

  • BBC's new gaming venture is kids MMO

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We brought word yesterday of a "major move" by the BBC into gaming, news that was quickly denied by the Beeb. It's a good thing, too, because the exact opposite thing is true. The BBC is actually making it's major move for minors, with the release of a new MMO for kids called, you guessed it, Tronji. The game, based on an upcoming kids show, is being developed by a company called Nice Tech. Their development process, which updates playable builds for those working on the game weekly, is apparently what all the fuss was about. You can read more about the way they work here, if you like, we're a little too busy burning the "World of Doctor Whocraft Addict" T-shirts we had made up yesterday.

  • Dalek Webcam

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    Yesterday, I posted about the Tardis USB Hub. Today, I bring you another essential Mac peripheral, the Dalek Webcam. Like the Tardis hub, the webcam is made by Wesco Products, which seems to have a Doctor Who license from the BBC. They also manufacturer a Dalek USB Flash Memory Stick. As many of you found out yesterday, does not ship electronics to the US. What a shame. If you do not live in the UK, and you cannot live without Who accessorizing, it looks like eBay UK may be your best bet for purchase. Make sure to contact the seller before placing your bid to ensure that the item can ship to the US.

  • My Mac needs a Tardis

    Erica Sadun
    Erica Sadun

    The boys at BoingBoing stumble across so many wonderful things--and today they've topped themselves again. A Tardis-shaped USB hub. I want one. No, I need one. Not just for me, but for my Mac. Because I'm unselfish like that. Call me a geek, call me a nerd, whatever. The Tardis-hub has 4 ports and it goes vwooorp-vwooorp when you plug in a device. Can technology get any better than that? I think not. It's theoretically for sale over at Firebox, but the page says it's currently unavailable. Nothing, of course, that a little space-time manipulation can't solve. If US purchasers don't mind ordering overseas, it's available at Amazon UK (for £14.99), Forbidden Planet,, and so forth.