

  • Engadget

    Electrameccanica's Solo is a single-seat EV commuter car

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    If you're looking for an electric vehicle but don't need the extra seats (or long delivery times) that a full-sized Tesla Model 3 demands, you could always take a shot with the Solo. This electric vehicle from Canadian startup ElectraMeccanica Vehicles Corp, boasts a 100 mile range and a $15,500 price tag.

  • A 3D-printed autonomous car, and more in the week that was


    3D printing and autonomous cars are two of today's hottest emerging technologies -- so why not combine the two? That's the idea behind Local Motors' latest vehicle, which features a 3D-printed body, a windshield video screen and no steering wheel. Meanwhile, OX launched the world's first all-terrain flat-pack truck, which can be quickly shipped anywhere in the world. Cannae Corporation announced plans to test an "impossible" zero-exhaust microwave thruster that could revolutionize space travel. And Electra Meccanica launched SOLO, an affordable three-wheeled electric vehicle for one.