

  • PS3 firmware 2.00 hits tomorrow

    Sure, 2.00 might sound like a magical milestone, but in reality there's not a whole lot here that's going to revolutionize your gaming experience, and sadly nothing yet to bring online communication and play to parity with Xbox Live and Xbox's handy dandy dashboard. That said, Sony is strengthening some of the PS3's unique features, like the new Remote Start function that lets you fire up your PS3 remotely when you're accessing it with your PSP, and playlists for music and photos. One of the biggest "additions" is DualShock 3 support, but that's so laughably last-gen that it's hardly worth noting. Sony is also packing in the ability to create and share your own Themes for XMB, and a news ticker that will eventually make way for the importing of your own RSS feeds. Sony also added a new XMB group to the main menu to pave the way for Home and other internets-friendly features, and -- oddly enough -- Canon printer support to really round out the package. The update will be available in the States tomorrow, November 8th.Update: PS3 Fanboy has some exclusive screenshots of the new interface.[Via Joystiq]

    Paul Miller
  • DualShock 3 said to be in short supply from importers

    It looks like those hoping to get a jump on the DualShock 3 action by importing one of the controllers from Japan may be in for some disappointment, as importers are now reportedly warning that stock could be "extremely limited." According to GamesIndustry.biz, Play Asia says that it's already filled all its pre-orders, and it's speculating that prices could "skyrocket" when the controller's released on November 11th. Some retailers are apparently even being advised by suppliers to only sell the controller with the purchase of a PS3 console, although it's not clear if anyone's actually going that far. National Console Support, however, says it expects prices to return to normal within two to three weeks of the Japanese launch, which would still give you plenty of time to taunt your friends with it before it's available 'round these parts.

    Donald Melanson
  • DualShock 3 imports to be scarce

    Many flocked to various import websites when Sony announced the rumble-ready DualShock 3 at Tokyo Game Show earlier this year. However, it looks like production of Sony's long-awaited peripheral won't meet the mountainous demand for the controller. Quantities will be quite scarce, as seen by Play-Asia's pre-orders already being sold out: "this is a product with limited availability and our allocations have been pre-sold."Importer NCSX also expects demand to increase the cost of importing a controller. They have some advice for those that want a rumble controller: to wait. "If prices ratchet up too high, we'd advise patience since prices should eventually drop to normalcy within 2-3 weeks after the Japanese debut." Of course, if you're bothering to import a controller, chances are you want it as soon as possible.Sony has not yet set a date for a North American release of the controller. It is expected to debut some time in the Spring. The controller will retail for 5500 yen (appx. US$47).

    Andrew Yoon
  • DualShock 3 supplies low; import cost high

    Import retailers are warning non-Japanese consumers that the DualShock 3, Sony's contrition controller, will be in extremely limited supply when it goes on sale Nov. 11. Importers like Play Asia say they've already pre-sold their expected supply. Sony obviously doesn't like import retailers, but they should take it as a good sign that consumers are keen to import the new DualShock 3 controller before its spring release in the States and Europe early next year. Importers are allegedly charging about $80 USD (£40) for what will probably be $50 (assuming it's the same price as the Sixaxis when it comes across the ocean).But, but, but why would you want to import the DualShock 3 when the rumble won't work with many old games? Well, Resistance: Fall of Man is patched to accept rumble and we're expecting hoping that other games have rumble added onto them soon. We're not going to make any "rumble is last generation" cracks because we're just happy Sony is bringing back the rumble. You really don't know what you've got till it's gone.

  • PS3 firmware 1.94 to bring rumble support

    Everyone's favorite last-gen feature is just about ready to make its grand appearance on the PS3: although firmware 1.94 hasn't been officially released yet, ShackNews is reporting that copies of Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction contain an updater to Sony's latest code, and it provides support for the rumblin' DualShock3 controller due out in Japan in November and in the US sometime this spring. No word on what other updates 1.94 provides, but it's not like anything else is even close to as important.[Via Joystiq and Tech.co.uk, thanks sk]

    Nilay Patel
  • Firmware 1.94 adds DualShock rumble support

    Ratchet & Clank Future (available in retail stores soon) is the first retail PS3 game to support rumble out of the box. The game includes firmware update 1.94 on the disc and will allow players with DualShock 3 controllers to experience the incredible innovation of rumble.The firmware is, as of writing, not yet available for download. DualShock 3 controllers will be available in Japan in November and in America next year.[Via Joystiq]

    Andrew Yoon
  • PS3's 1.94 firmware adds support for DualShock 3

    If you want to experience rumble with your PS3 games as soon as possible, you're going to have to go on a quest of sorts. First, time travel into next month (or wait a couple of weeks) and import a DualShock 3 from Japan. Next, you're going to need the PS3's new firmware, 1.94, but sadly, it isn't available for download yet. But don't be deterred. Shacknews is reporting that if you pick up Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (the first retail game with built-in rumble support) you'll be able to find 1.94 right there on the disc. Imagine the convenience. Now, unless you have obsessive compulsive disorder, we have no idea why you'd need the firmware weeks before the controller's even out. But at least we know a certain former Double Dare host is going to sleep well tonight.

    Justin McElroy
  • Warhawk patch 1.2 to fix tank glitch, add integrated Store, rumble support

    Not only is Incognito hard at work on Warhawk 1.1, they're working on another future patch, 1.2. This revision will finally take care of that dreaded "tank" glitch, which according to the PlayStation.blog also affected turrets and Warhawks. Additionally, the patch will include a new integrated Store interface, so you can download upcoming Booster Packs from within the game.The 1.2 update also adds rumble support for DualShock 3 controllers. Of course, this will be a moot point for most -- the controllers won't be commercially available in the US this year anyways.So when is this magical update supposed to appear? In December. Until then, we'll have to patiently wait for patch 1.1.

    Andrew Yoon
  • Sony Japan's ceramic white PS3 and DualShock 3 announced

    Nope, not an early sign of cataracts, you're looking at Sony's ceramic white 40GB PS3 and DualShock 3 controller just loosed in Japan. Like its European 40GB cuz, the CECHH00 Series PS3 aces the backward compatibility, memory card slot, and 2x of the 4x USB slots in favor of a low, low ¥39,980 (about $341/€242) price tag when it ships on 11 November. The DualShock 3 wireless rumbler (sold separately) first revealed at Tokyo Game Show hits shelves the same day for ¥5,500 or about $47/€33. Yes, both the PS3 and DualShock 3 are available in black if you're feeling the ebony over new-school ivory. [Via Akihabara News]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Immersion wants Sony to upgrade rumble technology

    While the announcement that Sony would finally bring the DualShock 3 to the PS3 excited us all, we couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed when we realized the controller would utilize the same rumble technology found in the DualShock 2.However, if Immersion CEO Vic Viegas has his way, the DualShock 3 will be just the first-generation rumble controller for the PS3. "Immersion is very motivated and very interested in working with [Sony] to bring the next generation of gaming technology because the gamers deserve a full, immersive environment where you can match high-fidelity graphics and sound with high-quality haptics," he said. "We're hoping [the DualShock 3] will be just the first step towards integrating the next-generation technology."What makes this prospective upgrade even more plausible is the fact that Viegas says the upgrade will actually be cheaper since the old technology uses two motors, while Immersion's TouchSense technology only needs one to achieve better results. "Immersion is already committed that we won't charge anything extra for the next technology. We have a standard royalty rate ... we don't want to make this more expensive and give anyone a reason not to implement it," Viegas said.

    Chris Powell
  • We can't enjoy it at release, but Haze will have rumble

    OK, so the video above is silly showing that an injection of the steroid/hallucinogen "Nectar" from the game Haze will cause the Sixaxis to rumble like it's the recently announced DualShock 3. But it is nice to know that Haze will ship with rumble in the coding -- even if we can't use it at launch.Looks like the Japanese, who will have the DualShock 3 this year, will be the only ones to enjoy rumble with their Haze at release. Everyone else on this little blue planet has to wait until early '08. Many of the games currently in development for the PS3 are being designed with rumble in mind and older PS3 games will supposedly receive patches. The guys at PS3 Fanboy tell us that if you really need to rumble with Haze you can always import a DualShock 3 from Japan and it should work fine. We'd prefer to wait for Sony to make some minimal-cost customer-friendly Sixaxis to DualShock 3 exchange program, but we're not holding our breath.[Via PS3 Fanboy]

  • Haze injects nectar into controller, adds rumble

    A cute new video for Haze highlights the PS3's newfound ability to rumble. How did they do it? Is it magic? No! It's nectar, the steroid-esque substance from the upcoming PS3 FPS. While some find it lame, we think it's a cute way of explaining the origins of DualShock 3.

    Andrew Yoon
  • Kojima Productions: DualShock 3 is better than DualShock 2

    In spite of what Sony is officially saying, it appears that PS3's upcoming rumble-ready controller, the DualShock 3 performs better than the DualShock 2. Kojima Productions' Ryan Payton was grilled by 1UP about the new controller if "it's safe to definitively say that the rumble in the Dual Shock 3 is better than the rumble in the Dual Shock 2." The answer? "Absolutely, yeah. It feels better, and I think Shane experienced that too." Our hands-on time at TGS didn't reveal a significantly better rumbling experience, even when playing Metal Gear Solid 4. So, what's going on? Is it a placebo effect? Who should we believe? 1UP and Kojima Productions? Or Sony?

    Andrew Yoon
  • Some unfamiliar titles in PS3 rumble compatability list

    It seems that the DualShock 3 came equipped with more than just last-gen tech. Also found within its molded plastic curves? Secrets. PS3 Fanboy spotted some unfamiliar titles in the controller's recently distributed compatability list, titles that we'll now pass along to you for your rampant speculation pleasure. N-Cube -- Creat Studios Warbit -- Creat Studios To End all Wars -- Ghostlight TNA Wrestling -- Midway Cops (codename) -- Pyro Planet One (codename) -- Pyro The Crucible -- Sega Rat Race -- SCEA What do they mean? We just don't know. Will that stop us from making wild, unfounded guesses? Let's put it this way: Judging from the last title, we've confirmed that the PS3 will soon get a visit from digi-Whoopi. Con-firmed.

    Justin McElroy
  • Rumble compatability list reveals new titles

    Former PS3 Fanboy writer Colin took a look through Sony's list of games that will support the DualShock 3 and found a few unrecognizable titles, such as: N-Cube -- Creat Studios Warbit -- Creat Studios To End all Wars -- Ghostlight TNA Wrestling -- Midway Cops (codename) -- Pyro Planet One (codename) -- Pyro The Crucible -- Sega Rat Race -- SCEA Also spotted on the list was a new Vampire's Rain game, and a new Solider of Fortune game. We don't have anything more to work with than the title -- but that's better than nothing, right?

    Andrew Yoon
  • "Rumble feature on the DualShock 3 is the same as DualShock 2"

    Sony Computer Entertainment America's Kimberly Otzman, corporate communications, confirmed to GameDaily BIZ, what we suspected all along: "The rumble feature on the DualShock 3 is the same as DualShock 2." The controller does not feature any new advanced form of rumbling, as some internet forums have been murmuring. In addition to talking about the rumble technology, Otzman revealed information about the battery life, noting that "battery life depends on how often the rumble feature is used." She added, "When the rumble feature is completely turned off, it's equivalent with the Sixaxis (maximum of 30 hours) and when the rumble feature is active it's about 15 hours, under SCE standard testing conditions." Obviously, battery life will be shorted with rumble. For those that are going to get the new rumble controllers, get ready to use your USB cables a lot more regularly.

    Andrew Yoon
  • It is a last gen feature; DualShock 3 same tech as DualShock 2

    Remember when Sony's Phil Harrison called rumble a "last generation feature?" Well, can't call the man a liar because he was absolutely right! GameDaily BIZ confirmed with Sony today that the technology in the recently announced DualShock 3 is identical to that in the DualShock 2. So anybody expecting Immersion's next-gen rumble technology can just let those dreams pass into the ether.As for battery life, the DualShock 3 will last approximately 15 hours with the rumble feature on, and 30 hours (the same as the Sixaxis) with it off. As for the DualShock 3 replaces the Sixaxis, Sony Corporate Communications' Kimberly Otzman says, "Nothing has been decided yet, stay tuned." The natural assumption would be the DualShock 3 will replace the Sixaxis across the board by holiday '08, but don't expect any announcements like that until early next year.

  • TGS07: DualShock 3 unveiled, PS3 learns to shake, rattle and roll

    At their Tokyo Game Show press conference today, Sony finally revealed how the PS3 got its groove back. Kaz Hirai announced that the DualShock 3 -- a Sixaxis controller with rumble -- will be out this November in Japan and Spring 2008 everywhere else. Future games, such as Metal Gear Solid 4, will incorporate rumble technology, while older titles can enable rumble through software updates. No price has been given, nor was there any discussion on whether the Sixaxis would be phased out.

    Ross Miller
  • Released PS3 titles may become rumble compatible

    Following the not-so-surprising announcement of a rumble-ready PlayStation 3 controller, Sony sent out a press release to list all of the titles that are compatible with the new controller. The list features pretty much every title in the console's library except for flOw and Lair. Also mentioned in the press release is that "PS3 titles that are already in the market may become compatible with the rumble feature through software update." It sounds like a no-brainer, but we're hoping this means Sony will set the trend by updating all first-party games from Resistance to Heavenly Sword. For sake of being complete, we've alphabetized the list of compatible titles and posted it after the break.

    Ross Miller
  • Sony's DualShock 3 is finally official: PS3 gets rumble

    Kaz Hirai has come to the Tokyo Game Show bearing good news indeed: Sony's finally putting out a SIXAXIS with rumble, the DualShock 3. The controller will look exactly like the SIXAXIS, and is going to be hitting Japan this November, and North America and Europe in spring 2008. A few games in development have the function already, including Metal Gear Solid 4, and existing games can be updated with rumble over the PlayStation Network. Of course, the beans were spilled by EA earlier today, and Kaz says Sony let developers know about the controller as soon as it was decided upon, which would explain all the other leaks over the year. What Sony has constantly described as a technical difficulty stemming from the motion sensitivity of the controller has apparently been overcome, but it's still hard not to pin it all on that Immersion lawsuit no matter how much spin Sony puts on things. There's no word on price for the DualShock 3.

    Ryan Block