

  • Sharkrunners fans our passion ... for sharks

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Whether you think that sharks are heartless killing machines with unmatched power and appetite or destructive, vicious beasts, the sole creature God fashioned while listening to speed metal, you've got to admit that they. are. rad. The way we see it, Discovery Channel's Shark Week is really the best reason to have cable, because it reminds you that no matter what you're thinking about the moment, sharks have one thing on their mind: Eating you.Now that the week to end all others has come to an end, it's become harder to keep our thirst for sharks in check, so you can imagine how grateful we were to find Sharkrunners, a free, online game that casts you as a researcher tooling around the Pacific Ocean looking for sharks. It was made by area/code, which you may remember from their location-based piracy game, Plundr.The interesting thing is that the sharks you're following are real, and their locations are provided by real-world telemetry data. So when you find a great white in the game, you can know that its an actual shark that would like nothing more than to bite you in half. Sort of makes rumble seem last-gen, doesn't it?

  • Free Shark Week & Unlock Xbox downloads

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    We advise US Xbox Live members to swim on over to the XBLM to download a few newly free themes and gamer pictures. Discovery Channel is celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Shark Week by giving away a (somewhat bland) shark theme and a set of shark gamer pictures. And what more can we say, they're sharky? But if you hate sharks or just like Doritos, then you'll be pleased to know that there is also a free Unlock Xbox inspired theme and gamer picture set available too.And allow us to vent a little here and point out that the Unlock Xbox theme bothers the heck out of us. Why? Because the background colors don't match the freakin' blade colors! It looks like the designers tried to match the colors, but got sort of confused by the time they painted the media blade. Hey theme makers, is it that hard to match a few colors? End rant.Read - Free Shark Week downloadsRead - Free Unlock Xbox downloads

  • Discovery Channel added to US iTMS

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Today, the Discovery Channel has added a slew of shows to the iTunes Music Store, including the great Mythbusters [iTunes link], plus shows from Discovery Health [iTunes link], Discovery Kids [iTunes link] and The Travel Channel [iTunes link]. I'm glad about it, as most of the shows I watch are on cable.