

  • Researchers catch a whiff of "aroma fingerprints"

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While we've already seen just how savvy dogs are at scouting out cellphones, researchers around the globe have teamed up to find out how pups distinguish the aromas that each individual emits, and the result is a highly influential electronic nose. Now if the boys in blue can't track you down via fingerprint, EEG signatures, or just looking at those guilt-filled eyes, it looks like your "aroma fingerprint" just might find you out anyway. The team has uncovered that each human has at least 44 chemical compounds in their odors that can be distinguished, and aside from assisting in identification, can be used in forensic studies to determine true causes behind crimes, deaths, or other misdemeanors. It's even stated that this new technique can assist officials in learning about one's "gender, lifestyle, whether or not they smoke, recent meals, and stress levels." Of course, criminals could be shaking in their boots, but until the scientists find a way to sniff through "deodorant and perfume," we can't exactly count on this being reliable.[Via Spluch]

  • Doggy Pedometer ushers in new era of dog training

    Josh Fruhlinger
    Josh Fruhlinger

    Sometimes all we can do is tell you about a product and leave it as is. In this case, Yamasa Tokei delivers the canine accessory for which all jogging dog owners have been pining -- the Doggy Pedometer. Tripling as a dog tag, timer, and pedometer, this little gadget has several uses outside of the obvious. Say Scrapps runs away and you want to know how far he went. Or you don't have a pedometer yourself and go jogging with the dog all the time. Or you're a concerned pet owner and want to make sure Scrapps is exercising and running about in the back yard when you're away. Maybe you're a jealous spouse and want to see if your husband is running farther than he says. Perhaps you're an architect and you want to use Scrapper-do to measure long distances. Stop us now.

  • Guangzhou crime dog "trained" to swipe cellphones

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Alright, so we're taking this one at face value, but according to an admittedly weird report in Asia, Guangzhou residents should be on the lookout for a clever pup who looks mighty innocent, but is reportedly a "hardened criminal." After locating the dog in a Panyu District home, the owner was surprised to see the mysterious creature cease playing with his daughter, dart over to his cellphone, and make a break for the exit. According to local police, it's becoming somewhat common to see "thieves training canines" to sneak into homes and swipe cellphones for crooks to resell. While it would certainly be easy to brush this off as completely ludicrous, the idea actually isn't that far-fetched, as an English Springer Spaniel is already on patrol in UK prisons sniffing out and retrieving mobiles that were brought into the jails without consent. So if you're strolling through Guangzhou, make sure that cellie is well covered, cool?[Via Textually]

  • Bio-Sense concocts bark-sensing alarm system: meet Doguard

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We doubt inmates get the luxury of catching the latest episodes of Prison Break while under lock and key, but we also doubt they'd need a pre-fabbed drama to instill such thoughts in their brain. Bio-Sense Technologies has reportedly harnessed the power of software that "interprets barking" in order to alert humans sooner to when danger is approaching or something has gone awry. In tests performed by the firm, they found that in 350 various dogs, they all possessed a distinctive "alarm bark" that differed from any other yelp, and this distinction allows for an alarm system to be triggered whenever a canine unleashes said sound. Marketed primarily towards prisons and supply yards where intruders may often wander, the "Doguard" security system has been fairly successful since being installed in a high-security Israeli jail, and just a few false alarms have been set off thus far. Further improvements could actually monitor the dog's heart rate to further substantiate a true threat, and while the system can work when Rover's rolling solo, having multiple pups on guard tends to increase effectiveness. While we're not sure if these howling systems will ever make it into American joints, we hope none of you have to personally find out, anyway.

  • Pets get confused by video games

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Over the holiday there is a cute little dachshund staying at my place. He's pretty old now, but dog-sitting when he was younger caused me to change gaming habits to accommodate. For example, any games with dogs or cats in them (or similar animal sounds e.g. Final Fantasy) would cause him to flip out. The same holds true for a cairn terrier I dog-sit. While playing Zelda: Twilight Princess the dachshund didn't go all out like the dog in the video above, but he did perk his head up and looked around feverishly to see what was going on. Any humorous animal stories out there? Have a cat that flips out with the Wii pointer on the screen? Do you also have a dog who howls along like he's wolf Link? After the break see how not to treat your pets -- nobody likes to get yelled at, not even Nintendogs.

  • Xbox 360 not so popular in Japan, but dogs seem to like it just fine

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    So, the word on the street is that is that Blue Dragon -- Microsoft's desparate and 'spensive attempt at Japanese RPG cred which was released on Thursday -- has done pretty well for itself, but there's still no getting around the fact that in general the Xbox 360 hasn't exactly sold like gangbusters in Japan. However, the 360 has seen a much warmer welcome in the US and A, with its broad appeal apparently reaching all the way to our canine companions. At least that's what Ben Ackerman discovered when the Xbox 360 he sold on eBay got returned to him, after being half devoured by a dog. Apparently the UPS man dropped off the 360 on the recipient's back porch, home to a 360 fandog of sorts, which proceeded to tear apart the package and thoroughly enjoy its contents. The dog's owner was able to collect insurance from UPS for shipment, so the Xbox got kicked back to Ben, who thinks he can salvage the console with a new power brick and controller. More pics after the break.[Via Digg]

  • Nike+ iPod not just for humans

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    Ah, the things you can find on Craigslist, the world's most popular online classifieds. For example, postings about dog walkers are pretty normal fare on any big city's Craiglist section. However, how about a dog runner? This person claims that he can exercise your dog for you, but you don't have to take his word for it. Each of the dogs will be equipped with a Nike + iPod sports kit to track their progress.No word on what kind of sneakers the dogs will be wearing.Thanks, Jason.

  • Trained dog sniffs out cellphones in prison

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Sure, you've got options when it comes to keeping track of your meandering canine, but Mel Barker of the Norwich prison is turning the tables on who gets called master. Aside from the ridiculous amount of gadget theft (and subsequent injuries) already occurring in the UK, the smuggling of cellphones behind closed bars is apparently quite an epidemic. With transport vehicles ranging from hollowed out cheese wheels to underhanded cops, Barker resorted to training a 15-month old English Springer Spaniel (Murphy) to hunt down illicit mobiles before the wrong (or right, depending on perspective) people received an unexpected call. The pup has his work cut out for him, however, as over 60 phones have been confiscated from prisoners during the past year, and the demand is presumably still on the rise -- but considering his uncanny ability to detect "scents unique to mobile phones," we're sure Murphy will have it all sniffed out real soon.[Via Textually]

  • Lovely puppies are no Nintendogs

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It looks like Nintendogs is about to see some competition in the cutesy puppy gaming market this fall. However, the new title, A Lovely Puppy, seems more mini-game heavy, unlike the gotta-play approach that Nintendogs takes. All the same elements are there -- feeding, training, playing -- but these puppies want to make sure you can solve puzzles, too. Also, instead of photorealism, the Lovely Puppy game utilizes a soft, pastel 2D style reminiscent of another upcoming game, Love Love Hamster. A Lovely Puppy features 18 dog types out of the box, and you can even choose the type of coat. It's nice to see a different approach rather than a direct clone. Though we have very few details right now, we think this is one title that will eventually see a worldwide release. No one can resist the power of the puppy. Check out some other screens after the jump.

  • The self replenishing doggie toilet bowl

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    It's probably way old and maybe even a little gauche for some, but c'mon, look at how happy that damned dog is licking the water from his toilet bowl. Don't all dogs deserve to be that overjoyed? We'd recommend you don't leave the seat cover down but it looks like it doesn't have one, so instead you'll just have to fret about whether this will teach your dog that it's cool to lap from the dirty ponds in your home.[Thanks, Jason]

  • Pet Loo: backyard in a box for an apartment-bound Fido

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    As much as your dog might enjoy using the entire city (or at least a few nearby blocks) as its own private bathroom, taking your little furry friend for a "walk" every time nature calls can sincerely put a crimp on that wannabe hermit lifestyle you've been working on. Luckily, the new Pet Loo from Australia allows your pet to do his thing in style and comfort -- and keeps you away from those nasty and dangerous human beings you might encounter during a stroll. The Synthetic Grass provides a familiar bathroom zone for your dog, but is easy to clean and resistant to smells. There's also a collection tray in the bottom of the unit for "liquids." We're sure your dog won't mind a bit more freedom in his bathroom schedule, and we're absolutely looking forward to a review from Unkie Walt -- with his newfound penchant for bathroom gadgetry.[Via gizmag]

  • Dogs love the taste of DS Lite

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    They say that a dog is a man's best friend, yet based on the image above, it would seem that statement is not entirely true. What kind of friend would do such a thing to a DS Lite? I guess the dog in question just enjoys the taste of plastic, or its owner's salty tears as they almost certainly hit the carpet in a flood when he arrived home to find his beloved gaming system destroyed. Nintendo, who were all kinds of understanding, decided they'd repair it for only 50 bucks.The real question, however, is not how kind is Nintendo, but rather should the owner of said DS Lite keep the dog and place his expensive toys out of reach of the bundle of gnashing teeth and fur that comprises his K-9 companion or take that puppy down to the pound for an extended stay?[Thanks Julian!]

  • Dog left alone with 360: carnage ensues

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's Monday. Monday's suck. You're stuck at work (or school) and it sucks. Just remember it could be worse. You could be this guy: "i opened the door to my apartment the other day and found this..." The 360 looks unharmed, thankfully. I have to say I empathize with the dog, though. If I was forced to stare at a 360 for hours, knowing full well that I didn't have thumbs and would never be able to play it, I'd go crazy, too. Hit the read link for a picture of the culprit. Oh, and if you really dislike your job, don't forget that we're hiring.

  • Jak and Daxter making a comeback on the PS3?!

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Turns out that IGN managed to find some information at the U.S. Patent office to the effect of Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier being patented by Sony on April 21st. Described as a "real-time online networked game," little else can be gleamed from the patent. Supposedly Naughty Dog has an open position for a dual PS2/PS3 project that has yet to be named, so draw your own conclusions on this one (at least until next week when we're almost sure to find out what exactly is going on).