

  • DualShock can be used in lieu of Navigation Controller

    Remember that rumor a couple years back of PS3 motion control gaming being based around a pull-apart DualShock 3? Well, perhaps it wasn't such a wild idea after all. No DualShock 3s have been harmed in the making of Move, but Joystiq has just confirmed that you can actually use the existing controller for Move gaming instead of springing for the Navigation Controller if you'd like. Obviously, you'll be one-handing the DualShock, not quite as comfortable as the Move's tiny, dedicated quasi-nunchuck, but it saves you $30 for your hassle. You'll only have access to the d-pad or four face buttons, depending on which side you choose, but interestingly, the Nav Controller's X and O buttons are redundant with the full Move wand, so hopefully this won't impact gameplay too greatly.

    Paul Miller
  • Wii Classic Controller Pro coming to confused, oversized US living rooms in April

    After doing the whole "Nintendo" thing in Japan, Nintendo has brought its Wii Classic Controller Pro Stateside to ensure us Americans were being properly Nintend'd to. That's right, yet another control mechanism, with its own set of slightly different buttons (this time dual shoulder buttons) and ergonomics (some DualShock-style grips) to thoroughly confuse and delight hapless Wii owners. Interestingly, the controller is making its debut in April as a bundle with Monster Hunter Tri; the game is compatible with the tried and true Wii Remote + Nunchuck combo and the hardly relevant Classic Controller, but we have a feeling those extra, Professional shoulder buttons will come in handy when plying the game mechanics of monster hunting. Separately the controller comes in black or white for $20, while bundled the game and controller will retail for $60. Our dignity as a once-proud Wii owner? Hardly worth a Craigslist listing.

    Paul Miller
  • Swag Saturday: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers for all those holiday games

    Update: This contest is officially closed and the winners will be notified shortly. Please check your email inboxes, folks! With the holiday game release season officially upon us, it's quite possible that you'll find yourself (like us) jammed on a couch next to relatives who – at least passingly – show interest in the video games we know and love. Sometimes, these folks even ask to play alongside us, eschewing their morals for entertainment (for shame!). It's during these times that we reach for our second or third controller. But what if you only have one controller for your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360? WHAT THEN?! Then you can turn to Swag Saturday for the possibility of winning one! We've got one silver PS3 DualShock 3 and two Halo 3: ODST limited edition controllers to give away to three lucky readers. All you have to do is tell us a story about gaming with family during past holidays in the comments below. We get your crazy stories, you get our fancy controllers – talk about a win-win! Prize winners will be alerted by email early this week, so keep your ear to the internet, folks. Leave a comment telling us a story about gaming with family during past holidays. You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec, based on the outcome of the War of 1812) Limit 1 entry per person per day This entry period ends at 6:31PM ET on Sunday, November 15 At that time, we'll randomly select three winners to receive one PS3 DualShock 3 (estimated $55 ARV) or one of two Halo 3: ODST limited edition Xbox 360 controllers (estimated $50 ARV each). For a list of complete rules, click here [Image credit: Ewen and Donabel]

    Ben Gilbert
  • PS3 firmware 3.0 locking out knock-off controllers?

    Well, here's a bit of a curious situation. As Joystiq reports, it wasn't long after the PS3 firmware 3.0 went live that the first reports of problems started cropping up, with one particularly nagging issue being that some controllers (specifically the CECHZC2H Ceramic White DualShock3) seemed to be locked out of the console once the update was installed. After hashing it out a bit on the official PlayStation3 forum, however, users apparently determined that the controllers in question were in fact knock-offs and not official Sony product, which raises some different but just as interesting questions. Namely, is Sony locking the knock-offs out on purpose, or is firmware 3.0 just too much for them to handle? For its part, Sony doesn't seem to be saying anything on the matter just yet, but we'll keep you posted. [Via Joystiq]

    Donald Melanson
  • Modder hacks PSP for DualShock 2 control, proves kids aren't worthless

    Okay, so there's at least a sliver of a chance French modder Flasheur got his inspiration from an eerily similar mod last year that involved Sony's PlayStation Portable and an original DualShock controller, but hey, progress is progress. This time around, we're looking at a rather dashing blue PSP and a DualShock 2, and while the actual modding process looks to have taken a different route (three connections on the rear versus one on the side), the end result is the same. Bliss. Pure bliss. Hop on past the break for an entirely-too-lengthy video demonstrating the hack in action, and hang tight for a DualShock 3 iteration to surface in 5, 4, 3... [Via Slashgear]

    Darren Murph
  • Sony's red and blue DualShock 3 controllers land in October, love this country

    We know what you want: you want entirely too many photos of some new DualShock 3 controllers in a variety of non-compromising positions. The real kicker? These two controllers are "Deep Red" and "Metallic Blue," the most American of all the colors. And you do, like America, right citizen? Right. Now click through to that gallery like the Productive Member of Society #48-J12 that you are. Sony should have these on the market this October, for you to spend your hard earned money dollars on and attain the True Happiness due to every citizen consumer.

    Paul Miller
  • The mysterious case of the non-existent white DualShock 3 controller

    For over a year you've had Sony's blessing to cradle a black DualShock 3 in your twitchy little fingers, and though that matte covering makes for a perfect primer base should you care to go the RustOleum rattle-can route, that's still the only color Sony has approved for the US. It's the only color, Sony repeats, even when presented with the image above, which pretty clearly shows a white DualShock 3 safely encapsulated within North American, bi-lingual packaging -- and a Walmart receipt to boot. Sony's specific response was: "We have no plans to release a white Dualshock 3." That means either someone carefully sealed an imported gamepad into a domestic package, or this was one of those unplanned releases. Something else to look forward to at E3? Oh youbetcha.Update: Commenter Four More Beers looked up the UPC and, go figure, it points to the classic black model on Walmart's site. So, proven hoax, or does Sony also not have any plans to release new UPC codes?

    Tim Stevens
  • Sony sued for cheating man out of rumble patents

    Two years after we thought it was all over, it sounds like the saga of Sony, Immersion, and the rumblin' DualShock has yet another chapter: a New Jersey electrical engineer named Craig Thorner is now suing Sony and its attorneys, claiming that he was more or less duped out of one of his patents in a shady deal designed to help Sony and PDP/Electrosource beat Immersion's cases against them. Oh yeah, it's a tangled mess -- Thorner first signed over his patent to Immersion, hoping to score a little slice of royalty pie when the lawsuit settled, but then took it back when he decided Immersion wasn't pursuing it hard enough and signed it over to PDP/Electrosource, who promised him $150,000. So where does Sony come in? Thorner says PDP and Sony were teamed up to beat Immersion, and that Sony was secretly the one licensing the patent but trying to remain out of the picture to keep the price down -- and he's got proof, in the form of a $150,000 wire transfer between the two companies. Not only that, but Sony's attorneys apparently promised Thorner that they could "wear two hats" during negotiations and represent both him and Sony, which is ten kinds of shady. You can guess what happened next: Sony lost, PDP settled, and Immersion sued Thorner for breaking his agreement -- and Sony's attorneys didn't help him defend the lawsuit. Did we say ten kinds of shady? Eleven kinds. Of course, it's doubtful that Thorner is totally innocent here, so it'll be interesting to see how Sony responds, but at this point we're treating the DualShock 3 as a miracle of nature and leaving it at that. [Via Joystiq]Read - GamePolitics article (with PDF of the complaint)Read - Law.com article

    Nilay Patel
  • GameStop offers up silver DualShock 3 controller for North America

    If that all-black DualShock 3 controller has just grown stale, and you're not about to drop any coinage to have Colorware liven things up, GameStop has a fantastic solution -- so long as you're a fan of silver, that is. As of today, the firm's website has a clear listing for a satin silver version of the wireless SIXAXIS, and anyone familiar with the silver PS2 controller will no doubt notice the striking similarities. Just so you know, this one's been available in the Japanese market for eight centuries now, but it looks like the North American crowd can finally yell "me too!" when parting with $54.99 on June 24th.[Via Joystiq]

    Darren Murph
  • Silver DualShock 3 controller spotted at GameStop

    Tired of your black DualShock 3 controller? Well, it looks like SCEA may finally start introducing new colors of the rumble-ready PS3 controller. Games retailer GameStop now features a listing for a silver DualShock 3 controller, with a MSRP of $54.99 and a June 24th release.A retail listing is far from official confirmation, but GameStop has been a rather reliable source of early product listings. We're all for controller color diversity, so we're hoping this one is real.[Via NeoGAF]

    Andrew Yoon
  • XCM's $84.99 Cross Fire Adapter for Xbox 360 ships today

    We can't say for sure why you'd want to use a PlayStation 3 controller with your Xbox 360, but if you somehow prefer the Batwing over something that's actually comfortable to hold, there's this. XCM -- who just recently debuted its Rumble Joystick and KO Adapter for PlayStation 3 -- is today shipping its Cross Fire Adapter for Xbox 360. As we insinuated earlier, this device enables users to connect a PS3 controller, original Xbox controller (Duke!) or wired Xbox 360 controller to one's Xbox 360 console so you don't have to mod your controller to enjoy the spoils of Turbo Fire. Get your order in right now over at Extreme-Mods for $84.99.

    Darren Murph
  • XCM introduces Rumble Joystick and KO Adapter for PlayStation 3

    Hot on the heels of XCM's Dominator joystick comes an even more irresistible iteration, making those that took the plunge in January inevitably jealous. The newfangled Rumble Joystick for PlayStation 3 isn't terribly different from the original... save for the fact that this one shakes, rattles and rolls, of course. Described as the world's first PS3 joystick to rumble natively, this bugger also packs four memory buttons for programming all sorts of sick, twisted macros alongside independent Rapid Fire and Turbo buttons. Moving on, we've got the all new XO Adapter for PS3, which adds support for macros, Rapid Fire and Turbo to any vanilla Dual Shock or SIXAXIS controller. There's no mention of pricing for either, but we suspect that'll change in the near future (like, real soon, given that they'll be shipping in under a month).Read - Rumble Joystick for PS3Read - XO Adapter for PS3

    Darren Murph
  • DualShock Vortex concept controller brings the neGcon out of the nineties

    In the halcyon days before dual analog sticks, when gamers had only D-pads and buttons and that's the way we liked it, serious PlayStation drifters had one weapon of choice for 'Ridge Racer' battles: the neGcon from Namco. It and its twisting mechanism never really caught on, but it hasn't been entirely forgotten, reborn through the DualShock Vortex pictured above, a controller extending the same concept to the PS3, offering the 45 degrees of twist you'll want for Gran Turismo 5 (if it ever ships) plus the analog sticks you'll need for Killzone 2. Alas, it's just a rendered concept from Israeli designer Tamar Fleisher at this point, and is rather unlikely to show up at a game retailer near you, but maybe if enough of you e-mail the kind folks at the now Namco Bandai they'll think about making it a reality.[Via Gizmodo]

    Tim Stevens
  • PlayStation-induced palm lesions identified by Swiss scientists

    It's no Wiiitis, but Swiss scientists have ID'd a new skin disorder they believe came from prolonged gaming sessions. Dubbed "PlayStation palmar hidradentitis," the condition is marked by painful lumps that appear on the palms. This Dr. House diagnosis came from a 12-year old girl who visited Geneva hospital with hand lesions allegedly from hours-long gaming marathon, and that she fully recovered after a ten-day PlayStation hiatus. While being careful not to discredit the findings, Sony spokesman David Wilson chimed in to say they had never heard of a case like this, despite hundreds of millions consoles sold, and as with any leisure activity, "there are possible consequences of not following common sense, health advice and guidelines." Hey, at least she didn't break her arm.

    Ross Miller
  • Deal: Get a DualShock for $30

    Don't wait for Black Friday! Celebrate Turkey Day by getting a DualShock 3 controller for only $30 shipped from Radio Shack. If supplies run out online, you can always head to a Radio Shack store tomorrow during Black Friday to enjoy this deal.Check out Newegg.com's incredible Black Friday deals after the break. They're available now and include free shipping.[Via Slickdeals.net]

    Andrew Yoon
  • TGS 08: PSP Plus adds DualShock 3 controller functionality

    One of Sony's upcoming PSP games, Resistance Retribution, will utilize a newly developed technology called "PSP Plus." The feature will allow players of Retribution to connect their systems to the PS3, in order to enable use of PS3 wireless controllers. Using the DualShock will enable dual-analog control in the game. In addition, rumble will be supported. This potential use of connectivity was hinted at in a patent filed over a year ago.Other games may be able to potentially utilize PSP Plus -- however, it is currently a Retribution-only tech. Stay tuned as we reveal the exciting additions PS3's Resistance 2 and PSP's Resistance Retribution will bring (together!).

    Andrew Yoon
  • Mod makes PSP DualShock compatible

    This mod done by Blizzrad of AcidMods lets you use your aging wired DualShock controller and hook it up to your PSP. The controller had its connector replaced for a much smaller one to elegantly fit in with the PSPs slim build. The mod also takes full use of the controller's second analog stick and extra shoulder buttons. The only commands not controlled by the DualShock are backlight and volume control.If you were one of those looking for dual analog control, then you may remember this older mod which added a second analog nub. This new one would probably be more comfortable to play with than that. Anyway, the only problem with this mod is that it's probably too difficult to do on your own. So don't try it. Instead, just see the thing in action in the clip after the break. Also check out AcidMods for more pics of Blizzrad's hard work.[Via Engadget]

    Majed Athab
  • PSP hacked for use with DualShock controller

    It's not the first time we've seen a controller hacked for use with the PSP, but this mod by Acidmods member Blizzrad takes things a bit further than most, with it relying entirely on hardware modifications in order to work, meaning it can be done on any PSP regardless of the firmware. It's also one of the cleanest-looking mods we've seen to date, with the only evidence of tampering on the PSP itself being a discreetly placed controller connector right above the power switch. Of course, that also means it's considerably more difficult for most of us to do ourselves, but we can at least get a glimpse of what's possible courtesy of the video after the break.

    Donald Melanson
  • DualShock 3 shakes down US for $10.9 million in April

    Apparently, rumble does matter to a lot of Americans. According to SCEA, the feedback-giving DualShock 3 had $10.9 million in sales during the month of April, meaning that about 200,000 Americans were ready to put down $55 for some vibration from their PS3 controller.As we learned from our initial impression of the DualShock 3: Yes, it's worth it. We do know that the Sixaxis is on its way out, but at this point only the MGS bundles come with the DS3. We're still waiting for the "official" changeover to occur with regular PS3 consoles.%Gallery-16981%

  • The Daily Grind: Why aren't there more console MMOs?

    The list of them can be counted on the fingers of one hand: Phantasy Star Online, for the Dreamcast; Everquest Online Adventures and Final Fantasy XI for the Playstation 2; and Phantasy Star Universe for both the PS2 and the Xbox 360. And that's it. The only MMO currently thought to be planned for release on both PC and console (though not at launch) is Age of Conan for the 360. Why is there such a dearth of console MMOs?Many will say that it's because MMOs are so complex and rich that they cannot be managed with a console controller, and that's partly true -- imagine playing World of Warcraft with a DualShock -- but that's more of a design issue. A game meant for consoles, rather than one ported over from the PC, should have such limitations in mind. There's also the closed environment of the console, which is harder to plan patches for, and the still-in-its-infancy online service for the three major brands. On the bright side, there would be no need to worry about system specs; every player would be getting the same experience. And there could be added value in game achievements, which is a system that doesn't currently exist for PC MMOs.Are there more reasons against console MMOs than there are for them? Should developers bother with the consoles at all?

    Akela Talamasca