

  • Six of our favorite Media Summit videos

    You've already had the chance to examine scores of wonderful screens from new Wii games announced at the Nintendo Media Summit. This new post is dedicated to displaying thousands of more screens (squashed together to create videos) of some of the bigger titles that have been shown at the event.We settled on placing Nintendo's official Punch-Out!! trailer at the top of this post, but could have easily led with some truly fantastic Sin & Punishment 2 footage, an impressive tech demo of The Conduit, or Yuji Naka's wacky-looking Let's Tap. Instead, all of those (and more) are past the break, and need to be viewed right now. Before you go, though, one final note: if any game released this year has a funkier soundtrack than Let's Tap, we'll be gobsmacked.

  • DS Fanboy's Media Summit screen round-up

    The worst bit about big industry events for impatient bloggers and readers? The game assets. Oh Lordy, the assets. An absolute landslide of screens, usually scattered about across, ooh, dozens of pages. But not at DS Fanboy! Not on our watch! Because we wub you, readers, we've collected a big old stack of new screens for your viewing pleasure and placed them all after the break of just one post. This post, in fact. From the well-known to the obscure, we'd be amazed if there's not at least one game that appeals to everyone past that line of blue text. Mario & Luigi 3, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (right), Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel, Shining Force Feather, and Picross 3D is only scratching the surface, so make the jump!

  • New Final Fantasy lets DS and Wii gamers play at the same time

    Fans of Square Enix and their Final Fantasy line of games are in for a treat. The company revealed in the latest issue of Shonen Jump magazine that it's developing a new installment in its Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series of games. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is a game that will release on the DS and Wii on January 29th. Also, it will allow DS gamers and Wii gamers to play together online. How neat is that?Nothing in the way of exact functionality is explained, other than the prospect of transferring your Mii from the Wii version of the game to the DS title (and the previously mentioned co-op). We'll provide more information as it's made available.

    David Hinkle
  • Shonen Jump reveals Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time for Wii, DS

    Square Enix has revealed a new chapter in the long-titled Final Fantasy sub-series, Crystal Chronicles. According to the latest issue of Shonen Jump (via Gamekyo) FF:CC:Echoes of Time is coming January 29 in Japan for both Wii and DS. The game will allow DS and Wii users to play alongside one another simultaneously, and will enable Mii characters to be used in the DS version. No other details are provided, but given the timing of this issue, we'd be surprised not to see Echoes of Time at this month's Tokyo Game Show.[Via NWF, Final Fantasy Union]

    Ross Miller
  • Square Enix reveals new Final Fantasy for Wii

    The latest issue of Shonen Jump magazine in Japan details a new game from Square Enix in the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles franchise, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. Other than having a ridiculously long name, the title will allow DS and Wii gamers to play alongside each other at the same time online. It will even allow you to transfer your Mii from the Wii version of the game to the DS version!The game has a release date of January 29th listed and when more info is made available, we'll update you all. Who's excited for some more Final Fantasy on Wii?[Via Final Fantasy Union]

    David Hinkle
  • WoW Moviewatch: Echoes of Time teaser

    Longtime machinimators Sveth and Qvist, the duo that makes up Founding Arts, have put together a teaser for their upcoming film, Echoes of Time. Based on lore, they've chosen to break it down into two films which will be released in Fall 2008. The first part covers the shaping of Kalimdor, the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Second war, and the Arthas's putrefecation. The second part will touch upon Illidan's alliance with the Blood Elves, the deceit of Kael'thas, and the powers of an Eredar God.We're not sure how long they've been working on this, but they haven't released anything since December 2007. That would probably explain why they're asking for voiceover, writing help, and general support. For more information on the film, check out their blog.[Via]If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.Previously on Moviewatch ...

    Moo Money