

  • Lite vs. Phat: Round Three

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    One of the main conclusions reached by this excellent video review is that using the DS Lite at its brightest setting may, in fact, kill you. But what a way to go. Recorded by a guy named Cabel, it effectively demonstrates the astonishing differences between the two systems, making note of the Phat's "swoopy kind of X-wing shape", "goofy McZany hinge" and a rather alarming cat sticker versus the "Apple-inspired transparent plastic" of the DS Lite. It also shows just how much better the latter system's screen is to the point where we expected the Phat to simply snap shut and emit some sort of weeping sound. Furthermore, Nintendo sorted out one of our pet peeves--the puny stylus. As Cabel nervously points out, the new stylus is bigger and thicker and, by the looks of it, should be much more comfortable to wield. Yay![Via VideoGamesBlogger] See also: Lite vs. Phat: Round One Lite vs. Phat: Round Two

  • Metroid Prime Hunters punishes chumps

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Oh disconnectors, how we loathe thee and thy cowardly response to defeat. According to an interesting interview hype piece at the official Nintendo site, Metroid Prime: Hunters will be keeping track of those who disconnect from a Wi-Fi game in an effort to avoid tarnishing their online records. Mario Kart DS was another game that fell victim to this "strategy", a fact that has encouraged Nintendo to implement and liberally dish out "chump points"."We track a stat that the game calls Connection Percentage, but that I've been calling the Chump Meter. It keeps track of anyone who boots off. So, if I'm beating some kid and he tries to disconnect to avoid the loss, he'll be punished for that. When he turns the game back on, the game will know what happened and it will then hand out some Chump Points."The game will also be able to distinguish between intentional disconnections and the forgivable ones caused by your router unexpectedly exploding. This is certainly excellent news that will soothe many a temper, especially considering that Metroid Prime: Hunters is likely to be one of the most aggressively competitive games on Nintendo's Wi-Fi service thus far. [Thanks Nmaster!]

  • Nintendo Wi-Fi hits one million users

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    And they're all playing Mario Kart DS. Shortly after a dramatic website countdown hit six digits, Nintendo has officially announced that their Wi-Fi service has managed to ensnare over 1 million hapless users. According to Reggie Fils-Aime, all those users represent more than 27 million game sessions. That's certainly an impressive number, but we expect it to grow even further once Metroid Prime: Hunters finds its way into the hands of eager online gamers. The total number of hours that will be lost to Nintendo's Wi-Fi nexus in the next few months is nigh incalculable. Are you one of those 1,000,000 online players?[Via British Gaming Blog. Thanks JonathanEx!]

  • Video of DS Lite's eyeball-melting display

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Cabel, co-founder of "shockingly good" Mac software group Panic--who also (pointedly) make those awesome Namco-licensed We Love Katamari shirts--recently got his very lucky hands on an imported DS Lite. He was so wowed by the screen's brightness, he made a video and shared it with us.After praising the screen's color and impressive viewing angle, Cabel narrates, "The real kicker here is that this thing is not even at its brightest level. You can take it to a higher level, at which point it demolishes the old system. And you can even take it to a higher level at which point using the DS Lite might kill you [emphasis his]! The screen is undoubtedly amazing..."Alright Cabel, we get it: you're literally swimming in Katamari t-shirts and you have a DS Lite that is so bright, you can damage your eyes just thinking about it. Some guys have all the fun. See also:DS Lite pr0n galleryMore DS, DS lite, & GBA SP comparison pics[Thanks, Cabel]

  • PC now calls DS its master

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    We previously uncovered a nifty little homebrew program called PointyRemote that allowed the user to wirelessly view and control a PC desktop from the distant comfort of their Nintendo DS. Though we don't recall anyone balking at the concept at the time, we now present this Flickr image of the DS lording over the common beige box and barking out instructions in a Wi-Fi dialect. The DS never ceases to amaze us with its versatility (just like the nail clipper). [Thanks Joey!]

  • A Lite bargain at $360

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Ouch. A reader sent us this picture of a rather heavily priced DS Lite that he came across in the region of Akihabara. That price converts to about $360, or worse yet, a hefty 10,025 Russian Rubles. Looks like the people who weren't willing to stand in line for a Lite are going to be looking at their precious piggybanks with malice in their eyes and a hammer in the hand.[Photo credit: Albert Siegel]

  • Blogger shares a riveting DS Lite adventure

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Much like the rest of the Japanese population, avid blogger Mavis got up this morning with only a single purpose in mind: Get a DS Lite. Now. After arriving in front of the chosen store at the unholy hour of 6:30am, he was faced with the unfortunate reality of about 200 people already standing in line. Naturally, he immediately killed them all and robbed their worthless corpses of precious pre-order tickets.No, that's wrong. That's what we would have done. Instead, this man calmly stood in line and documented his journey for all to see. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can check out his personal blog and see, step-by-step and snap-by-snap just how exactly he got his hands on that highly desirable DS Lite. (Ending spoilerz!)[Thanks blankoboy!]

  • Metroid Prime Hunters: Screenshot extravaganza

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The chaps over at the British Gaming Blog have posted a glut of Metroid Prime Hunters images for your personal and potentially depraved enjoyment. By "glut", of course, mean 42. If we had said "plethora" or "volley", we would have obviously meant considerably less than 42. However, had we said "cornucopia"...well, you'd be even happier than you are now.As you gaze at these lovely screens (some old, some new), be sure to constantly remind yourself that the game's release is but a scant few weeks away. [Thanks, JonathanEx!]

  • Japanese software sales: Self-improvement is key

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Since it wouldn't be right to discuss the weekly Japanese hardware sales without also mentioning the accompanying software sales, we've decided to dredge up the numbers for the week ranging from 13 February to 19 February. Though DS games take up half of the chart, the top spot was claimed quite comfortably by Capcom's Monster Hunter 2. The ranking, according to number of units sold, is as follows: Monster Hunter 2 (PS2): 362,173 Brain Training 2 (DS): 64,856 English Training (DS): 52,481 Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS): 50,808 Bleach - Hanatareshi Yabou (PS2): 41,480 Brain Training (DS): 33,194 Monster Hunter Portable (PSP): 27,823 Mario Kart DS (DS): 15,832 Siren 2 (PS2): 12,911 World Soccer Winning Eleven 9: Bonus Pack (PS2): 12,087 It seems that when they're not busy hunting monsters, Japanese gamers are constantly seeking to improve themselves by training their brains and learning new languages. There's a lesson in that. Somewhere...[Thanks Khurrum for reminding us!]

  • New DS Lite model unveiled

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Fresh on the heels of a partial launch delay comes word of a brand new version of the DS Lite. Accompanying the previously announced Enamel Navy, Crystal White and Ice Blue models but aiming for the financially constrained gamer, the Destitute Cardboard DS Lite is expected to retail for under $5. Speaking candidly about the announcement, Nintendo bigwig Satoru Iwata stated that it was a natural progression in innovation for the company and stuff."It's a natural progression in innovation for the company and stuff. Obviously, to keep the costs low we had to remove some of the system's more extravagant features like buttons and the ability to play games, but we feel that we made a choice that accurately reflects today's industry."When questioned on whether the Destitute Cardboard model would retain the DS' trademark touch screen, Mr. Iwata noted that "You can definitely touch the screen to your heart's content." That's certainly very reassuring and not sinister at all. Check out the link for more stunning images. [Via Joystiq]

  • DS Lite launch delayed...for some

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    If, like us, you were hoping to pick up either an Enamel Navy or Ice Blue DS Lite when the redesigned system launches in Japan this Thursday, you'd best be prepared to have your hopes stomped to bits beneath the steel boot of a manufacturing problem. Nintendo claims that there was an error in the production of those colors and that there won't be enough units ready that match up to their stringent quality expectations. Hence, Enamel Navy and Ice Blue have been delayed until March 11. You can find ineffectual consolation in the fact the Crystal White DS Lite is unaffected by this problem and will still be releasing this week. You may also find that reason enough to destroy your friend's DS Lite in a fit of jealous rage. (We recommend the latter.)

  • Japanese hardware sales: Short-lived shortages

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    The Japanese hardware sales chart for the week ranging from 13 February to 19 February has just arrived at our door, soaking wet and reeking of rotten fish. Despite this, we're still inviting it inside so that we may study its findings and share them with you, our dear readers. The ranking, according to number of units sold, is as follows: DS: 52,099 PSP: 27,430 PS2: 23,433 GBA SP: 5,553 GB Micro: 2,941 Gamecube: 1,814 Xbox 360: 1,314 GBA: 105 Xbox: 92 As you can see, the great DS shortages that were bothering the poor Japanese populace the last few weeks has been somewhat quelled. Nintendo's magical machine is back on top--but for how long? We expect the numbers to start dropping as of next week, what with the impending release of the smaller, brighter and lighter DS. Just how many people will be able to restrain themselves from purchasing the original model mere days before the launch of the new one?

  • DS homebrew gets organized

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Proving that it can boost productivity as well as destroying it, the homebrew scene has churned out a DS organizer suite for us to download and arrange our overly complicated work schedules with. Cleverly entitled DSOrganize, the software boasts a calendar, an address book with vCard support, a day planner, multiple languages, a file browser and rudimentary handwriting recognition. The latter part is excellent news, what with my handwriting being so very rudimentary indeed.Now, presented with this homebrew creation, you may recall a rumor about Nintendo filing a patent for something called V-Pocket, supposedly stemming from them licensing the Palm operating system for the DS. However, unless we missed something, it doesn't look like anything ever came of that. Given its stylus-based interface and Wi-Fi capabilities, the DS seems like it could be an ideal (and cheap) alternative to other handheld organizers, with an added benefit of playing some stellar games. With web browsing taken care of, would you be interested in an official organizer package for the DS?[Thanks mandarin!]

  • Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! Getting! English! Release!?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Is Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! finally getting the localization a game of its musically deranged caliber deserves? Siliconera points us to the delicious rumor that the rhythmic, cheerleading triumph of the human spirit may very well make it to Western shores. According to a Jeux-France article, a Nintendo UK official let it slip that Nintendo was considering releasing the game in Nintendogs-obsessed Europe. But why stop there? The Siliconera author also mentions another internet murmur, indicating that Atlus is looking to procure the game for US release. After experiencing their excellent localization of Trauma Center: Under the Knife, this almost sounded too good to be true. Sadly, after personally contacting and threatening an Atlus staff member, I discovered that it was. "As awesome as the game is, unfortunately Atlus won't be bringing it to you."Bummer. Still, there's a chance (however slight) that Nintendo themselves might deem the game worthy of a witty translation and unleash it upon the masses. If there's anything we've learned from Katamari Damacy, it's that "weird" third-party Japanese games have every chance of success in the US market. Well, that and how to roll up your neighbors into an ever-growing ball of random junk. It's hard to say which of those pieces of knowledge is more useful.[Via Siliconera, thanks Tomm!]

  • Lite vs. Phat: Round One

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    After commanding their international correspondent to hit the town and feel up the DS Lite as much as possible, the 1up crew have cast their gauntlet in the battle between new and old, solid and sleek. It doesn't take the author very long to come to the conclusion that playing on the Lite emotes a feeling similar to playing on the GBA SP for the first time:"Why didn't Nintendo do this in the first place?"With a more vivid screen and a more responsive d-pad (ideal for snaking in Mario Kart DS, apparently), it seems the new system provides a lot more...and a lot less. The system is notably lighter and thinner, with the only drawbacks from this being slightly more angular L- and R-buttons. Needless to say, the overall impression of the DS Lite is a positive one. We'll be sure to let you know what we think of Nintendo's innovative redesign as soon as inhumanly possible. [Thanks Jamie!]

  • New Tenchu DS screenies

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Though we haven't received as much information on this game as we blindly believe we're entitled to, the fact of the matter is that Tenchu: Dark Shadow (another one of those oh-so-clever titles) contains a healthy number of ninjas. This means that, aside from flipping out and killing people, you can expect to engage in all sorts of sneaky tactics whilst you eliminate your evil warlord foes. It's fair to say that the stealth genre hasn't been truly well represented on the DS yet, and so we're hoping that this game will quietly put things right.As for the actual screenshots posted on DS Advanced, we're thinking that this genre looks to benefit particularly well from the standard "bottom screen is a map" feature. The graphics look a bit rubbish, but if the controls, AI and sound can come together (as with the good titles in the series), it's unlikely to be a major issue for covert ninja fans. Check out the whole batch of screens after the link.[Thanks mandarin!]

  • Reggie interview: Redesign = Innovation?

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    In Engadget's most excellent interview with Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo's name gathering, posterior assaulting VP of Sales and Marketing, it was revealed that we shouldn't be completely caught by surprise should Nintendo decide to release yet another DS redesign. If you count the model originally unveiled at E3 2004, this future model would represent a 3rd redesign--not that it would stop us from buying it, apparently."Look at how many times we’ve improved on the Game Boy Advance in terms of the look, the feel, screen changes, and everything else. We believe that type of constant innovation is critical to driving this industry [my emphasis], and certainly if you look at the world wide sales of Game Boy Advance, I don’t think anyone would disagree."HOLD IT! Your Honor, there is clearly a contradiction in this story! (...At least I hope so! The whole controversial case is riding on this...) Are we to believe that the act of repackaging and updating the aesthetic qualities of a platform, however attractive, is now considered to be a form of innovation? In the past, the witness has attacked the competition on the same grounds, complaining that they were simply releasing shinier and better versions of previously popular products. The implication was that their approach was the wrong kind of "innovation"! I suggest the witness revise his testimony! (Uh oh, Edgeworth has his serious / constipated face on. I hope he realizes I'm only referring to the actual hardware, not the games!)Food for thought, or lousy leftovers? Be sure to follow the link for the entire interview.

  • Dismantle your DS in 13 minutes

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Or rather: Don't. If you're not one for watching electronic devices being disturbingly dissected, you'd best not watch this video. It depicts an obviously excited man (you can practically feel the exclamation marks hurtling at you) calmly disassembling a standard silver DS into its various parts. Then, he disassembles those parts and, if there's anything left, disassembles that too (even the touch screen!). I found it rather frightening and squirmed in my seat for the full 13-minute operation. I'm now seriously considering using this knowledge in order to completely take apart Blake's DS as an amusing prank. Of course, given that the entire video is in Spanish, I'll no doubt completely fail to reassemble it... as a slightly less amusing prank.

  • Animal Crossing DS bundle hits next week

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    According to a listing on retailer EBGames.com, Nintendo is about to unleash a new Nintendo DS bundle--this time starring everyone's favorite anthropomorphic town simulator, Animal Crossing: Wild World. Of course, by new Nintendo DS bundle, we really mean old Nintendo DS bundle. We're afraid there's no Lite at the end of this $149.99 tunnel.[Via GAF]

  • Presenting the Tinker Toy Steady DS Cam

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    One of our readers thought it might be a classy idea to share his recent exploits in the world of DS filmmaking with us. "I was trying to make some screen captures of the Ds game "Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! [sic], but the best way of doing so, would be to capture the whole thing on camera. The problem started when I needed to capture the video from above the DS. It had to be close enough so the camera could capture the video, I had to be able to see the DS and be able to play while taping."While this is hardly a dilemma for those of us with three or more hands, a solution had to be discovered or, in this case, intricately constructed. Grabbing some nearby tinker toys, he set to work on an incredible engineering marvel that would ultimately serve his video-capturing purposes. The end result is a rather colorful, but seemingly effective camera stand...thing. It even allows the camera a certain degree of movement, an absolutely vital feature when it comes to those majestic and sweeping overhead shots.You can view the final video (and ridiculous display of music-and-rhythm action) after you follow the link. [Thanks Forkchop!]