

  • Insane Spider-Man DDR dance routine

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    What do you get when you mix a DDR machine with the plot of Spider-Man? A very entertaining performance, that's what. Watch as Bruce Leroy performs Peter Parker's transformation into Spider-Man -- complete with camera and "spidey sense" -- through the medium of Dance Dance Revolution. We agree with our tipster: the best part is when the crowd suddenly realizes what hell he's doing. [Thanks, Fallon]

  • "Resting thumbs" redux: exergaming roundup

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    We recently brought you news of an ad campaign with the slogan "Give your thumbs a rest", and this timely article by Killer Betties is an excellent port of call for anyone wishing to do so while still playing video games.Thanks to gaming, it's easy to find exercise that is both fun and continually rewarding, without battling the elements or paying for expensive gym memberships. Fitness and gaming are becoming unlikely bedfellows thanks to sophisticated gym machines and programs like Yourself! Fitness; the article also looks at popular options like DDR and Donkey Konga which can be surprisingly good for you.