DTS Sound Unbound


  • Woman wearing headphones playing video games late at night

    Xbox One test enables DTS:X spatial audio for headphones

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    An Xbox One test lets you try DTS:X for Headphones on your console, promising better spatial audio for your games.

  • Igor Bonifacic / Engadget

    DTS Sound Unbound improves spatial audio for PC games

    Igor Bonifacic
    Igor Bonifacic

    Taking a page from longtime rival Dolby, DTS is out today with a new Windows 10 app that promises to give gamers access to enhanced audio. Dubbed DTS Sound Unbound, the app builds on Microsoft's Spatial Sound platform to make almost any old pair of stereo headphones capable of outputting 3D sound. DTS says its headphone codec will give you an edge in competitive games, as well as make single-player games more immersive. The one limitation of the app is that it isn't compatible with certain hi-res headphones -- though it supports more than 450 different models otherwise. The app also won't work with just any game.