

  • Andrew Tarantola / Engadget

    Have robots roll your joints and infuse your budder this High Stoner Holiday

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Ugh, when did getting stoned become so much work? Back in my day, there was one kind of weed: whatever strain your dealer had in stock. And there were only three ways to enjoy it: through a perforated apple, rolled up in a crude approximation of a joint, or out of a brass pipe you had a homeless guy buy for you on Haight Street. (Thanks again, Igloo!) Never did I have to worry about whether I had the right kind of charging cable or port adapter, only whether my BIC lighter still had gas. Now I've got to consider indicas vs sativas, THC vs CBD, and whether I want to smoke, vape, sublimate, eat or drink my weed. It's all getting to be just a bit much. That's why this 4/20, I'm going back to basics. I'm going to roll a couple monster joints and eat as much weed butter-smeared sourdough toast as my belly will hold. Of course that doesn't mean I'm going old school all the way and doing this all by hand. Here are the gadgets I'll be using to stoner-proof the process.