

  • Give your DS a little style for a couple of coins

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Painting specialists ColorWare want to add some spice to your life by giving your DS a stylish new paint job, or by providing you with a brand-new custom unit.The only thing that comes to mind, for us, is creating a DS themed after our favorite sports team and slapping a sticker on the top of the clamshell. And considering that we don't partake of the DS line-up of sports titles available, as we often favor the console variety, we can't really see that much appeal in giving the DS a splash of color.But then we start thinking about what people with actual artistic ability could do with a professional paint job like this on their DS. True, most folks who mod their consoles and handhelds might prefer to do the painting themselves, as it all ties into the whole I made this part of it, but perhaps the time saved or price are the factors that could weigh heavily on someone's decision. Then again, we don't really know how much it would cost to paint something like a DS. Our skills lack.Or maybe this can be a really expensive prank. Snatch a friend's DS, send it in and have them paint it puke green on top of puke green, that kind of thing? Actually, that might not be a bad way to get your own DS, because if our friend did that to us, we'd tell them to keep it.[Via BGR]

  • FUZE minimizes its latest media PC system

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    FUZE Media Systems is back, this time shrinking its "whole-home" media PC system to a more "whole-apartment" media PC system. Dubbed the Mini Edition, its brings together the FuzeBox HTPC and is setup for two video and four audio zones, specifically configured for residences with 2-3 TVs. Upgradable to a full FUZE Media System, the server includes 4GB of memory, 750GB HDD storage and a 2.2GHz processor. Of course, like its big brother this is meant to be sold through a network of installers, but they'll be able to get a look at EHX starting tomorrow (hopefully this time at a system that's been turned on), with systems available some time in the second quarter.

  • Show and Tell: From wallpaper to DS

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We haven't seen a lot of custom skins made by our readers, so we were pretty excited when That Girl sent in pictures of her skin, adapted from a wallpaper. The colors and design really suit her DS Lite perfectly, and it's always nice to see someone tastefully customizing their handheld while giving a nod to another fandom. It's not just the outside that's prettified, either; hit the jump to see the inside of the DS.Have you made a custom skin or anything else Nintendo-related? We'd love to know about it! Show us what you've got and we'll tell the world -- just take a few pictures, scribble a few lines, and send it all to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest.

  • WipEout HD to support customizable soundtracks

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    The ability to create customized soundtracks is a criminally underused feature in many games, as players are forced to turn down the volume and crank up the stereo just so they can tackle their boss of choice to the musical styling of their favorite 80s hair band. It's not too much to ask, and apparently Sony agrees, with the upcoming WipEout HD for the PS3 now confirmed to support fully customized soundtracks. Taking a page from the recently released Wipeout Pulse for the PSP, the upcoming racer will sport a handful of what we're sure will turn out to be suitably electronic tracks, though if you're in the mood for -- let's just say Barry Manilow – that's entirely your choice. [Via PS3 Fanboy] %Gallery-17035%

  • Hot on the streets: Black and white DS Lite [update]

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    digg_url=''; Simple changes to a product's look can really make all the difference. Streetware designer Hiroshi Fujiwara and Japanese magazine Honeyee put their creative heads together for this DS Lite project, adding a few decorative touches that add up to a very classy form.The duotone DS sports a matte black shell with white hinges and a white interior. Past the break, we've got a photo of the system with its lid pulled back. Honeyee and Fragment Design haven't yet determined how many of these limited edition handhelds to produce, but you can bet they'll be hard to get your hands on![Update: There's a matching case, too!]

  • The doctor is on (your torso)

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Love Dr. Mario above all others? Then this might be the most awesome thing you've ever seen -- or at least one of the most unique. It's a handmade tunic accented with bits of a licensed Dr. Mario fabric. Obviously, at $60, it's a little pricier than most of the gaming-related items like this we've seen, but in our esteemed opinion, it's as incredible (or more so!) than some. It's also nice and stretchy -- the better to fit a variety of sizes.

  • Take a shine to this custom NES

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It's hard to argue against this modded, repainted NES in terms of looks, even if red and black isn't your thing. That sleek shine could put your eye out at twenty paces under the right lighting conditions, and the LEDs really set it off. But the best part? It works, and that's what really matters. We'd suffer even the most hideous NES so long as we could turn it on and have a chance to blow on a few old carts. In this case? Said old carts are Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3. All that's missing is a Zapper so you can get your Duck Hunt on.If you want to see this baby in its full, glossy glory, eBay seller metrosqurl provided a video, which you can scope out after the break.

  • Made-to-order cellphones: dubious quality included free of charge

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    If you're like us, you've probably brainstormed the "perfect" mobile phone in your head a couple hundred times, wishing you could just convince someone to make it for you. Well, now you've got your chance thanks to the unfortunately-named zzzPhone, which inspires fantasies of long naps rather than high-tech gadgetry. According to the company's website, you can build your own device made to order, using "the same high quality components as major brands Motorola, Nokia, Palm, and Samsung." Of course, the major brands don't offer you actual MP3 and video files pre-installed on your device -- which really makes our copyright sensors hit the red. Sure, the phone appears to emanate from a dubious Shenzhen-based manufacturer, but once you see all the succulent options available to you, your ethical concerns will melt away like ice cream on hot apple pie.[Via Textually]

  • Pikachu is the name of the Pokemon on this DS

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    While this is a yellow Pikachu DS Lite, it's not the yellow Pikachu DS Lite. But unlike that other one, this custom job from viper640_0 gives you assurance that the Pokémon featured on the top is in fact Pikachu, and not some biter. Only trust verified Pokémon art on your consoles!We must admit that the little Pikachu is cute, and that the gold-and-black DS combination is a lot better than some custom paint jobs. We just didn't necessarily need the huge caption. Oh, wait, maybe this is Pikachu's DS, lost in POWER SELLER VILLAGE! We should buy it and return it to him.

  • Mac 101: Make your own keyboard shortcut

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    There are two types of Mac users: the mouse-centric, the keyboard jockeys, and those who refuse to sleep with Windows users. OK, three types.This tip is for users like me whose knowledge of each application's set of keyboard shortcuts is prodigious. Even we get stumped occasionally when a shortcut doesn't work as expected or is simply missing. This is very easily remedied.In the Keyboard & Mouse preference pane in System Preferences, you'll see a little "+". Click it, identify the application you're after and type the name of your target menu item. Next, simply pick a shortcut, click "Add" and you're done! You shortcut is in place and you can avoid another time consuming journey from your home keys to your mouse.

  • Better Webclip Icons for 1.1.3 iPhones and iPod touches

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Soon after Steve Jobs announced the new 1.1.3, Emil Hedaya realized that a simple meta-refreseh redirect would allow him to create custom icons for any webclip. All you need is a website of your own. You link to your custom pages and have them redirect you to the sites in question. To demonstrate this he's put together a set of iPhone shortcuts to his favorite sites (including Meebo, Fandango, Flickr and more). If you navigate to his page and webclip off those links, you'll create some great looking icons on your SpringBoard Home page instead of the dull defaults. Update: Redirected the links to at Emil's request to avoid overloading his server.

  • Silver DS Lite, now with less ... silver

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We often poke fun at custom Lites (usually with good reason, but sometimes, just because), but this one actually looks alright. The new Gloss Silver DS Lites are pretty, but a little plain; the buttons are also silver, so the whole thing is very monochromatic. The original Phat was also silver, but had black buttons to shake things up a little. Maybe we like variety, or maybe we're just nostalgic for the good ol' days of less battery power, but this Lite Redux that turned up on eBay really seems like the best of both worlds. It's got the sleek, slender sophistication of the silver Lite, but the black buttons just scream "old school." The price ($175) may be a little high for our tastes, but hey -- we're on board with the idea.

  • What is wrong with the world today?

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Does this count as a furry pinup? Is "fur" a requirement for these sort of dealings? And if you're the kind of person who is really into dragons, wouldn't these anthropomorphised features (e.g. blonde hair, humanoid limbs, and dragon breasts all up in your grill) turn you off?Apparently not! Upon seeing the above piece, deviantART member RajginKisaragi commented, "Very beautiful job! I'm glad to be a dragon looking at this ... *Boing*" There you have it, straight from the dragon's maw! A real-life dragon, at that!Natasha "Dark Natasha" Mleynek painted the lid of this Black GBA SP back in 2004 for a friend. While the subject doesn't fit our tastes in either women or dragons, we recognize that Natasha is very skilled in her craft; there are few, if any, technical flaws with this customization. Believe us, she could have done a lot worse. Also, she added a layer of clear coat paint to protect her artwork from any man-handling. See also: Orcs & Elves & a John Carmack autograph

  • There's a triforce in the center of the emblem

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    eBay seller and DS decorator viper640_0 is back, this time with an Onyx Lite worked over with a Zelda motif. We're digging the color scheme and the general approach, but the triforce seems like a bit much. Disagree? Well, the whole spiffy package can be yours for a mere $200, and it comes straight from POWER SELLER VILLAGE. That's how you know it's quality.

  • Evil Dead custom guitar is like sugar, baby

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Most people might think, "Why would someone make a custom Guitar Hero III controller with Bruce Campbell's face on it?" Fortunately, those of us at Nintendo Wii Fanboy are not some of those people. Perhaps it's our unhealthy obsession with Bruce Campbell and the Evil Dead movies that make this guitar delicious to us, but the point is, we love it.This custom beauty was made by Kotaku reader Frank, who is also responsible for the No More Heroes themed Wii we saw last month.Groovy.

  • Play GHIII with Samus at your side

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Love Guitar Hero? Also love Metroid? Looking for a way to combine the two? Look no further than eBay, where there's always apparently something lurking to fuse diverse fandoms. This guitar has been slicked with a custom-printed decal, as has the included Wii remote, to invoke one of Nintendo's greatest franchises (and characters). Maybe it's not totally rock and roll, but it might just make you feel like you can beat up anyone who bests you at a song. We're holding out for the Contra 4 guitar ourselves, because it imbues the player with extra muscles, but this one may do in a pinch.The auction includes a copy of Guitar Hero III, along with all the original packaging, and it started at $75.

  • Two Lites enter, one Lite leaves

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    var digg_url = ''; What if the Pikachu SE Lite and the Ice Blue DS got together and made little Lites? Thanks to eBay seller poptart574, now we know what such a devilish hybrid would look like. While the creator didn't use an actual Pikachu Lite for the top, but rather a replacement case (we think, from the wording in the listing), it still looks about the same -- that is, extremely yellow. And also blue. Just without that pesky Pokémon appearing.It's an odd creation, to say the least. And it can be yours for the low, low price of ... well, a little more than whatever the current bid is. As we peruse the listing, that's $81, but the auction's reserve has not yet been met.

  • YourPND gets your voice on your navigation system

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sure, those Mr. T / Dennis Hopper navtones were pretty humorous for a trip around the block or two, but seriously, how many times can you stand to hear "fool!" on a trip from Tuscaloosa to Fargo? That being said, we're not confident we'd want to listen to ourselves for that long, but for the folks who feel otherwise, YourPND is out to make your dreams a reality. Though the website wasn't created in our native tongue, it appears that TomTom owners (Garmin, Mio, etc. coming soon) simply record a select number of phrases to the site, after which they can cough up €7 ($10) and download the results on to their navigator. Sounds like the perfect gift for someone who just loathes hearing you talk, don'tcha think?[Via NaviGadget]

  • Brenda's Got a DS Case

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Over eleven years since his alleged death, rapper Tupac Shakur is still popping up everywhere, this time on a custom Nintendo DS case being auctioned off at eBay. Say what you want about his thug lifestyle, but, even while presumed dead, the dude gets around (See what we did there?). Other than the portrait shot of Tupac -- complete with a random marijuana leaf background, baiting kids with its promises of ganja green -- it's a run-of-the-mill zippered pouch with several compartments for securing your DS and accessories. Listed at $14.95, it's also overpriced, so we'll understand if you pass this one up; we ain't mad at'cha.

  • Halo DS a reality after all

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    var digg_url = ''; A custom-painted Halo-themed DS Lite, that is. What, did you think we meant the game? Nope, it's just a chance for you to meld your fandoms -- and mention the game that might have been at every opportunity. Or you can just talk about Halo 3. We hear that one is pretty popular.Hit the break for more pictures! Or, if this tickles your fancy, head on over to eBay and get your bid on.