Controllers might be subtle, they're important.

  • SpotiMy brings Spotify playback control to the menu bar, but that's it

    Samuel Gibbs
    Samuel Gibbs

    Spotify might not have made it across the pond just yet, but that doesn't mean millions of Mac users aren't getting their music fix via the ad-supported or premium streaming service. A new Mac App Store app called SpotiMy aims to enhance the Spotify experience of Mac users by letting them control playback right from the menu bar. The little app adds a menu bar icon with drop-down previous, pause/play and next track buttons. Unfortunately that's about all you're going to get for your US$0.99. In fact you can easily and quickly control Spotify playback using the existing media keys on any Mac keyboard, which makes the app practically redundant for anyone with said keyboard. SpotiMy shows that there is potential for Spotify add-ons like the plethora available for iTunes. At the moment SpotiMy doesn't bring anything you can't do better with a keyboard to the table and therefore I can't recommend it. But the developer is keen to add to the app, with its current form very much a simple start. If track selection, or playlist support, along with what's playing and some other control features make it into the app, a menu bar Spotify control app could be really useful. One to watch but not buy, unless you desperately want Spotify menu bar playback control right now.

  • Microsoft motion controller concept kicks sand in Kinect's puny face

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Think your body's a temple? Turns out it's actually just the antenna the temple's staff uses to watch football when they're done praying. A group of engineers from Microsoft Research showcased a technology at Vancouver's Conference on Human Factors in Computing that offers gesture-based control on a scale that could make the company's Kinect controller downright laughable. The team demonstrated how it could harness the human body's reception of electromagnetic noise to create gesture-based computer interaction that does away with the need for a camera -- though a receiver is worn on the body (the neck, in this case). The system uses the unique signals given off in different parts of the home to help measure the interaction, effectively turning one's walls into giant control pads, which can regulate things like lighting and the thermostat. Hopefully games, too, because we can't wait to play Pac-Man with our bedrooms.

  • Razer Hydra motion controller gets summer release, Portal 2 bundle

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    Remember the Razer Hydra controller that let you materialize portals with a real electromagnetic orb? Those motion sensing sticks will be available for pre-order in May and will go on sale in June, two months after this week's release of Portal 2, the game it was first demoed with. However, Razer'll still charge you for a copy of the murderous robot game if you want the fancy gizmo, as it's pricing the bundle at $140 -- understandably more expensive that the "below $100" price that it was targeting for the controller alone. Two months is a pretty long time to wait to play the already-available title, and Razer isn't offering any info on a standalone version of the Sixense-based magnetic peripheral. On the upside, though, Joystiq got its hands on a list of compatible titles, which includes 122 games on top of the aforementioned sequel. That list and the official press release after the break.

  • Sony's database used to create gesture-enabled mouse driver (video)

    Sean Buckley
    Sean Buckley

    Unless you're into weird promotional mascots, video games, or measuring the rotation of the earth, the PlayStation Move probably hasn't caught your eye. Here's an idea: what if you could wave it about to control your PC? Earlier this week, electronics hobbyist Jacob Pennock used the C library to build a gesture-controlled mouse driver, and we've got the project's tech demo after the break. Watch as Pennock launches Facebook by drawing an "F," starts a video with a jaunty "V," and closes a few items with a quick "X" motion over the offending windows. Control motions are loaded through the creator's own gesture recognition library, called hyperglyph, which he claims can record motions with 98 percent accuracy. As is currently a closed beta, Pennock is keeping the source code under wraps, but he hopes to eventually put the driver to use controlling a gesture-based Linux media center. Pretty neat, but not quite enough to stave off our Kinect hack envy. [Thanks, Robert]

  • 3DxWare 10 lets 3D mice work in 2D apps, leaves your standard mouse feeling a bit flat (video)

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Your standard mouse may do it on the table, but 3D mice do it with extra dimension -- some of the time, anyway. Quit 3ds Max and suddenly you have one axis too many on your hands. After all, the vast majority of applications are 2D to match mice that may exist in a 3D reality but are limited to a decidedly dual-dimensional existence. No more. 3Dconnexion, makers of a couple different controllers with depth, has released 3DxWare, a Mac or Windows driver that enables exciting 3D mice to work with boring 2D apps. The first video after the break shows some one-handed zooming and browsing, while the second has you cutting and mixing in Final Cut Pro -- again with nary a keyboard or controller in sight. The software is free if you have a compatible mouse, but if not you'll be paying between $99 and $399 for a suitably compliant critter.

  • Keyglove ditches QWERTY for one-handed computer control (video)

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    We've seen some pretty ambitious hand warmers in our day, but this one takes the cake. Keyglove is an Open Source Hardware (OSHW) project that's intended to eliminate those clunky keyboards and unmanageable mice from the computing process altogether, instead engaging a series of conductive sensors that, when touched together, mimic a keystroke. The mitt's creator says the traditional mobile keyboard is "either too big to be portable, or too small to be easy to use," adding that his solution would eventually become second nature just like touch typing. Keyglove is an Arduino and AVR-powered device that also incorporates an accelerometer to control mouse movements. It's apparently fully customizable and allows for a total of 60 unique touch combinations -- impressive, sure, but it took us long enough to figure out the home keys on the real thing. If you dream of a world full of one-handed typists, check out the video after the break, or follow the source link to find out how you can donate to the project.

  • BrainGate hits 1,000 day mind-control milestone, nearly three years of pointing and clicking

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Aspiring Svengalis rejoice! For BrainGate has reached a significant landmark in computational thought-control -- the 4 x 4-mm implantable chip has given a woman with tetraplegia the ability to point and click with her brain for 1,000 days. An article recently published in the Journal of Neural Engineering said the woman, known simply as S3, performed two easy tasks every 24 hours, using her mind to manipulate a cursor with 90 percent accuracy. Each day she was monitored, S3 would post up in front of a computer and continuously command the thing with her thoughts for 10 minutes. Functionality reportedly deteriorated over time, but the paper points to the chip's durability, not sensor-brain incompatibility, as the culprit. Research is currently underway to incorporate BrainGate into advanced prosthetics that could get tetraplegics like S3 up and moving again. Now, how's that for the power of positive thinking?

  • Arctic Spas shows off hot tub-controlling iPhone app, waterproof iPhone case sold separately (video)

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Frankly, a few things in life are just too hard. Taxes being one of them, and moving from one's spot in a hot tub to adjust the temperature and / or jet pressure being another. In a bid to solve issue number two, Arctic Spas has shoved out an iOS app (Android and BlackBerry are inbound) that interfaces with a WiFi module on some of the company's hot tubs. Once loaded up, owners can control temperature and jets with a simple touch, though we hear that loads of steam and moist fingers aren't exactly great for consumer electronics. Either way, you've got a video to entice you down below.

  • Kiss Controller lets you play a bowling game with your tongue... while it's in someone else's mouth (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Oh, this isn't weird at all! The Kissing Controller, an experimental project by one Hye Yeon Nam, is designed so that players of a bowling game can impart power and direction to their spherical projectile by performing the timeless act of smooching one another. A customized headset is required for one of the participants, acting as the input receiver, while the other straps a magnet to his or her tongue and goes to town with some literal full motion controls. Thrust is added to the on-screen ball in accordance with how vigorously you move your tongue around, something we're sure your partner will appreciate. Video after the break.

  • Seagate's GoFlex TV and FreeAgent Theater+ HD media players get iPhone, iPad and iPod remote control app

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Too busy to fiddle with another remote while your iPod touch / iPad / iPhone is already cozily tucked between your arm and chest? Seagate hears you, and it's just pushed out a new app that'll transform its bundled remotes into fantastic doorstops for those that adore iOS. The TV Remote app enables any new iOS device to control the functions of Seagate's GoFlex TV and FreeAgent Theater+ HD media players, and since it relies on WiFi, you need not worry over line-of-sight considerations. You'll also be able to use iOS' keyboard to input test into search fields on YouTube, Netflix and Pandora (just to name a few), and users will gain the ability to surf through entire media library (provided you've got an HDD connected to your media player) right on your iDevice. Hit the source link to get the download going, but make sure you update the firmware on your box before giving it a go.

  • Samsung Smart Touch Android remote app is now available for download

    Ben Bowers
    Ben Bowers

    Great news, channel surfers -- Samsung's Smart Touch Android remote application is now finally available in the Android Marketplace as a free download nearly nine months after originally launching on iOS. If you dropped a hefty quantity of cheddar on a new model C Samsung Internet TV in 2010 (those with older models are out of luck) and can't wait for your Android handset to assimilate yet another life-task, today could be momentous. We say 'could' simply because our CES hands-on with the software wasn't exactly swell -- but then again, a massive trade show floor isn't exactly the best WiFi testing environment. Currently, the application has an average of four stars from 25 people, but it's not completely free from a smattering of crash and error reports. Feel free to give it a whirl if you've got the necessary gear, and if that match made in couch-potato heaven feeling doesn't come... well, don't give up hope, because that dual-sided QWERTY remote could save the day soon. %Gallery-113379%

  • Apple patent suggests multi-touch keyboards might be in the future

    Megan Lavey-Heaton
    Megan Lavey-Heaton

    A new Apple patent uncovered by MacRumors showcases the work of FingerWorks, which Apple purchased in 2005. FingerWorks, best known now for being the base of today's gesture-recognition technology, produced the TouchStream multi-touch keyboard early last decade. However, as demonstrated in certain products, such as the Magic Cube, lack of tactile feedback along with the need to look at the keys while typing lest your fingers begin drifting are among the problems with getting such technology going mainstream. According to the patent filing, FingerWorks co-founder John Elias is working to create a hybrid physical keyboard that doubles as a motion-sensitive device. There would be a typing mode and a mouse mode, toggled via a special key or key combination. While using trackpads is normal for laptops, if Apple implements this sort of keyboard, it wouldn't completely drive a physical mouse or stylus -- like a Wacom tablet with pen -- obsolete. As MacRumors points out, multi-touch keyboards aren't quite ready to be sprung on average consumers yet. We'll probably see other inventions, such as a Magic Mouse with a display panel, first.

  • Apple patent suggests Magic Mouse with display panel

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    A newly revealed Apple patent has an interesting take on the Magic Mouse: the patent shows a display embedded in its touch surface, creating sort of a mini iPod touch-style interface. It's not clear just how much processing power the display-enabled mouse itself would have, but uses mentioned in the patent seem to involve the display working in conjunction with actual Mac apps, like showing a calculator when using the Numbers app on your Mac, or a magnification of text when using Pages. There is an actual processor listed in the patent, so the Mouse would have some capability of its own to run integrated apps. You may be able to set up parts of the touch display surface to work as buttons, maybe to handle special functions in games or apps. And the patent also says that this display technology could be used in the Magic Trackpad or even in the MacBook trackpad itself, providing an extra space for displaying graphics wherever the user has a touch interface to play with. It's an interesting idea. As with most of these patents, it sounds like this is simply something Apple is researching rather than actual technology going into an approaching Magic Mouse refresh -- there are a lot of elements that have to be worked out (like why would you put a display on a device usually covered by your hand?) before this kind of thing goes on sale. But it is an interesting idea, and we may one day see Apple use it in a real product.