

  • Joystiq impressions: DualShock 3 (PS3)

    Short version of our DualShock 3 impression: It's like a Sixaxis. Oh yeah, but it has sweet, sweet, rumbles. More poetically speaking, Joni Mitchell's words that "you don't know what you've got till it's gone" were never truer than in describing what happened when we went from the PS2's DualShock 2 to the PS3's rumble-less Sixaxis. When you get your hands on a DualShock 3 for the first time, your general expectations of controller feedback from a PS3 game are fulfilled. After giving the heftier controller (193g vs. Sixaxis' 138g, even though it "feels" heavier) a little charge time with the USB cable, it was time to test some games. PlayStation 2 titles (for those who have backwards compatibility) control and give feedback just like you remember -- minus a pesky cord. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune feels like a totally new experience with every gunshot, punch and explosion letting your hands know something is happening on-screen. We had a little hiccup updating MotorStorm, one of the few titles that requires a rumble patch (make sure to go to the online option -- it doesn't auto update), but other than that, the DualShock 3 performs like one would expect. For those who don't want the rumble functionality on, there's always the option of turning it off by hitting the PS button ... but, why would you do that? The DualShock 3's suggested price is $55 and should be available as soon as the box from Sony arrives at your local store.%Gallery-16981%

  • SIXAXIS being discontinued in America, still no sign of DS3s in Europe

    Well hooray for that. It's about bloody time that Sony finally says that they're discontinuing the SIXAXIS controllers. They'd told Stephen Totilo of MTV exactly that, adding that once the current stock runs out (estimated to be sometime during the Summer) there will be no more. Presumably this means that DualShock 3s will be made standard pack-ins when buying a PS3. Again, it's about bloody time.Meanwhile SCEE are remaining tight lipped regarding any date for a European launch of the new rumbling controllers. We're hoping they'll hit before June, considering how big of a fan Kojima is of using the feature. There is a rumor that DualShock 3s will be hitting Europe a month from now, on May 2nd. If we hear anything more then we'll be sure to let you know.

    Jem Alexander
  • Sony pulling plug on SIXAXIS

    This shouldn't come as much of a ... shock, but Sony is discontinuing the Sixaxis in light of the DualShock 3's arrival, according to MTV. A Sony rep says that you can likely expect them to all be gone by summertime.The practical upshot is that if your hands have become so atrophied from a lack of physical activity that you can no longer support the DualShock's heft, you may want to stock up on featherweight Sixaxises (Sixaxi?). Good night, sweet, almost comically light prince. And flights of angels (controllable with aftertouch) sing thee to thy rest.

    Justin McElroy
  • DualShock 3 to shake the US next week

    We'd been hearing that the DualShock 3 wasn't supposed to land until April 15th, but apparently Sony decided that getting gamers good and buzzed couldn't wait until Tax Day -- the official PlayStation Blog says the vibration-enabled controllers will hit US stores next week. There's a new DS3-compatible logo for rumble-compatible games, and quite a few titles will be getting updates to support the new controller. Everyone got their $55 together? Sweet, now all we need is an early release of MGS4. [Via PS3 Fanboy]Read - PlayStation Blog announcementRead - Full list of compatible games

    Nilay Patel
  • DualShock 3 available next week, compatibility list released

    Let's get ready to rumble! Sony's PlayStation Blog announced today that DualShock 3 controllers are currently shipping to North American stores and should be available next week. The controller originally had an April 15 release date attached to it, but can now be sold as soon as retailers receive them.We've placed the full list of DualShock 3 compatible titles after the break; games with an asterisk require a patch (which will automatically download if you're connected online). Sony has also added a page to its official PlayStation site dedicated to listing titles with rumble. DualShock 3 compatible titles will have an icon on the box and the controller's suggested retail price is $55. For those who truly don't care about rumble, keep an eye out for falling Sixaxis prices.Update: Edited piece after Sony let us know that the DualShock 3 compatibility page is live and confirmed the controllers can be sold as soon as retailers receive them.

  • DualShock 3 coming next week, compatability list revealed

    America will be able to get its hands on Sony's DualShock 3 next week. A new post on the PlayStation.blog reveals which US titles are rumble-ready. It's been a long time coming for rumble fans -- let's just all forget how Sony touted rumble as a "last generation" feature.Future titles will feature a DualShock icon (featured, right) if they are compatible with the new peripheral. That's rather unnecessary, in our book. Why? Because we expect every game from this point forth to rumble when played on the PS3. That's the way it was always meant to be.

    Andrew Yoon
  • Rumor: Dualshock 3s available in Europe on May 2nd

    Dutch site PlayStation Only has heard from a "reliable source" that Dualshock 3 controllers will finally be made available in Europe on the 2nd of May this year. There's no word on pricing and the date hasn't been confirmed by Sony, so this is firmly a rumor for now. With America's April release date fast approaching, Europeans are itchy to find out when they'll finally be able to get their hands on them. Most games (certainly, all high profile and first party titles) all support rumble out of the box, or via a mandatory patch so the earlier the controllers are released, the better.

    Jem Alexander
  • Deal of the Morning: DualShock 3 for $50

    While it might not be much of a deal, Amazon currently has fresh DualShock 3 controllers listed at $50 (pre-order only, of course). From the looks of the webpage, the deal looks permanent, at least, until pre-orders end (MSRP is $54.99). The Sixaxis has been cut down to about $44, so we can assume they're trying to create a hierarchy of controllers. A fiefdom, if we may. Anyway, if you're looking for a DualShock 3 pre-order, this is probably good news for you.

    Nick Doerr
  • Poll: What's it going to take to make you buy a PS3?

    Dare we say it, the tide is turning. With some hot numbers projected for 2008, the PS3 is seeing a lot of wins lately, most notably that little format-war scuffle you may have heard about. Now that we've (finally) got wind of a release date for the DualShock 3, and an SKU that includes MGS4 sweetening the deal, the still-pricey PS3 is looking mighty alluring. So, what's your story, what's it going to take? %Poll-10460%

    Paul Miller
  • DualShock 3 to arrive in April for $55

    Sure, you've been able to get a DualShock 3 on the gray market for a while now, but it looks like that "early 2008" rumor was spot on -- Sony just announced that vibration-enabled version of the SIXAXIS is due to arrive in North America in April 2008 for $55, along with that new 80GB PS3 SKU. We doubt much will have changed from the Japanese version we've already played with -- if you can't stand the anticipation the whole gallery is right here.

    Nilay Patel
  • DualShock 3 dated: April 15th for $55

    The rumble-ready DualShock 3 controller should be ready for US audiences on April 15th, according to a report by Kotaku. This release would coincide with the release of the upcoming Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Retailers have supposedly just received this date from the Destination PlayStation meeting. The controller will cost a rather hefty $55.We're getting in touch with Sony right now. Let's see if they can confirm this announcement.

    Andrew Yoon
  • New Japanese PS3 targets Satin worshippers

    Never one to cast judgment upon any potential customers, Sony has announced a new PlayStation 3 color aimed at Japanese kids in service of Satin. Packing a 40GB hard drive and a matching SIXAXIS wireless controller, the "Satin Silver" model is scheduled for release on March 6th at the price of ¥39,980, or approximately $666 $376. Those hoping to feel Satin's rumblings in their idle hands can also pick up a similarly colored Dual Shock 3, which releases on the same day for ¥5,500 ($52). If you were foolish enough to pledge your allegiance to that Ceramic White model, consider this your chance to repaint. %Gallery-15364%[Via Engadget]

  • New PS3 SKU practically confirmed by GameStop

    According to a report, the next iteration of PS3 packages has been all but confirmed during a GameStop conference call recently. Apparently, the 80GB version of the console is dead, and is due to be replaced by a 120GB model bundled with the Dual Shock 3 controller -- just like we mentioned a few days go. There's no set price or release date, though speculation is that it will turn up by GDC. Instead of a denial, Sony has gone for a "no comment" in regards to this news, though it certainly looks like this is the direction they're heading in, regardless of what they say.[Thanks, Khattab]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Rumor: Gamestop conference call mentions 120 GB PS3

    Adding to earlier claims from an Ars Technica mole, IGN reports various sources have told the website that a recent Gamestop conference call reportedly confirmed the death of the 80 GB PlayStation 3 model. The sources also allege that in its place Sony will release a 120 GB version packaged with ready-to-rumble DualShock 3 controllers.Sony told IGN that any talk about new consoles iterations is rumor and speculation, and therefore no comment. We haven't seen any patents filed for a new PS3 model (each one has a different model number; see our fancy SKU chart), but the circumstantial evidence is starting to add up.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

    Ross Miller
  • Sony killing 80GB PS3, introducing 120GB or 160GB model with Dual Shock 3?

    According to Ars Technica, Sony has some big plans for a PlayStation 3 refresh, starting with a phase-out of the 80GB model. According to an "inside source" -- which Ars claims has been consistently right on video game-related predictions -- the console-maker's new plot is starting to take shape, holding fast to a two-SKU approach on packages, upping the hard drive capacity on systems, and including the Dual Shock 3 controller. The new bundles will take the high / low road, with the source stating that the 40GB model will remain on shelves, while the 80GB, Spider-Man 3-inclusive system will disappear, only to be replaced with a 120GB or 160GB configuration. Of course, right now these are just words on a screen, though in light of Best Buy's recent stock changes, there certainly is an air of movement over at Sony.[Thanks, Khattab]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Sony DualShock3 Stateside "early 2008"

    We were just alerted to an "easter egg" of sorts hidden in plain site in the text of the PS3 firmware 2.01 update released on November 20th. It's not much, but an asterisked notation for "Vibration Function" says that the DualShock3 will be "Available for purchase in early 2008." Goodish news for those of you having trouble acquiring the rumbler from Japanese importers. [Thanks, Arun]

    Thomas Ricker
  • DualShock 3 rumble works with PS2 games

    Even if your PS3 doesn't work with PS2 games, apparently your fancy, imported DualShock 3 controller will. And that doesn't just include letting you spin two (count 'em!) two analog sticks while you're catching monkeys with a net. No, friends, you'll also be able to feel the visceral thrill of rumbling as you whack the monkeys with your stun club. ... Or, you know, play other PS2 games that don't involve catching monkeys. The DualShock 3's rumbling abilities with PS2 games, which only a few would have noticed by now, was apparently added by the PS3's 2.0 firmware.So the DualShock 3 is the newest gen of a next-gen peripheral now reaching back through time to accommodate a last-gen feature on last-gen games. But the only PS3s that support it will be those that play last-gen games, a feature that itself has become last-gen. We've honestly lost count of the layers of irony. Help us out here, Alanis.

    Justin McElroy
  • DualShock 3 will rumble with PS2 games

    Many importers have been curious: does the new rumble-ready DualShock 3 work for PS2 games played on the PS3? The answer is yes (provided you don't have the 40GB model -- you won't be able to play PS2 games at all!). With rumble being slowly reintroduced to the system, it appears that PS3 will finally be able to do everything the PS2 offered last generation ... and then some.[Video by Jamie A.]

    Andrew Yoon
  • Thrill as the DualShock 3 is unboxed!

    Have you ever seen anything so ... boxed in your entire life? What wouldn't you give to see that hot little piece of rumbling plastic shed its outer layer to reveal the deliciousness within, like some sort of be-dual-sticked piece of electronic corn?... OK, so we can't claim to understand unboxing fetishists entirely, but we can at least try to make up for it by appealing to their basest desires. Engadget Tokyo has one of the first retail DualShock 3s and they're taking the clamshell off ... slow.

    Justin McElroy
  • Sony DualShock 3 unboxing: ready to rumble?

    While it wasn't as though our Tokyo bureau was blessed with PS3 firmware 2.0 way in advance of us poor saps in the States, they certainly were among the first in the world to snag the retail release of the most controversial next-gen controller, MIA since launch in late 2006 until now: Sony's DualShock 3. (In ceramic white, no less!) It's nothing you haven't already seen here on Engadget, but feel free to inspect the package porn in the gallery below, letting waves of envy wash over you as that ¥5,500 ($50 US) burns a hole in your pocket. But hey, no reason to get too worked up, after all what possible need could your next-gen PlayStation have for the hottest "last-gen" feature on the block?%Gallery-10105%

    Ryan Block