

  • PSN Thursday: Rayman, Elefunk and E3

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    We've been a little busy with all the E3-ing and being hosts, so here's the PSN Thursday update for this week. PS1 classic Rayman is available, along with PSN game Elefunk. There's also several E3 videos and just sunshine with rainbows. So tired ...

  • PLAYSTATION Store gets daily updates this week

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    With E3 happening this week (stay tuned for live coverage!), the PLAYSTATION Store will be updated every day, with new content arriving from first and third parties. In addition to the requisite trailers and videos that will appear on the Store, PlayStation will be bringing it home with playable content. Watch out for Rock Band DLC, featuring The Who, the official release of the Super Stardust HD team pack, and a new PSN game, Elefunk.Stay tuned for more info as it happens.

  • Watch elephants being saved in Elefunk trailer

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    When we first saw Elefunk, we didn't know what exactly to make of it. However, seeing it in action in this new trailer has us pretty excited for this elephant-themed puzzle game. In it, you must build bridges in order to help move elephants from one place to another. It's like all the fun of high school physics, without any of the bad acne and body odor! With elephants! Elefunk should be out on the PSN some time this month.

  • Watch these PS Day and Buzz! Quiz TV trailers

    Majed Athab
    Majed Athab

    If you don't feel like downloading this 300+ MB trailer off the PSN, then you can alternatively watch it livestreaming here. There's some new SOCOM Confrontation footage to look at as well as other upcoming titles like Elefunk, LittleBigPlanet, SingStar, and Siren Blood Curse.Also, check out the video after the break. It's Buzz from Buzz! Quiz TV showing us the all new features: choose a category, My Buzz connectivity, and other downloadable content.

  • MTV 'dates' upcoming PSN games

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    MTV's Stephen Totilo has recently had his hands on with all the big first-party PSN games that will be hitting within the next few months. His thoughts on each title are generally very positive, which is great now that we know that they're all coming out between now and June. Totilo lists each of the games (Echochome, Elefunk, PixelJunk Monsters: Encore and WipEout HD) along with a vague release date.While May will be the busiest month of the quarter, April will kick things off with (as well as a Store redesign) PixelJunk Monsters: Encore, an expansion pack for the well received tower defense game, which is pegged for the latter part of the month. Echochrome and Elefunk will keep May interesting until WipEout HD finally gets a release in "late May, or early June". Interestingly, it seems that Echochrome will receive two releases - one for PS3 and one for PSP. Each will be entirely different to the other in terms of level layout, but both will be available for download from the PSN Store. True Echochrome fans will no doubt want to grab both versions for the full experience. Needless to say, these dates are all US based. There's no telling when Europe will be seeing any of these games ...

  • Spring PSN lineup dated

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Sony recently showed off near-final builds of its next wave of original PSN games, and even committed to release time frames, according to MTV Multiplayer. Though weekly releases on the PS Store are largely kept behind the big, black curtain until showtime, it appears that Sony is trying to steal some attention away from the recent bevy of WiiWare boloney "buildup" and the well-oiled Xbox Live Arcade machine by generating previews of its own. So how 'bout those dates: Late April: PixelJunk Monsters Encore (expansion pack) Early May: Echochrome May: Elefunk Late May / early June: WipEout HD

  • Pain due out in Europe this month; Elefunk in April; Echochrome follows in May

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Geekpulp, a New Zealand based site, has received a list of upcoming first-party downloads that will be up on the PlayStation Store within the next few months. These are PAL releases, so it's easy to assume that the same content will be reaching Europeans around the same time. With only three items on the list, however, we're hoping this isn't exhaustive. There will obviously be third party stuff coming too, but with Sony holding games like High Velocity Bowling and Dark Mist hostage, we were hoping to see them at some point soon. The press release says that Pain will be out at some point this month, along with a few extra buyable characters on day one. With ten extra characters finished and ready to go, both Europe (that seems to include all PAL territories) and America should be seeing more characters becoming available regularly. That's all very well and good, but where are the new levels? One really isn't enough, no matter how many characters you can toss around in it.Elefunk (a game we sadly haven't heard about in quite a while) will be available in April and the PS3 release of Echochrome will come in May. So, now you know how the next few months according to Sony and its first-party titles, what do you think?[Via N4G]

  • Elephants go wild in Elefunk for PSN

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Whoops! Those crazy elephants -- what will they do next? Elefunk is yet another new game for the PlayStation Network that features elephants doing crazy things. We don't know much else about the game right now, but can anyone seriously question the entertainment value of elephants collapsing off of bridges?