diy projector


  • DIY HD projector hits the right note, sub-€500 price range

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's really hard to say how much of a value this DIY HD projector is, given we're missing some crucial specs like resolution (gotta be at least 720p, right?), contrast ratio, and luminosity. Still, at €500 (about $708 US) for the whole kit, it's not a bad deal if you planned on spending your weekend doing projects anyway. All the pieces come in four separate bundles -- HD optic, light, housing, and electronics -- and if you need some handholding (it's okay, so do we), there's a German-language instruction manual that's thankfully full of pictures and diagrams, and even more entertaining, we've got a video / picture slideshow of the process done to a playful techno ditty. Check it out after the break.Update: Yup, it's 1280x768.[Via Slashgear, thanks Gary K.]Read - DIY HD projector kitRead - Instruction manual

  • How-To: Build your own HD projector (Part 4)

    Will O'Brien
    Will O'Brien

    The buzz of powertools and the smell of sawdust is rising as we get to work on making our own HD projector. We went shopping in part 1, LCD gutting in part 2, and discussed design considerations in part 3. In today's How-To we're finally building the housing for our projector, also known as the fun part.