Cult of Mac


  • Mac Lover: Bringing Mac love to your Facebook Profile

    Nik Fletcher
    Nik Fletcher

    If you're on Facebook, you're likely aware of the plentiful Apple-related groups you can join (as if discussions in the comments here at TUAW and other sites weren't enough). Of course, there's more recently been the ability to add 'Applications' to your Facebook Profile, and that's where Mac Lover comes in. File it under 'wacky' or 'for the fanboys' if you will, Mac Lover (Facebook login & account required) allows you to show your geek pride and show off your Apple kit collection directly within your Facebook profile - and allows you to organize it with Apple style too.Featuring some slick and snazzy Apple-esque effects, you simply build up an iWant and iHave list and then save it to add it to your Profile. There's also a forthcoming feature to 'Give your friend a Mac' (and offer contacts an electronic 'glass of ice water to people in hell' if you will) to send your friends the iMac you've always wanted to give them, if not been able to afford. Whilst there's a good selection of Apple products to add (including Newtons, Software, Peripherals and truly old-skool Macs) the latest iPods are sadly missing in action for now.

  • If Apple made...everything

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    In the past few years, Apple has moved beyond computers and operating systems to create other digital devices. The iPhone is a marvel, as is the iPod. But what did you expect for a company that's know for impecable, thoughtful design?Now, what would happen if Apple took on even more projects? It's fun to think about, as the folks at la Repubblica have done. Check out their collection of 19 "impossible objects," as designed by Apple (if only in their imaginations). Our favorites include the fire extinguisher (what exactly comes out of that thing?) and the iBal (yes, it's what you're thinking).Thanks, Marco!

  • Line Walk, AT&T Store Union Square

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Click To Play See the line at NYC's Union Square AT&T store as of 4:30 pm.

  • Line Walk, AT&T Store NYC 17th & 6th

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Click To Play Another crew awaits the iPhone. The six guys in the front are all high school students who are getting $250 a head to pick up iPhones for well-heeled customers.

  • Cult of Mac: "Ten Questions Apple Must Answer in 2007"

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Leander Kahney and Pete Mortensen at Wired's Cult of Mac have penned Ten Questions Apple Must Answer in 2007, an article which thankfully delves beyond the typical 'where's my iPhone?' to examine interesting aspects of Apple's future. Leander and Pete briefly discuss that second campus Apple recently bought, what they see as the company's relatively stagnating industrial design, where the iPod can go next and - of course - whether Apple can stay successful once Jobs inevitably steps down. The article is a nice, short summary of many of the key points Apple very well has to wrangle with during the next year, and it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

  • Getting started with your new Mac

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Someone must love you, since there was a shiny new Mac waiting under the tree for you this morning. I know you're excited to get it up and running, and it'll be easier than you think. There are some tips I would like to share with you, oh newly inducted acolyte to the Cult of Mac, that should make your Mac adventure even more fun. Toss aside the included mouse: All desktop Macs now come with the Mighty Mouse (except the Mac mini, of course), which is a multibutton mouse that pretends to be a one button mouse. Toss it aside and get yourself a real mouse (the Logitech MX Revolution Wireless Laser Mouse is currently my favorite mouse of all time). If you received a portable Mac you should also pick yourself up a mouse. The included Trackpad is nice, but a mouse is much nicer. Download Quicksilver and Growl: You might not get why Quicksilver and Growl are awesome. You might not get it for awhile, but when it clicks your Mac experience will become even better. Trust me, would a blogger lie to you? Enable Tabbed Browsing in Safari: Launch Safari, go to 'Preferences,' 'Tabs,' and check the 'Enable Tabbed Browsing.' You might also want to check out many of the Mac only variants of web browsers: Omniweb, Optimized Firefox, Camino (which is still my personal favorite), and Shiira. Drag your Applications folder to the Dock: I wrote a post, about a year ago, detailing how to move your hard disk into the Dock for easy access. I have since amended my setup to include only the Applications Folder in the Dock, since that is where I needed to go most of the time anyway. Follow the instructions in my previous post, but just drag the Applications Folder in the Dock instead of the entire hard disk. Charge the battery, but not too much: If you found a MacBook or MacBook Pro under the tree make sure that you plug it in the first time you use it. Apple has a list of tips for maximizing the battery life of portables, give it a read to ensure many happy cycles on your battery. Read TUAW: I admit that I am a little biased, but we here at TUAW strive to be that Mac geek friend of yours that knows where to find all the cool Mac stuff on the web. Our knowledgeable bloggers (and me!) are always ready with new tips, tricks, and news to share so make sure you come back often.

  • Paging Jack Miller of As the Apple Turns

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Pete Mortensen, writing on Wired's Cult of Mac blog, is looking for Jack Miller of As the Apple Turns. The site hasn't been updated in a long while, Jack isn't returning emails, nor is he returning phone messages.If anyone knows about this where abouts please let Pete know, he's worried (and now I am as well).Ah, As the Apple Turns. It was the first Apple related site I would visit with regularity.

  • Wired posts Apple fan art gallery

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Leander Kahney, author of the successful Cult of Mac book, has posted an interesting gallery of Apple fan art at Wired. While I think I recognize some of these images from browsing the Cult of Mac book at the local bookstore, this gallery is an interesting look into just how far Apple's loyal following are willing to go to show their love for the Mac.While I'm glad to see posts like this, I have to wonder: where are the Cult of Windows books and art galleries?

  • Jobs in a suit

    C.K. Sample, III
    C.K. Sample, III

    I've seen this pic before, but it's getting the traffic over at Digg, so I thought it worth pointing to again. Here's the full-size picture of the cover of the premiere issue of Macworld, featuring Steve Jobs, not in jeans and a turtleneck as a friend to the consumer, but in a suit, trying to sell the Mac to the world. He also seems to be doing some sort of Jesus's arms in the Last Supper painting thing with the way he's hovering over those three Macs.