

  • WoW.com on NPR

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This Tuesday morning while everyone else was lamenting weekly maintenance, I headed down to the local NPR studios to sit in a very quiet, empty studio -- and chat about World of Warcraft with illustrious individuals in distant lands on WBUR's On Point. I joined William Sims Bainbridge (author of The Warcraft Civilization, which is available in stores today) and host Tom Ashbrook for an hour-long discussion on the meaning behind World of Warcraft. Can we really use events in WoW predict the future? Is WoW the first real afterlife? Is the game world dangerous and addicting -- or a great place to connect with friends and co-workers? If you're interested in catching our discussion, it's available for streaming online or you can download it (as well as past and future editions of On Point) as a podcast on iTunes.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 63: Healing for fun and phat loots

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It was all healers all the time this past week on the WoW Insider Show. Special guest tree Druid Phaelia joined us from her site, Resto4Life.com, and our good friend Matt "Matticus" Low brought his priestly insights from World of Matticus (and our own Spiritual Guidance column), and our producer Elizabeth Harper brought some Paladin judgement to the table. We chatted about how healing is going lately in the game, which classes are doing well lately (and which are doing not so well), and what Ghostcrawler might do for healers to make things more fun than whack-a-mole. We also talked about the 3.0.3 patch, and where we've been in the beta, and where we're going first on launch day.Additionally, we talked with Phaelia about how she started in WoW and decided to start blogging about it, and we answered your emails, including what's up with those dragon heads you sometimes see outside of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and the best glyphs for healers. If you've got a question or comment for the show, send it along to theshow AT wowinsider dot com, and you might even hear it on next week's show.Lots of ways to listen to the show after the break -- don't forget that the earliest you can listen to the show is on Saturday evening: we've got the Ustream recording up right after we finish making it. But the best time to listen to the show is during, because every Saturday we do this live on our Ustream page (and you even get to attend the non-recorded aftershow). If you've never been, check it out next week.Get the podcast:[iTunes] Subscribe to the WoW Insider Show directly in iTunes. (will be updated soon)[Ustream] Listen to the unedited recording in Ustream.[RSS] Add the WoW Insider Show to your RSS aggregator.[MP3] Download the MP3 directly.Listen here on the page:

  • WoW Insider Show live with Phaelia of Resto4Life tomorrow afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our weekly podcast (we're working on a new graphic for the new theme, don't worry) goes live again as usual tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm Eastern over on Ustream, and this week we are thrilled to welcome one of our favorite bloggers: Phaelia of Resto4Life. Listeners have requested some Resto talk, so we invited everyone's favorite tree Druid to come and let us know what things are like from the healer's perspective. And speaking of healers, we also invited a Priest and a Paladin along: Matt "Matticus" Low from World of Matticus (and our own Spritual Guidance column) will be on as a man of the cloth, and our producer Elizabeth Harper will be aboard as a woman of the plate. Looks like I'll have to rep Resto Shammy so we can get all the healers in the mix.Additionally, we'll be talking about patch 3.0.3, and all the chaos in the runup to the expansion, including where we're going to get our copies, and what we're going to do right after install. And we'll take a look back at the beta, and see if there's anything else we'd like to say about it one last time before we step into the same place on the live realms. If you've got questions or comments for the show, feel free to drop us an email at theshow at wowinsider dot com, and you might even hear it on the air.And of course you're welcome to join us during the recording for the live chat, our in-show polls, or a (hopefully not shortened this week) aftershow session with the guests. We'll be live at 3:30pm Eastern (time zone calc) on the Ustream page, or you can just join us right back here -- there's an embedded stream right after the break. See you then!

  • One Shots: Frozen Fjord forests

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Two big contenders are in beta/pre-release right now, vying for many of the same players. While we showed off the dark and gritty world of Warhammer Online yesterday, today we're showing off a screen sent in to us from the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King beta by our Senior Network Editor, Elizabeth Harper. This particular shot comes to us from near a village in Howling Fjord, on the chilly continent of Northrend. Between the forest and the dragon-headed architecture on the right floats the shimmering beauty of northern lights. Of course, it's not all peaceful beauty in the frozen lands, but we won't spoil it for you.If you're in either the WoW beta or the WAR beta, we'd love to see your screenshots! Not in either or them? No worries -- we love all screenshots from all games. Just send them to us with a brief description of what we're seeing along with your name to oneshots AT massively DOT com. We'll post up your virtual postcard for everyone to enjoy and give you credit for sending it in. %Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Riding to Northrend

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For those of us who still haven't made it into the Wrath of the Lich King beta but would like to know some basic details (non-spoiler) we're glad to offer this nifty screenshot courtesy of our very own Senior Network Editor, Elizabeth Harper. The place you want to go to find your way to Northrend (for the Horde) is just outside Orgrimmar and to the right, as opposed to going to the left where the old zeppelin tower is. Apparently, you can catch a similar zeppelin outside of the Undercity as well. Today's One Shot captures this strange new zeppelin flying across the hot sands of Durotar, on the way to colder lands and new adventure! Do you have a screenshot from a beta (that's not under NDA, mind you) that you think shows off some of the cool things in an upcoming game? Perhaps you're just fond of showing off your own particular mount that you worked hard to achieve and would like to tell us about it? Whatever your reason, send those screenshots in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with a description of what we're seeing. Yours could be one of the next One Shots!%Gallery-9798%

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 10: Money, Zul'Aman, and Illidan down

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Episode number 10 of the WoW Insider Show has it the virtual airwaves, and you can now listen to it over on WoW Radio's website, or on your very own copy of iTunes. Mike Schramm (me), Elizabeth Harper, Ryan Carter, and of course the inimitable Turpster were all on the mic for this week's show, and we discussed a sampling of the most popular posts from the last week of WoW Insider. We all gave out our best tips on how to make some more money, money, money. We chatted about the season 3 armor sets, as well as the fact that season 1 sets are going to be available for honor Zul'Aman armor also got a short review from each of us. I was the only one who really liked the tribal feel, but then again I'm a Shaman, and we're all about getting tribal. We discussed the coming changes to lowbie items, and whether they'll help out twinks or not And we talked about Chinese Burning Crusade players and their recent downing of Illidan Oh, and our new site Massively got a nice mention as well-- unfortunately, the Murloc suit contest ended yesterday, but the site is still up and pouring out all kinds of great MMO news. If WoW isn't the only MMO you play (or even if it is, and you're interested about hearing what other MMOs have to offer), make a stop over there, and leave a comment or two, won't you?