

  • Wasteland Diaries: PvP for dummies

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    PvP in Fallen Earth is different. It's not much like an MMORPG, and it's not much like an FPS (first-person shooter, for the uninitiated). It's a hybrid, and it can take some getting used to. But isn't that what PvE is for? To train us to PvP? I would like to think that, but many players of MMOs refuse to ever fight their fellow players. Considering I get most of my combat joy out of fighting other players, I find this online conscientious objector mentality beyond my ability to understand. But there are also those who will always PvP, and then there are the undecided. If you're wondering whether or not to try out some Fallen Earth PvP action, this article is for you. I have never understood why, in a game that has such paltry death penalties, so few engage in PvP. The fine folks at Fallen Earth, LLC have even been nice enough to put kid gloves on us when we PvP in Blood Sports. There is literally no penalty whatsoever for dying in a Blood Sports match. You respawn fully buffed and ready to get some. My goal in this article is to convince some of the players who are undecided on PvP to try it out. I'll give you the low-down on what to expect, and at the end I'll give you some tips from the pros. So, without any further ado, let's move on.

  • Breakfast Topic: Death by death knight

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    I was running through Borean Tundra recently, leveling my death knight alt, when a rather morbid thought hit me. That thought was this: death by death knight must suck. With all of the diseases, a ghoul often gnawing a limb off and the DK himself hacking into you with his weapon of choice, dying from a death knight may be the worst death that you could receive from a player class. With a max-level paladin as my main, I know that pallys are a relatively quick and painless death (so long as they're not fighting an undead mob, at which point it would have to be a terrible way to go). I've not played any other classes to high levels, so I can't say for them. The closest to me would have to be the warlock, what with sucking your soul straight out of you. Which class do you think would bestow the most painful death, and which the most merciful? Are death knights the masters of suffering, or are they merely pretenders to the throne? Are warriors or rogues, with their bleed tactics, a worse way to go? Would it be better just to get one-shot? Is there a particular spec that rules the roost? Let the debate begin. This article has been brought to you by Seed, Aol's guest writer program that brings your words to WoW.com. Watch for the next call for submissions and a chance to submit your own article. The next byline you see here may be yours!

  • WoW Rookie: The rules of duels

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the basics of a good start in the World of Warcraft. For links to all our tips, tricks and how-to's, visit WoW.com's WoW Rookie Guide. What is the attraction behind low-level dueling? I never for the life of me can figure out why someone with barely half a dozen skills to his name invariably challenges me to a duel the moment I approach a newbie village. As someone who spends a not-insignificant amount of time running to the nearest newbie-accessible mailbox with level 2 characters (gotta collect a few copper for postage, you know) in order to contact a player for an article, I find it's rare that I can make it all the way to Razor Hill or Stormwind without some guy wanting to get a sniff of my big, fat Heroic Strike. You definitely can't beat 'em -- so why not give in and join 'em? The prospect of a duel can be intimidating, but you really have nothing to lose. You won't die (losing simply brings you down to 1 hit point), you won't lose XP and you can't open yourself up to having your gear looted (which can happen in other games). Duels are a fun way to test how well you react to the unexpected. They certainly offer a graphic lesson in the capabilities of other classes in the game. You won't overestimate your endurance in a Battleground once you've discovered you have to kill paladins "at least twice"!

  • Theorycrafting in Wizard101

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Apparently theorycrafting isn't just for hardcore RPGers anymore. Tipa of the West Karana blog put together an interesting primer on the hidden numbers behind kid-friendly (and adult too - don't be shy) MMO, Wizard101. Want to know what damage, accuracy or power pips are and which is better? Want to know what your ideal secondary magic school might be? Want to know how important mana or health is when choosing gear? Find out the answers to these questions and more in Tipa's "need to know" guide. You can even leave a question in her comment section if you don't find what you were looking for.And we're sure there will be a lot of questions since Wizard101 recently hit the one million player mark. Perhaps theorycrafting has become a bit more important in this casual-friendly game since they recently added the player arena, where wizards can engage in a fierce magical duels against each other. Competition usually encourages more strategic thinking and planning if you want to win, and this combat primer might help as well.

  • Top ten reasons Thrall got pwned by Garrosh

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    So, there's this Wrath-release event happening. One of the side-plays during the event is a duel between Thrall and Garrosh Hellscream. And while Thrall was busting out all the Shaman mojo he could, he ultimately loses to Garrosh. Over and over. Why, Thrall? How could it come to this? Where did we go wrong? In an attempt to understand how the Warchief could be struck low by the young pup, we here at WoW Insider bring you the Top Ten Reasons Thrall got pwned by Garrosh: