

  • Dark Messiah content pack reappears on XBLM

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Even before releasing the game itself, Ubisoft dropped fresh content for the Oblivion-esque PC port Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements for the Xbox 360. By the time we had a chance to scratch our heads at downloadable content for a game that didn't exisit (at retail that is), Ubisoft pulled the plug and the content was removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace.Well, like an adamant Terminator, the content pack is back and ready to roll. 400 MS creds gets you new maps, classes and weapons. Unfortunatley the download pack does not include fun, maybe that's next time!

  • Dark Messiah content hits Live days before release [Update]

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Update: Our original tipster is at it again letting us know that since the release of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements the content that was originally offered for download has now vanished from the Xbox Live Marketplace. We wonder if there was an issue with the content, it dropped too soon or the pricing was wrong. Only time will tell.The upcoming Source engine first-person roleplaying game, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements, is hitting retail shelves on February 12. However, one of our eagle-eyed readers noticed downloadable content was already made available over Xbox Live Marketplace. At a cost of 400MS space-bucks you can add new maps, classes and weapons. While we're all about being proactive here at X3F, we wonder why this content isn't on the disc. We don't imagine the 151MB download would have filled a standard DVD to bursting and considering Dark Messiah was originally released on the PC in 2006, you'd imagine Ubisoft would find the time to toss it on the retail disc.[Thanks, ccc]

  • Dark Messiah: Elements demo hits XBLM

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Nothing like a surprise demo to brighten your day. Scratch that, nothing like a good surprise demo to brighten your day. Today's demo is Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements from Ubisoft. We haven't actually taken it for a spin just yet, so we haven't verified the "good" part of the equation, but we're hopeful. We can confirm that the demo lets players access both single player and multiplayer modes, which is always nice for a demo. For those unfamiliar with the game, it's a very violent fantasy FPS. Check out the trailer after the break and see if it looks like your cup of tea.

  • Dark Messiah: Elements demo drops on Xbox Live

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Usually demo posts are little more than public service announcements, but this one really took us by surprise. After all, the last time we heard anything about Xbox 360's Dark Messiah: Elements, it was due in early September of this year, a goal that, as you've probably noticed, it did not reach. Now, it's come from nowhere with a brand new demo on Xbox Live and a new date: Feb. 5, 2008, if Gamestop can be believed.When it launched on the PC late last year, the reviews were all over the map. But it's been a year since then and we look forward to seeing how it has grown in the intervening 14 months. What's more, the demo features both single and multiplayer campaigns. Give it a spin and let us know what you think in the comments below.

  • Dark Messiah rises on Marketplace

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A new Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Elements video is risen on Xbox Live Marketplace. The video is short and to the point, making sure to emphasize the violent first person combat of the title. There's plenty of slicing, dicing, whacking, and thwacking to be had, and just so you remember that there is both might and magic, a few spells are thrown in for good measure. We imagine most players will get a kick out of telekinetically launching opponents off cliffs. One new tidbit revealed in the trailer: the 360 version of Dark Messiah will have a new multiplayer mode designed by the Splinter Cell team (how will that work? Spies versus orcs?). Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Elements ships September 7.

  • Ubisoft dates Haze, Splinter Cell, Raving Rabbids 2, more [update]

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Ubisoft has revealed the release dates for all of its major 2007 titles, asking the majority of them to form a neat line in November and proceed to remove the contents of your wallet one by one. You're more than welcome to make a fuss about it, but having the sneaky men of Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell: Conviction within grasp of your neck renders such action unwise. A more notable entry in the release schedule (as posted by Eurogamer) is Free Radical's sci-political first-person shooter, Haze, previously described as "leading on PS3" in a display of timed exclusivity: Haze (PS3) -- 23 November Oh, you'll be wanting the release date for the other platforms as well: Haze (Xbox 360, PC) -- 30 November [Update: Oh dear, Ubisoft has removed the Xbox 360 and PC versions of Haze from the current release list. We're waiting to hear back from Ubisoft on the matter.] Other key titles dated after the break include Assassin's Creed, Dark Messiah: Elements, Rayman Raving Rabbids 2, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Splinter Cell: Conviction.

  • 360 to get both Mighty and Magical

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Yet more Ubisoft news today, as Eurogamer discovers that Arkane Studios' Dark Messiah of Might & Magic is headed to the Xbox 360. Powered by Valve's Source engine, the game will be a port of the original PC title, with the additional subtitle, Elements (does every game have to have a subtitle these days?). For those unfamiliar with the game, it is a first-person RPG that's heavy on fantasy action. It's worth noting that the game received decent reviews on the PC, though many complained of lots of bugs. Here's hoping everything is ironed out for the 360 release. See a trailer for the PC version after the break.

  • Dark Messiah blesses Xbox 360, forsakes PS3 and Wii

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    At the ongoing Ubidays event in Paris, Ubisoft has announced a console port of the first-person fantasy title, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. The singular use of "console" should be emphasized, as the Xbox 360 will be the sole recipient of Arkane Studios' Source-powered adventure. Eurogamer reports that Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements will be the same as last year's PC version, with the exception of a clumsy subtitle and new content. Presumably, said content includes technical stability and a framerate that can be taken seriously. A release date has not yet been announced.

  • Metareview - Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    If you're debating whether or not to purchase Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, the extreme range of reviews for the new RPG-shooter may leave you even more confused. A few things to consider: IGN issued their score without reviewing Dark Messiah's multiplayer, and Game Informer didn't seem to experience any of the technical glitches that marred GameSpot's and GameSpy's sessions. If you haven't done so already, you might want to download the demo, then wait a few weeks and see what other customers are saying. Game Informer (93/100) enjoyed the Arx Fatalis-style atmosphere: "The ancillary aspects of the game – exploring Dark Messiah's fantastic world, enjoying the plotline, and simply basking in the great ambiance that Arkane Studios has created – are savory distractions that never get in the way of the core gameplay." IGN (88/100) loved the combat system: "The mix of brute force, spell casting and blade-work work well together. Combined with the ability to lift boxes, barrels, crates and a host of inanimate objects, you're never short of something to hurl or a clever way of inflicting pain." GameSpot (67/100) did not love the combat system: "All told, the game's single-player has its moments but is often really repetitive. It's certainly not bad, but the story never ropes you in, the combat isn't very satisfying, and you never get the feeling that Sareth is growing more powerful as you play." GameSpy (60/100) had issues with just about everything: "Unfortunately, things like shaky enemy AI, meandering and unintuitive level designs, and a paper-thin plot make the game's brilliant moments seem way too infrequent. The biggest inherent problem with Dark Messiah's multiplayer is that all the cool Source physics elements have been gutted from it." See also: Metareview - Heroes of Might and Magic V

  • Win a Dark Messiah PC from Vigor, Logitech

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is now available, and the French publisher has launched a "Gear Up to Win" sweepstakes to promote its new FPS/role-playing adventure. The top prize is a $3,000 Vigor gaming rig outfitted with Logitech's G15 gaming keyboard, G5 mouse, and Z-5500 speakers. Best of all, the system's pimped out with Dark Messiah branding so that orc will be staring at you with his beady little eyes even when you're not playing the game. You have until November 30 to enter online.

  • Ubisoft shares Dark Messiah of M&M with Steam

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Valve has been busy piling up games with hearts of gold in their increasingly popular, and increasingly cramped, Steam bordello. With the recent additions of Introversion's DEFCON and seventeen members of the burgeoning PopCap clan, Steam is really (steaming up/under pressure/on fire). Sure, a little service called Xbox Live ain't doing so poorly, but they're not delivering highly anticipated AAA retail titles yet, so there. Today, Valve announced a deal with Ubisoft to distribute their Source-based, first-person RPG, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic over Steam. More importantly, the release will be simultaneous with the retail release this October. Unlike Half-Life 2, which is distributed digitally over Steam and in stores by EA, Valve does not own this property, they're just the messengers. Ubisoft is acknowledging the demand for digitally distributed AAA content and using the largest platform they can find to promote it. We're still waiting on governement-distributed protein pills and personal submarines, but the third pillar of our future vision is now realized.Check out a video of Dark Messiah, and today's press release, after the break.

  • Dark Messiah web site relaunched

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Ubisoft and Arkane Studios have relaunched the official web site for Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, the upcoming RPG-shooter hybrid set in the fantasy realm best known for its popular strategy series. In addition to a new interactive weapon guide and bestiary, the revamped site lets you play medieval hero and throw down with some of the game's creatures. The mini Flash game is not quite as disturbingly satisfying as EA's Black web site, but it's a nice touch. Dark Messiah ships Oct. 24.

  • Dark Messiah of Might and Magic intro vid

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    The single player demo for Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic has been available for a few days now, and while Joystiq readers have applauded the Source-powered visuals and physics, they are less impressed with the game's AI. This is unfortunate, since both GameSpot and IGN spoke favorably of the gameplay in last month's previews. However, Arkane Studios still has another six weeks to get Dark Messiah into ship shape, and you can voice your concerns at the game's online forum. In the meantime, GameTrailers has posted the CGI intro for your viewing pleasure.

  • Dark Messiah demo now available

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    FilePlanet is now hosting a single player demo of Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, scheduled to ship in October. Weighing in at a hefty 1.4 GB, the action-RPG from Arkane Studios has received high marks from demo users so far. For more information, visit Ubisoft's Dark Messiah demo forum.See also: A pair of Dark Messiah previews

  • A pair of Dark Messiah previews

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    With Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic arriving in two months, GameSpot and IGN have taken the lead in providing extensive previews of the Source-powered FPS-RPG hybrid. Both reviewers had a chance to play the E3 demo and were equally impressed with the efforts of developer Arkane Studios. Messiah appears to be solid in the AI department, while the battle effects and environmental interaction are also pleasing. Multiplayer previews will follow in the next few weeks.See also: Arkane sets up shop in Austin Dark Messiah enemy profiles, new screens Arkane discusses Dark Messiah

  • Arkane sets up shop in Austin

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    French developer Arkane Studios (Arx Fatalis) has announced the opening of a new office in Austin, Texas where they will focus on finishing Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Speaking with GameSpot, Arkane founder Raphael Colantonio mentions Austin's rich developer talent and competitive labor costs as being key factors in their decision to open a second studio. He also hints at a possible MMO in the company's future.

  • Dark Messiah updated screens

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    IGN has posted a dozen new screens from Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, featuring additional profiles of NPCs you will meet in your quest for the Skull of Shadows. The Source-powered FPS/RPG hybrid is due in September.See also: Dark Messiah enemy profiles, new screens Metareview: Heroes of Might and Magic V

  • Dark Messiah enemy profiles, new screens

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Game Informer Online has 24 new screens from Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, which include profiles of a dozen enemies featured in the game. Arkane Studios has done some nice work in the modeling department, but that necromancer on the left bares a striking resemblance to a certain villain from a galaxy far, far away. Must be the turtleneck.See also: Dark Messiah beta registration begins Dark Messiah E3 gameplay video

  • Dark Messiah beta registration begins

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    Ubisoft has launched their beta registration site for Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. If you're a fan of the Elder Scrolls and Thief games, Dark Messiah offers similar first person, fantasy-themed action in one of gaming's most enduring realms. GameSpot also has new screens and artwork.See also: Dark Messiah E3 gameplay video, Arkane discusses Dark Messiah[via RPGPlanet]

  • Dark Messiah E3 gameplay video

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    GameTrailers.com has the E3 gameplay footage of Ubisoft's Dark Messiah of Might & Magic. This FPS/RPG hybrid is developed by Arkane Studios (Arx Fatalis), and uses the Half-Life 2 Source engine. In one of the various combat demonstrations, you'll see the main character go Sub-Zero on an opponent, and then shatter him into a million ice cubes. Then you'll take down a large troll using an impressive arsenal of spells and conventional weapons. Dark Messiah is scheduled for a September release.See also: Arkane discusses Dark Messiah