

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Nintendo Countdown Calendar, Aero 2

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This week, we must thank Sunsoft once again for keeping the Virtual Console alive (if not entirely lively) with its release of Aero the Acrobat 2. Meanwhile, Nintendo offers a DSiWare app that allows you to make something with which gamers are entirely too familiar: countdown calendars. We must admit, though, that it's more fun when they count down to a personal milestone of instead of an artificial deadline for the release of information. Head past the break in 3 ... 2 ... 1 to see this week's Virtual Console, WiiWare, and DSiWare stuff.%Gallery-102760%

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Crazy Pinball, Lost Island

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Let's see if you can find a theme in this week's WiiWare and DSiWare downloads: There's a casual strategy title, pinball, a notebook application and, finally, a hidden object game. Well? Have you figured out the theme? No? Well, please let us know once you do. We're having a little trouble ourselves. Click past the jump for more details about this week's downloadable releases.

  • Paper Wars rated for DSi, Wii, Xbox 360 and PC

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Crap of Defense -- in spite of declaring itself to be the "worst game ever" -- is making the jump to pretty much every platform out there. Like the PSP version, the game is being re-branded as Paper Wars: Cannon Fodder, but will (presumably) feature the same sloppily drawn visuals and rather cheap-sounding audio. Like Angry Birds, this game simply cannot be contained by the iPhone. Already available as a PSN Mini in Europe, the ESRB has rated additional versions of the game for DSi, Wii, Xbox 360 and PC. Considering the simplicity of the game, we're unsurprised by how quickly the developer has been able to make so many ports. Watch the distressingly cheap trailer for the iPhone original after the break.

  • And Yet It Moves turns to European WiiWare

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    And Yet It Moves, Broken Rules's cardboard-style, world-rotating platformer, is available for download on WiiWare in Europe today. You'll have to move 1,000 Wii Points out of your account to purchase the game, which came out this Monday in North America. WiiWare is also host to Tales of Elastic Boy Mission 1, a 600-Point sort-of platformer starring a little slime creature that can roll and attach to objects with its stretchy arms. Meanwhile, DSiWare in Europe has myNotebook Carbon and myNotebook Pearl, two variations of Nnooo's notebook app. Also available: Where's Wally? Travel Pack 1. Yes, Wally. He always seems to be hidden behind Waldo.

  • DSiWare's Furo Jump: Guilty Gear Gaiden claims the 'weirdest Guilty Gear game' prize

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Okay, so it was pretty odd when Guilty Gear 2: Overture turned out not to be a 2D fighter, but a 3D action game with strategy elements. That was nothing compared to Furo Jump!!: Guilty Gear Gaiden!? for DSiWare. Furo Jump (literally Bath Jump) stars Chimaki, a hidden character from Guilty Gear 2, in a quest to visit a hot spring for relief from back pain. To get to his dream bath, Chimaki must spin on a bar of soap and whip a towel at pink elephants. Sounds totally like Guilty Gear to us, right? Furo Jump will make its splash on Japanese DSiWare September 1 for 500 DSi Points. Head past the break for the trailer with the world's most annoying narration. You can also play a Furo Jump Flash minigame here.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Ufouria, And Yet It Moves

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    As if summoned by our claim last week of the Virtual Console's death, Sunsoft swoops in with a really interesting Virtual Console game! Sunsoft (who also published the last one) might be the only company left releasing retro games on the Wii Shop. WiiWare has a (single) interesting release as well: the physics-based puzzle platformer And Yet It Moves, which has moved from PC to WiiWare with new modes and some new levels.%Gallery-98837%

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Divergent Shift, Space Trek

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We're calling it: the Virtual Console is dead. There have been two games this summer. If there are any more, consider them stragglers. Nintendo, if you'd like to prove us wrong by stepping up the Virtual Console release schedule from "almost never" to "occasionally," please feel free. There are still DSiWare and WiiWare games, though, including Divergent Shift (formerly Reflection), the long-awaited puzzle platformer about navigating two mirrored versions of the same character across different terrains simultaneously.

  • DSiWare's Reflection out August 16 under new title 'Divergent Shift'

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Konami-published DSiWare platformer Reflection, which sends players through two different, mirror-imaged worlds simultaneously (one on each screen), will be released on the North American DSi Shop this Monday, August 16, according to a tweet from developer Intrinsic Games.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: My Aquarium 2, Enjoy Your Massage

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    There's no Virtual Console this week, but there is a game about giving people massages. So ... yeah. WiiWare is also host to a sequel to Hudson's My Aquarium, while DSiWare features a gravity-shifting puzzle adventure, chess, an extremely complicated-looking music program and something for the little ones. Your kids learn how to count, while you learn chess and massage techniques! Education!%Gallery-99092%

  • NintendoWare Weekly: BlayzBloo

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Aksys Games dominates the Nintendo download services today, with one game on WiiWare and another on DSiWare. The unbearably cute BlayzBloo: Super Melee Action Battle Royale brings chibi BlazBlue to DSiWare today, while WiiWare features Deer Captor, a deer hunting game. Oh, and Virtual Console is missing again. %Gallery-98302%

  • A big media update for the tiny BlayzBloo

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    How much cuteness can you handle today? Is it, like, a lot? If not, just pass this post right by. After the break, we have gameplay footage and dozens of screenshots of BlayzBloo: Super Melee Brawlers Battle Royale, the DSiWare arena fighter starring chibi versions of BlazBlue's characters.

  • This Week on the Nintendo Channel: Yuji Horii on Dragon Quest IX

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies was just released on the DS -- if you've yet to check out our review, then here's the pertinent linkage. So, considering how much Square Enix has invested in the title, it's no surprise the brunt of producer Horii's chat (which you can see for yourself past the break) largely revolves around his hopes for the game. Basically, he wants everyone to play it. What a surprise!%Gallery-95770%

  • Nintendo DSi game lets your face do the flying (video)

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    When it comes to video games that make you look absolutely ridiculous, nothing beats Microsoft's Kinect, but Nintendo's got a substitute if you just can't wait. The aptly-named Face Pilot: Fly With Your Nintendo DSi Camera! does exactly that, letting you literally direct a virtual hang glider with your face, by using the Nintendo DSi's camera to track your head in 2D space. Sure, Sony's EyeToy did similar things earlier this decade and you could program Windows-based FreeTrack software to do the same, but neither provide the portable hilarity (or challenge) of Face Pilot played on commuter rail. The downloadable title will set you back 500 Nintendo Points ($5) at the DSiWare store; watch a quick video demo after the break.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Aero the Acro-Bat, Face Pilot

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    You're not going to believe this. We had to double-check, in case we read it wrong or in case it was an egregious typo or something. But ... there's a Virtual Console game this week. %Gallery-98206%

  • Lucha Libre delayed, new release date pinned down in October

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Originally set for release on August 9, Slang's Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes of the Ring has been delayed until October 12, 2010 on PS3, Xbox, Wii and DSiWare, with the PSP version launching at an unspecified later date. While additional development time was cited as one reason for the delay, the announcement primarily frames the release bump as a marketing strategy. "Based on the positive feedback we received at the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo we decided to push the launch of Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring closer to the upcoming holiday shopping season," Slang president Abraham Batista said. "The additional time provides us with several key benefits, including the ability to market to a larger audience, build greater street buzz with consumers and continue the development cycle." Of course, given the October release date, we believe the "holiday shopping season" to which Batista refers is Halloween. What better time for a game about masked men? %Gallery-90096%

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Toribash, Primrose

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This week, WiiWare offers another reborn indie game. Toribash doesn't quite have the reputation of Cave Story, but it does have nonsensical violence and the ability to control fighters one limb at a time. If you're looking for something different from a fighting game, it doesn't get much more different than this. DSiWare also borrows some indie cred this week, with Jason Rohrer's iPhone puzzler Primrose moving to DS. Virtual Console ... is taking July off, so far. %Gallery-97328%

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Pearl Harbor Trilogy, 101 Shark Pets

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The Virtual Console is resting for the holiday, but Nintendo has attempted to compensate for its absence with so much DSiWare. If you like ... browsing the DSi Shop, this is the week for you. Meanwhile, WiiWare has two games, including a WWII air combat game that sounds surprisingly full-featured for WiiWare. %Gallery-96911%

  • DSiWare game has entirely too many sharks to love

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    We're gonna need a bigger boat. Developer Teyon (responsible for games like 101 Minigolf World, Hubert the Teddy Bear Winter Games, and ... Heavy Fire: Special Operations) wants to introduce you to a hundred and one special little friends: 101 Shark Pets. (What is it with Teyon and groups of 101?) "Choose from over 101 baby sharks or simply adopt them all!" the game's website reads. In the most terrifying of virtual game pets, you are given responsibility for feeding, training, and even cleaning as many baby sharks as you can handle. You can enter your sharks in pageants, play minigames with them (like having them chase your boat!), and mix up special recipes of chum, using hundreds of different ingredients, to satisfy each shark's specific cravings. Okay, we made that last one up. 101 Shark Pets will circle the DSi Shop on July 5 (circle that on your calendar). %Gallery-96627%

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Mario Tennis, Jett Rocket, Maestro

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    There's a Virtual Console game this week! It's kind of hard to believe. It's even a Mario game -- a Mario sports game, but a Mario game nonetheless. Meanwhile, WiiWare hosts a 3D platformer that appears very Mario-like, and DSiWare introduces North America to Maestro, a musical platforming game that was only released in Europe in its full cartridge incarnation.

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Art Style: Rotozoa, Bearsworth Manor

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nintendo follows up a thrilling E3 with something that it didn't mention much at the show: WiiWare and DSiWare. A new Art Style game leads the offerings on WiiWare, joined by two of Square Enix's weirdest games in recent memory -- two games about tossing paper bears underhand. Read more about these games, along with a wide selection of new DSiWare games, after the break. We don't have anything illuminating to say about this week's Virtual Console selection, because there is none. %Gallery-86441%