

  • HDTV Listings for March 3, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: NBC finally dug out from the Olympic blizzard and realized that while "Las Vegas" is a good show, it can't compete with the likes of "24" on Monday nights. Tonight Ed, Mike, Danny and those lovely Vegas ladies begin their Friday night run; hopefully the gamble pays off because I really missed watching them once "24" started up. Catch the 1080i show tonight at 9 on NBC.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 2, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Every once in while do you get the urge to watch a marginal program just because it looks good in high-def? Until everything is available in 1080p, we still will too, and tonight is one of those nights. Was "The Chronicles of Riddick" a 2004 box-office smash? No. Was it another comic-book-y sci-fi wanna be? Yes. Do we expect it to look good in 1080i tonight at 7 p.m. on HBO-HD? You betcha, and that's why we'll be watching Vin Diesel tonight.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 1, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: It's rare to see a comedy classic in 1080i, so we're taking the opportunity tonight. HDNet is broadcasting 1980's "Caddyshack" at 8:15 p.m., so we're grabbing our golf clubs and heading to the HDTV. In case you missed it last week, TNT-HD is repeating "Armageddon" in 1080i at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. Wow, what are the odds of a giant asteroid hitting the Earth twice in one night?Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 28, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: We're in the "American Idol" homestretch of sorts as tonight is the moment of truth for the ten female semi-finalists. We use the term "homestretch" loosely because Idol just seems to drag on and on, no? Catch the songbirds at 8 p.m. on Fox in 720p. If you're already Idol'd out, you can skip over to CBS for "NCIS" instead since that's a new ep. We like this show in the 1080i format at 8 p.m. as visually, it often competes with "CSI", but tends to be a bit funnier.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 27, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: The Jack Bauer Power Hour continues in full effect, and you never know who you might see. Predictions: Jack shoots someone, is shot at, asks someone a question then repeats it again only louder, still continues  to go 24 hour periods without sleeping eating or using a restroom. I didn't watch the first few seasons of this show, but picked it up this year and have been pleasantly surprised, it is very entertaining. One has to wonder how much stuff can happen to one guy, or when terrorists will finally figure out they should stay away from Jack Bauer, perhaps by reading Jack Bauer facts.If terrorist-killing isn't your cup-o-tea, there is always college basketball on ESPN. Sports fan that I am, I don't really follow college games until tournament time, I'm sure someone is on the bubble somewhere and that if the home team wins, the court will be stormed. Gotta love it.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 26, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: There's plenty of sports action in high-def and it's not just the same-old, same-old. Two of the top three college hoops teams take each other on at 2 p.m. on CBS in 1080i. Villanova scratched their way to an upset by defeating then-number one U.Conn a few weeks ago, and it's time for a rematch in New England. This could be a preview of next month's Final Four and should be an outstanding game. NASCAR takes to the track in Fontana, California for the Auto Club 500 at 3:30 p.m. on Fox in 720p. After the sun goes down, be bid arrivederci to Turin, Italy and the 2006 Olympic Winter games with the closing ceremonies on NBC in 1080i at 8 p.m.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 25, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: What can we say: we'd rather have good special effects in high-def over a decent plot. That means it's "Armageddon" for us on TNT-HD in 1080i at 8 p.m.; here's hoping it really is 1080i and not some super-stretch version. The 1998 movie had a semi-predictable plot, but Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck and the rest of the oil rig characters make up for it, plus it never hurts to have Liv Tyler in a flick. With the Olympics almost over, you may want to pass on the soft sci-fi and get your fill of the Winter Games in 1080i on NBC starting at the same time.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 24, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Gee, Fox is starting the "24" repeats already. Unfortunately, they're no good to anyone unless you've seen the previous six or seven episodes this season, so we'll skip 'em. Instead, we'll settle down for an high-def double-header with the family. Hit HBO-HD at 6:45 p.m. with the kidlets for "Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed" in 1080i. Hey, they watch your shows, so you can deal with a little Scooby-Doo, right?Immediately following that, rush the kids up to bed and stick with HBO-HD for "Independence Day" at 9 p.m. Sure, we've all seen it before, but when the White House is utterly demolished in 1080i, doesn't it look like you can count the individual pieces of rubble? There's 173,289 of 'em, so don't bother. Now you know what we do in our off time.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 23, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: "Hide and Seek" didn't get rave reviews when it hit theaters last year, but we haven't seen it, so we'll give it a shot. Our alternatives are slim and none unless we can tolerate more Olympics on NBC at 8 p.m. or reruns on the other broadcast networks. HBO-HD is airing "Hide and Seek" at 9 p.m. in 1080i and while there some decent players in the cast (Robert De Niro, Dakota Fanning, Elizabeth Shue, Amy Irving and Famke Jannsen), we'll be searching to see if they can carry the plot.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 22, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: It's time for the 12 guys on "American Idol" to show their stuff at 8 p.m. Last night, Randy Jackson thought that a male Idol would be crowned; after watching the women last night, we're not so sure: there seems to be more girls with talent than guys with talent in the final two dozen. Tune in to Fox for Idol in 720p. If the first hour doesn't grab you, you can still get sucked into the "Lost" phenomenon at 9 p.m. on ABC. The two-hour pilot episode is airing (again) tonight in 720p; be prepared to invest an hour of your life every week going forward if you dare.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 21, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: We saw the Consumer Electronics Show 2006 with our own two eyes (four eyes for me with the glasses), but now you can see the show highlights in high-def at 6:30 p.m. HDNet airs "What's Kewl at CES 2006" tonight in 1080i. We'll record it just in case any of us were caught with our tongues hanging out over the SED sets. After the CES showing, there's time to catch the Olympics on NBC at 8 p.m. in 1080i or an NCAA doubleheader on ESPN-HD starting at 7 p.m. in 720p. Illinois motors to Michigan in the first tip, while the tide rolls in as Alabama takes on Arkansas for the second game.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 20, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Skiing, ski-jumping and ice-dancing medals get awarded tonight, with all of the Olympic action starting at 8 p.m. on NBC in 1080i. For movie buffs, you get a chance to catch James Dean in his last movie. "Giant" from 1956 won a Best Director Oscar for George Stevens and stars famous names like Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, and even a young Dennis Hopper along with Dean. Tune in at 6:05 p.m. on HDNet Movies for the 1080i presentation of this Texas-sized epic. You'll still have some time to see some Olympic medal events after the flick.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • SkyHD clips available including National Geographic HD

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    Yes, we have Discovery-HD, but we're green with envy since Sky will be offering National Geographic HD to it's UK subscribers when it launches in the next month or two. If you're at all interested in what Sky will be offering, they have four high-def videos available for download; two are rugby-related and two are content from the new National Geographic HD channel. You'll need Windows Media Player 10 as well as a PC running Windows XP with a 3.0 GHz CPU, 512 MB of RAM, and a graphics card with 128 MB as well. Oh, a solid display would come in handy too.To download and view the clips, visit Sky's site, click the "Explore Sky" Link followed by the "More to Explore" link.[via HDTV UK]

  • HDTV Listings for February 19, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Even though Richard is right and this is one of the best sports weekends for HDTV, I need to break away from the sports for a bit. Tonight at 9 p.m., I'll be catching the Governator himself on CBS. Arnold is back in 2003's "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" in 1080i, where the storyline picks up ten years after the prior movie. Of course, why do any of us care when the story takes place since the main characters all ebb and flow via time travel anyway?Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 18, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: All of the Olympic hype almost caused us to forget the NBA All-Star Weekend in Houston. Tonight at 8:30, TNT-HD carries the contesting of the Slam Dunk Contest, the Three-Point shootout, the Skills Challenge and more in 1080i. Now that TNT-HD is carried by DIRECTV, even more folks will get to see the NBA in high-def (or in a super-stretch version). Not into basketball or the Winter Games? Why not retire to a warm climate just as Tom Hanks did unintentionally for four years. Catch Hanks in "Cast Away" at 8 p.m. on ABC in 720p.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 17, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: We'll be checking in on Ben Affleck tonight at 7 p.m., but his character in "Paycheck" wouldn't remember that if we told him. In this 2003 action thriller directed by John Woo, Affleck's character tries to reconstruct his memory after it was apparently erased. We don't remember this as a box-office smash, but the 1080i feed from Showtime-HD is worth a view.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 16, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: There are some good gold-medal finals on tonight, so we'll cut the networks some slack for their repeats or HD no-shows (that means you Fox). We'll tune in to Torino for medal matchups in men's figure skating, snowboarding, team pursuit speedskating and women's skeleton, even though that event still gives us the shivers. Grab a blanket, some mittens and a hat to join us for the Olympics on NBC at 8 p.m. in 1080i or some other funky converted format thanks to your local programming provider.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 15, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: episode of "Lost" on ABC or the third night in a row of the "Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show" on Universal-HD at 7 p.m. (and then yet again at 10 p.m.)? I'm thinking we'll go with "Lost" at 9 p.m. in 720p. What, you don't want to watch prancing puppies or prolific plots? No problem, because you won't see either of those in "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" on HBO-HD at 8 p.m. in 1080i. Of course, if you record the 2004 movie on a WMCE device, you might not get to see it at all.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for February 14, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Heck with the Academy Awards, how about watching a movie that won three MTV Movie Awards? "Napoleon Dynamite" hits HBO-HD in 1080i this evening at 7:15 p.m. which still gives you time to catch some HD coverage of the Winter Olympic games on NBC afterward. The quirky-funny Dynamite focuses on comical characters in a small high-school setting and was a surprise hit in 2004.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings: February 13, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: If you're all tapped out on the  Winter Olympic games already, there are two great NCAA basketball games on ESPN-HD. The first tip is at 7 p.m. and features Connecticut traveling to Philly for a battle with the Villanova Wildcats. Immediately following that game, the Jayhawks of Kansas head south to visit Oklahoma State at 9 p.m. Both games are in 720p, which actually might be better than the 1080i Olympic feeds, no? Our traditional high-def listings continue below.