

  • HDTV Listings for March 26, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: No new Grey's Anatomy? Nooooo. Where will we get our soap operatic exploits of doctors in 720p? Until General Hospital upgrades to HD and ER becomes the show that it was 10 years ago, nowhere would be the appropriate answer. In it's stead we will accept warmed over episodes of CSI (after watching The Evidence, we appreciate this show much more) and Pistons vs. Nets on ESPN. I went to a couple Pistons games this week and after several overpriced beers experienced considerable compression issues and artifacting, real life isn't all it's made out to be.I haven't seen tonight's episode of Rides before, where four teams of designers take a crack at the Chevy HHR, so that will get at least a look as well.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 25, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: And thenthere were 8. March Madness moves on today on CBS (has anyone else noticed that ESPN's 720p broadcast of the Women's Tournament looks better and has much less pixelation than CBS's broadcast?). More basketball, more grown men crying on the court (Adam Morisson we're talking about you)For the "What I Like About You" and "Living With Fran" fans season finales are tonight, but we'll be checking out "The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh" at 11 on INHD2.Our traditional high-def listings continue below

  • HDTV Listings for March 24, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: Bracketology continues to evolve before our eyes, after the stunning falls of Gonzaga and Duke last night, George Mason looks to continue their improbable run against Wichita State, while Florida matches up with Georgetown. Villanova and Uconn also look to crush Cinderella's dreams tonight.The premiere episode of Heist is showing again tonight, and maybe it will all be in high definition this time. We'll probably be checking out The Roots Present at 9 on INHD2, their live show is not to be missed.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 23, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: March Madness continues tonight in high definition on CBS, so thats where we will be. Duke vs. LSU and UCLA vs. Gonzaga are the matchups I want to see the most. New episodes of Four Kings (which is on it's way out and has been replaced by a repeat of Earl), My Name is Earl, and Everybody Hates Chris should sate the need for comedy, and while The Office is a repeat, the "Health Care" episode is hilarious.Awww who am I kidding, you guys know its all about the figure skating championships on ESPN tonight. Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 22, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: It seems to be premiere night tonight, with Heist and The Evidence kicking off on NBC and ABC, respectively. The only thing we like more than terrorist beatdowns is stealing stuff, so Heist seems like a natural pick. The Evidence is also a crime show that attempts to capitalize on all the CSI-style hype by starting off each episode showing all "The Evidence" in a videotaped log (get it?).Ahhh, who are we kidding, if it's Wednesday and a new Lost episode is on, you know what we're watching.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 21

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: Can The Unit satisfy our need for Terrorist Tookas-kicking on Tuesdays? Since 24 just isn't enough, we'll check in again this week to see if The President of the United States special ops agent Dennis Haysbert has what it takes. Otherwise it will be a back-to-back episode of Sons & Daughters on ABC, of course if NBC stepped up to the plate and satisfied with 1080i episodes of Scrubs, there would truly be no dilemma.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 20, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: It's the Jack Bauer Power Hour again on Fox at 9 pm, but even before the new White Jesus returns to top his thrilling "walk through room filled with nerve gas" from last week, our old friend Prison Break returns tonight. Now I don't watch this show much because the inside of a prison just isn't my ideal use of stunning high definition, but if you can get past that it's pretty good.Since the NCAA tourney is taking a break (Go George Mason!), tonight the premiere sporting event is the championship game of the World Baseball Classic between Japan and Cuba at 9 p.m.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 19, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: Shaquille and The Flash arrive to take a bite out of the Big Apple tonight on ESPN-HD. Dwyane Wade has become one of my favorite NBA players (outside of Darko Milicic) and even after a full day of NCAA Tournament action on CBS we're still up for more basketball. That's going to make it tough to tune into both The Sopranos and Grey's Anatomy at 9, but we'll figure something out.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 18, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: College basketball continues on CBS, and it might be in HD, might not (thanks again Sofseth!). Of course there's always Creepy Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense on ABC, but if you haven't seen this movie by now or had the ending ruined for you, one must question why you would still watch.Even though the US has been eliminated, the World Baseball Classic continues on ESPN-HD in the always nice 720p broadcast.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 17, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: If you're not watching your bracket fall apart before your eyes on CBS (Winthrop, we were sooo clooose), theres a new episode of Las Vegas on tonight, followed by Conviction. Hey, maybe they'll throw Lara Flynn Boyle off a rooftop (again).If thats not your speed, there's always Chronicles of Riddick on HBO at 8 p.m., but playing the game in 480p may be more enjoyable for some.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 16, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: March Madness has begun and it's one of the best displays of high-definition television there is. Tune in for tip-offs tonight at 8 p.m. on CBS in 1080i where you'll see games from Greensboro, Jacksonville, Salt Lake City and San Diego. Since we're so early in the tourney, here's your chance to not only catch the first round in high-def, but to make your Final Four predictions in our comments!Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 15, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Tonight is sort of up in the air; there's nothing really grabbing our interest. We could really go out on a limb and catch "Tour de Gorge: World Meatball Eating Championship" at 8 p.m. on INHD in 1080i, but that's a bit extreme. "American Idol" loses one of the dozen tonight at 9 p.m. on Fox in 720p, but we're growing weary of the seemingly never ending competition. Several other shows like "Criminal Minds", "CSI: NY", "Lost", and "Law & Order" are repeats. Maybe it's time to pop a DVD into the upconverter?Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 14, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Was is just us or did "The Unit" kick some major terrorist tookas last week in the pilot episode? Actually, TVSquad isn't impressed just yet, so let's all give it another chance; tune in to CBS at 9 p.m. to see these characters exude confidence in 1080i. Just so we don't play faves with the government-action-suspense-thrillers, you can watch the other thriller tonight at 8 p.m. We don't mean NCIS (which is actually a good show as well), we're talking about tonight's Stevie Wonder theme on "American Idol" in 720p on Fox. While we're still voting for "The Unit", we can spare a few minutes to vote for some of the Idol talent too.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 13, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: She'll always be Elaine Bennis Benes to us, but tonight Julia Louis-Dreyfus stars as the old new character on "The New Adventures of the Old Christine". The CBS premiere fires up at 8:30 p.m. with a new follow-up episode at 9:30 p.m. in 1080i. Actually, the premiere has to be stellar for us to catch ep number two, since it conflicts with "24" on Fox at 9 p.m. in 720p. You really don't expect us to record "24", do you?Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 12, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Yo buddy. Whatsamatta you? You been missin' "The Sopranos", ain't ya? Whaddya mean, what's "The Sopranos"? Don't gimme that dumb look or I might have to tell Big Tony you just said that. You just do yourself a favor and sit yourself down at 9 p.m. tonight, you know what I'm sayin'? That's right, the show is back in 1080i on HBO-HD and you don't want to miss the sixth season, got it? You miss this one and you'll wake up the bottom of the Hudson, see? If you think you can record the show and watch it later, don't. We're on to that DVR thing and we know if you watch the show live, so make sure you do wiseguy. Any questions? Nah, we thought not.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 10, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: It's Friday night movie night with at least two good choices. "Saving Private Ryan" fires off at 8 p.m. on TNT-HD in 1080i. For those that missed "Caddyshack" in 1080i a week ago, you all get a second chance tonight at 10:15 on HDNet Movies. Last but not leaked least is "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" also in 1080i on Showtime-HD at 7:30 p.m. Take your pick!Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 8, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Let the early symptoms of the disease known as "March Madness" begin! ESPN-HD has a Big East Basketball doubleheader in 720p starting at 7 p.m. tonight. First up: Rutgers vs. Seton Hall at Madison Round Garden. Tip number two is Louisville vs. Pittsburgh at 9 p.m. Don't forget, the winner of every conference makes it to the big dance starting soon. Personally, NCAA Basketball was one of the first (if not the first) high-definition programs I've ever seen. Sniff, sniff. I need a tissue after that tidbit of nostalgia.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 7, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: What a country! You can go from being the President of the United States to an Allstate front man to a U.S. Special Forces commander all in a single acting career. We're talking about Dennis Haysbert, who would actually get our vote if he really did run for President; what a decision-maker! Haysbert kicks off the premiere of "The Unit" tonight on CBS in 1080i at 9 p.m. This looks like another high-action thriller series but has the twist of also encompassing the wives of the Special Forces personnel. We'll call it "24 Desperate Housewives" for now. We're also intrigued by tonight's ep of "House" airing in 720p on Fox at the same time. If we interpreted the previews right, a dead woman must be cured of something so that her organs can be used to save someone needing an immediate transplant. Looks like we'll have to record one of the two shows, but which will it be?Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 6, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: We hate picking the same show every Monday, but let's get real: when you have back-to-back eps of "24" on Fox, how can you pass that up? The first episode must not be that violent for two reasons. First off, it's on at 8 p.m. and some of the kids haven't hit the sack yet. Second, the episode takes place between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., so there must be some time off for dinner, right? Seriously, when do these characters ever eat or hit the bathroom?If you haven't been sucked in to "24" on Monday nights, we'll offer up her Halle-ness at 9 p.m. in "Catwoman" on HBO-HD in 1080i, more for the visual effects than the plot. Regardless of what you watch in the early evening, we have to recommend "Return to Flight HD: The Inside Story" at either 8 p.m. or 11 p.m. on Discovery-HD. Walter Cronkite hosts this 1080i look at the Space Shuttle Discovery and STS-114.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for March 4, 2006

    Kevin C. Tofel
    Kevin C. Tofel

    What we're watching: Personally, I was peeved to see "A Beautiful Mind" win Best Picture of "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring", but then after watching it, I can see why it took the Oscar. You can see it too, since it's on tonight at 8 p.m. in 720p on ABC. If it doesn't grab you, how about a key ACC basketball matchup between North Carolina and Duke at 9 p.m. on ESPN-HD in 720p? If a scary thriller is more yo' thing, CBS has your back with "Panic Room" in 1080i at 8. Looking through the listings, this is one of those nights where there's some high-def for everyone. Enjoy!Our traditional high-def listings continue below.