

  • Wings Over Atreia: Anticipation, part deux

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    A bonding experience. Love ya man, really. Last week's article seems to have struck a nerve. I feel like I know more of you now on a more personal level. And that's not just because I skulk around Atreia spying! The thoughts and comments you have shared have reaffirmed how universal our experiences are; what we think is a slightly unique situation is really just like so many others (OK, maybe not the legionmate who walks around in a duck suit, but others). You know the saying "You are unique dear, just like everyone else." Whether we have Black wings or white, whether we're a PvPer or even a carebear, many of our hopes for Aion are really quite similar. But I digress. As promised, this week I continue with my happy rave (it's better than a rant, yes?) about some of the treats promised us in the upcoming 2.5 patch. And just like I would with a proper dessert, I saved the best for last. Or at least my favorite! This week, we look more in-depth at additional pets, additional instances, and additions to legions. Relive that yearning experienced when anticipating Christmas mornings of yore and join me past the cut to sneak a peek at our hopefully-soon-to-be unwrapped update goodies for Aion.

  • NCsoft reveals juicy details on Aion 2.1, item drop rates substantially increased

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Aion is the lucky recipient of "the single biggest change ever implemented by NCsoft across its entire portfolio of games." Version 2.1 is hitting the Public Test Server (PTS) today, with a launch date for the live shards currently scheduled for November 17th. What's so special about 2.1, you're probably asking? In a nutshell, loot, and lots of it. More specifically, significantly increased drop rates are the order of the day. Now, we've heard the jokes as well. "Significant" means an increase from .01 to .02 percent, right? Wrong, as this time NCsoft means business. Aion's devs have offered up some specific statistics via press release, and you'll want to check out the tables after the cut for all the details. If you've spent much time in the lands of Atreia, you're probably familiar with Beshmundir's Temple and the named bosses contained therein that players often farm for loot. Over a period of 20 Perilous Path Temple runs, testers collected 138 total loot items. Of these, 121 were fabled quality (including wings), and 17 were eternal. Similarly, NCsoft testers cataloged 20 runs through the famed Dark Poeta dungeon, recording all loot items acquired from Spiritmaster Atmach to Brigade General Anuhart. A total of 68 fabled items dropped, which averages out to 3.4 per run. This was also sans the final boss, so the actual numbers will likely be higher. Finally, NCsoft is also gifting players with the new Aion Adventure Guide. According to the press release, the guide will "give players advice on where to find level-appropriate in-game content that will help with progression and reward them with items along the way. Crafted in-game messages and guides let players know where to go to find game content (quests, instances) that help progress them to the next level and give them hints on how to use new areas, such as the Abyss, and systems, such as Stigma Stones to their advantage." Don't forget to fly past the cut for a detailed breakdown of the Beshmundir Temple runs in table format.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Miragent -- the saga continues

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    In past weeks, we delved into the world of max-level armor in NCsoft's Aion, weighing some pros and cons of the different sets, and you have trotted along with me as I began a mad dash for Miragent armor. Well, it began as a dash (yay for the first quest!), but it was interrupted by stops and starts (the second quest). I have successfully acquired the first two pieces of this set. Now, the question is -- can I make it any further? The ultimate grind is the next step, followed by the craft from which nightmares are formed. This week, we chronicle the next lap of the race, our pace slowing to a steady gait during quest number three, then finally picking up speed near the end and sprinting onward toward the fourth. As many players from both factions can attest, just about the single most frustrating thing about Aion has got to be the Miragent/Fenris armor quest-lines. While it is hard to ignore the bonuses and stats on these two sets, can the end really justify the means for most Daeva? Is it truly worth it? Any time I pop into the Dredgion, the answer is clear -- it is. Nothing makes the team groan more than a full-Fenris group. Well, save for half being all +10 enchanted! So with an eye on that ultimate prize, I -- like many Daeva before, and many Daeva to come -- continue forward with determination and the hope of ultimate glory. OK, so we would settle for the matching set and just being finished! Jog past the cut to follow the next step in our journey towards a complete set of Miragent armor.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Going for the gold -- crafting

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Last week, we first dipped into the realm of max-level gold armor in Aion by exploring Anuhart and PvP armor sets. This week, we will look at what is available on the crafted market, as well as prepare to begin the journey of the Miragent quest line (sorry folks, but it will be quite a while before my new little Asmodian can follow along and chronicle the Fenris quest line). If you have the (mis)fortune to need or want one of these two sets more than anything – and we really do mean anything -- you could be in for a long, arduous, and expensive journey. But no pain, no gain... right? Trust me, now is the time to take advantage of any extremely wealthy and generous friends who are begging you to take their kinah. Or, find and cultivate a kinah tree somewhere in Atreia. Short of that -- save, save, and save! Then save some more, and cross your fingers for some good drops to sell. Hold on to your kinah while you can, then join me past the break to see where it will soon be going should you desire crafted gold gear.

  • Wings Over Atreia: Going for the gold

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    You did it. After dodging gank squads, hooking up to an IV on double XP weekends, and wearing out your mouse (true story, a legion-mate had to replace his!), you finally hit level 50 in Aion. Amid the fanfare in your mind and the "gratzes" you receive from friends, you can now sit back and relax, reveling in your accomplishment... OK done. That's right, after maybe two deep breaths, a smile, and 3.5 seconds, you are probably now looking ahead to the real big grind (especially if you were like me and just happened into the level without really thinking ahead) -- gear. Yes, maximum level in Aion doesn't mean much if you are still wearing quest blues from pre-Xeno. Gold is armor of choice, and having anything less can be a distinct disadvantage. Today we begin a journey looking into gearing-up for the current max level (at least until 2.0 launches September 7th). There are actually multiple options available for getting that shiny (and glowing) gear, but each set has its own price tag in money, time, and -- admittedly at times -- frustration; depending on which gear you focus on, the amount you pay in each category will vary, but it will be significant no matter which you choose. For those who focused on fast leveling, or simply did not know to plan ahead (yours truly), our work is cut out for us. However, for those who are not yet level 50, I cannot stress enough that the sooner you begin your preparations, the better. Depending on your preferred set, save materials, scour the broker for deals, grind AP, or make kinah, kinah, and more kinah. Because you are going to need it. This series of articles will give you some insights to help you plan ahead and be ready for that magical moment you ding. Join me past the cut to see where you should focus your energies.