

  • Fresh Nanostray 2 screens

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    While we can honestly say we've never played the first Nanostray game, every bit of media that pops up for Nanostray 2 causes us to wonder if that was a mistake or not. And, you know, it makes us want to play Nanostray 2. The latest crop of screens show off the usual stuff: ships flying around and explosions. Thankfully, those are just the kind of things we look for in our screenshots.So, be sure to hit up our gallery below for all of the latest screens.%Gallery-4607%[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Animal Crossing cups for you and a neighbor

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Animal Crossing merchandising explosion continues. Soon you will be able to outfit your house only with things that bear Tom Nook's smug face.The latest cash-in is this series of Animal Crossing cups. They come in pairs featuring related characters, like the set with Mable and Sable above, and another set with Tom Nook and his roaming counterpart, Crazy Redd. Each cup holds about 10.5 ounces, and each set of 2 costs $8.75 from NCSX.We like the design of these cups. The colors are nice and happy, ensuring that your Sunny Delight (or purple stuff, you rogue) is somewhat sunnier and more delightful.

  • WRUP: Sick of Sudoku edition

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    This week's releases might not be all that fabulous to those of us outside of Japan, but at least we're still getting something new to play. Even if it is just another Sudoku game. For us, it doesn't matter much, as our backlog just grows larger by the week, so we're already knee-deep in games that need to be played.What about you? What will you be playing?

  • Ragnarok 'Online' not as online as you may have thought

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Well, we had one day to freak out over a DS MMO. We can all relax now. It turns out that Gungho's planned DS Ragnarok game is not going to be massively multiplayer. It's an action-RPG with some unspecified Wi-Fi use. Maybe, if we're lucky, it'll be online multiplayer on a smaller scale.Okay, here's a thought experiment for you: what's more of a cash-in: an MMO, or a handheld spinoff of an MMO? Oh, well, we like action-RPG's better than MMO's anyway.

  • 505 Games did it, Mum!

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    European budget publisher 505 Games announced a new title for the children. Because the children are a very profitable demographic our future! The game is called I Did It Mum! and comes in boys' or girls' versions. Both versions are jam-packed with educational minigames like "Toy Train" and "Drive the Car." And both versions are totally for preschoolers, so you have an excuse not to be interested in the thing yourself. But if you have kids, this may be perfect "Playing DS Games Training" to help them get ready for other training games.[Via Joystiq]

  • Show and Tell: Etch-a-Lite

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Sometimes, it's not the size of the collection that matters, but rather the general level of awesome inherent within. Reader Kuthakun owns a pair of DS Lites that are so cool that they're worth any ten regular Lites. He went through Lasatorium to cement further fandom into a pair of white Lites, thus ensuring his place in the DS Fanboy Show and Tell Hall of Fame. Or would, if such a place existed. One of these beauties is shown here; hit the jump to check out the other one. You can see a couple more pictures in the photoset at Flickr.So what do you have lying around the house that you'd like to show off? You too can be in this spot, with everyone cooing over your awesome gaming gear. Just take some pictures and send them to showmeit at dsfanboy dot com. We'll take care of the rest.

  • Taking a look at the upcoming torrent of Square Enix titles

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Our parental unit site Joystiq published a rather in-depth look at all of the upcoming Square Enix titles set to grace the DS. The piece not only details each of the eight upcoming games, but also provides trailers and other tibits of interesting info. Seriously, it's a great read and demands your attention.

  • Tangram-like puzzle coming to DS to embarrass us

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We have a problem with certain kinds of puzzles-- slide puzzles, for example, are damn near impossible for us, and we're quite smart otherwise (really!) It's just some weird mental block that prevents us from rearranging pieces to form a shape. Put us in front of Tetris and we'll drop Alexey Pajitnov's ruggedly bearded jaw, but slide puzzles confound us every time.The same is true of tangrams. We like making abstract shapes out of them as if they were a building set, but we're useless when it comes to matching shapes. So, naturally, we're really excited about Hamekomi Lucky Puzzle DS, which is a series of tangram-like dissection puzzles in which players put together shapes like the Speed Skater and the Cossack Dance (seen here.)

  • DS Fanboy presents: Game Night 7/5/07

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    It's that magical time of the week again, where we all ditch responsibility and celebrate gaming. We've been looking forward to getting together all week and can't wait to get our game on. So, waste no time and head past the break for the details.

  • DS Daily: Stand in the place where you game

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Have you purchased any sort of DS stand? We admit, it's something we've thought about, but haven't gotten around to (there are so many games to buy instead!), but there are more of you than there are of us, so certainly (maybe!) someone has one. If not, have you also given it some thought? What kind of stand would you like? We can definitely see the benefit for stylus-only games.

  • Ragnarok Online announced for DS

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Better get a DS now if you don't have one, because when Ragnarok Online comes out, all DS shipments will by necessity be diverted to Korea. Ragnarok, for those of you lucky enough to avoid the onset of MMO addiction, is a hugely popular Korean MMO known for its adorable 2D sprites and mascot characters (at least, that's what we know it for.) Like Maple Story, we have no idea if this will actually be a DS version of the real game, or if it'll be a smaller-scale online game, or even online at all. In the same press release, publisher Gungho Online Entertainment announced an aquarium simulator and a flower-arranging game. That's pretty great too.[Via Famitsu]

  • Guess what kind of game uses the new DS camera

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you guessed any kind of game at all, sorry. If you correctly identified that as a trick question, then you win at DS fandom. That's right, the DS Lite is getting an official camera peripheral, and the first piece of software to use it is Otona no DS Kao Training (Adults' DS Face Training.) In fact, the camera is called the Facening Scan, leaving no question as to its intended use.What's Facening, you may ask? Well, it's a regimen of facial stretching designed to reduce wrinkles and sagging, and to make your face appear smaller.The camera is included with the software, as is a DS Lite stand. You bring your own ridiculous face-- you probably already got your first lesson in Facening when you read about this piece of software![Via NeoGAF]

  • The DS juggernaut continues to roll through Japan

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    You guys aren't going to believe this one. Are you ready? Okay -- it seems that the DS Lite is somewhat popular in Japan, and has been for a long time. Wow, who knew?Alright, all sarcasm aside, according to the Famitsu Marketing Data Report for June (covering May 28-June 24), Nintendo is the force driving the Japanese gaming market into the stratosphere. Overall sales numbers for the industry were up more than 25%, and most of that is due to the fact that hardware sales are up nearly 50%. Why? All signs point to the DS. For fifteen consecutive months, the handheld has moved more than 500,000 units in Japan. But it's not all about the DS, particularly when we turn to the software numbers. Combined, software for Nintendo platforms accounted for more than 81% of software sales. With the release of two new DS Lite colors in Japan, it seems likely that at least part of the handheld's success is due to the variety of models available. Not that the DS needs any real help in the Americas, but we're willing to bet that a few new colors might produce results here as well. [Via 1P Start]

  • The Yakult Swallows have gotta catch 'em all

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    And by 'em, we mean children. Kids visiting Yakult Swallows baseball games this summer are in for a happy surprise-- or they're going to game specifically for these giveaways. The team is collaborating with the Pokemon Company to give away some stamp cards and stickers.To promote the Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai movie, elementary school students who go to Swallows games starting on the 14th will receive a stamp card, which gets a new Pokemon-shaped stamp at every game. Depending on how many stamps are received, the kids are awarded one of three sticker sheets of increasing deluxeness.

  • Train your brain in public

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Imagine an alternate universe in which arcades not only exist, but are still stocked with new games. Now imagine that one of the biggest and most impressive-looking units in the place is a brain training game. As you may have guessed, it's not an alternate universe! You know, because the coverage on this site is limited to just the one universe.Minna de Kitaeru Zenno Training is an arcade brain training game released in late 2006 by Bandai Namco, created under the supervision of the smartest disembodied head we know, Dr. Ryuta Kawashima. Much like Brain Age, it uses a touch screen to present simple mathematical and logical tasks. But unlike Brain Age, Zenno Training is on a huge screen in the middle of a game center.It's quite amazing how popular brain training has become! We wonder if Bandai Namco expects people to go back to the arcade every day for training. That would be so diabolical!

  • Poll: Do you play with friends in the flesh?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We were cruising around Flickr, when we found the above image. We began to think about multiplayer gaming on the DS, Game Night here at DS Fanboy and enjoying the company of friends. We then thought about the last time we actually enjoyed multiplayer gaming on the DS with another person right there in front of us. We couldn't remember when the last time it was we actually did that.Of course, we then thought about you, fine reader. Do you play with friends in the flesh, or do you enjoy (or try to, rather) Wi-Fi over the interwubs? Or, do you enjoy both? Do you enjoy mutliplayer with friends in the flesh? Yes, we get together and whip the DS out for some fun. No, I play online. Get with the times! A little of both, actually. I don't own a DS. I just like reading blogs about it (and voting in the blog polls).

  • When you stare at this DS case, the DS case stares back at you

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Gametech seems to have a taste for the gaudy when it comes to DS Lite covers, but they totally got it right at least once. This DS Lite case features a kunoichi (female ninja) design in simple white on black fabric. It's cute and striking at the same time.The design looks quite similar to R Stevens' I am Ten Ninjas t-shirt, although much more feminine and much less blocky. We'd love to clothe our DS in such mystery, but at 3,980 yen ($32.26) it's a little pricey for our tastes. But, then, so are most sandwiches.

  • A bracelet to coordinate with Kuribo's Shoe

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We don't know what self-respecting Kuribo (Goomba) would wear images of itself while bouncing around in a giant boot, but then, Kuribos don't even have wrists. So there. Humans, however, frequently have wrist-bearing arms on which we can place bracelets. We also have hands and fingers with which to do the beadwork for these bracelets. Unfortunately, we don't have access to giant bouncy green wind-up boots. Oh, the irony, sort of!

  • Disney Princess: Magical Jewel almost has good art

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Surprise! Disney Princess: Magical Jewel has somehow managed not to be a Bejeweled clone! It even has Jewel in the title and avoided it. Instead, it's a jewel-collecting side-scrolling platformer starring a bunch of Disney princesses.More surprising, rather than using generic character art for their character portraits, the developers went "off-model" to render the Princesses in a sort of cut-paper style. With shading. Okay, we don't know what to call it, but it's a style, and it's nice.The bottom screen doesn't fare as well, looking a little amateurish and flat. But, hey, that's one more nice-looking screen than we expected!

  • Buffering ... Buffering ... Majo Shinpan

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    If you've been following Doki Doki Majo Shinpan with the same level of interest as we somehow have developed, then you probably saw our first video footage of the game, taken from a store demo. But that was in a noisy store, shot with a handheld camera, and not really the ideal presentation for game video.Well, this is significantly more ideal. It's a Windows Media stream of that same video, in much better quality. The only problem-- like we said, it's a Windows Media stream. Expect to wait a bit.[Link goes to a streaming .WMV video.][Via Dengeki]