

  • Breakfast Topic: What type of character would your father play in WoW?

    Happy Father's Day! In honor of the day I have a question for you: what would your father play in WoW? A rogue? A hunter? What race would he choose, and which spec would he favor? Some of you may recall I asked a similar question last month on Mother's Day, so now it's time for us to give our dads the same treatment. I myself have always thought my father would roll as a blood elf frost mage. The mage because he was a bit of a trickster and I imagine he'd get a kick out of spells like Blink and Polymorph. An elf because he always enjoyed the wise and collected demeanor of the elves in Lord of the Rings. And frost because he'd prefer PvP over PvE, and frost offers so much control and utility for that. As for my step father ... I've never so much as seen him touch a video game beyond Solitaire, so maybe he'd just play Hearthstone. Who knows? What about your fathers?

    Dawn Moore
  • Patch 5.4 PTR: Jard and his amazing engineering journal

    For those of us who have picked the best profession (that would be engineering), we've finally got some new schematics in patch 5.4 to mess around with! Fortunately, there are no reputations to grind, no insane amount of gold or obscure items we have to pay to obtain these new schematics. In fact, in a departure from the usual, all engineers have to obtain is one item to learn all new schematics for patch 5.4: Chief Engineer Jard's Journal. At the present time, the journal drops from any mob in the Vale -- I got mine from the first sha I killed. Reading the journal will teach you Jard's secrets. Apparently, he really wasn't into explosives at all. You'll get the schematics for Pierre, the Rascal Bot, the Advanced Refrigeration Unit, and the Sky Claw when you learn the journal, as well as the item you'll need to make all of them -- Jard's Peculiar Energy Source. And this is where it gets a little frustrating, to say the least. Creating the energy source is easy, you only need 10 Ghost Iron Bars. What's frustrating is the cooldown -- you can only make one energy source per day. It's very much like the cooldown for Imperial Silk, except that there isn't an option to use Spirits of Harmony to bypass the cooldown at the present time.

    Anne Stickney
  • Patch 5.4 PTR: Item enhancement changes for low-level players

    In patch 5.4, it's going to be a little easier to deck your character out in some pretty fantastic gear. According to the patch notes, all item enhancements from Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests will be able to be applied to any piece of gear, regardless of item level. What does that mean for an aspiring alt? It means that all that wonderful heirloom gear you've managed to acquire over the years can finally be enchanted. There are limits to these enchantments, however, so don't bust out the Mongoose for your max-level character just yet. Although high-level enchantments applied to items equipped by low-level players will have their power scaled down to be more appropriate for that level range, low level enhancements will not scale up beyond their intended level range. In other words, it appears as though the enhancements aren't exactly scalable. From what can be gathered so far from the patch notes, it appears as though you'll be able to simply enchant your gear as you go. If you use a high-level enchant, it'll be scaled down to you. Players looking for a way to improve their heirloom quality gear now have a method of doing so. Although the patch notes aren't 100% clear on this mechanic, we'll know more once patch 5.4 hits the PTR servers.

    Anne Stickney
  • A beginner's guide to WoW's crafting professions

    We've talked about WoW's gathering professions, but now that you know gathering, it's time to talk about what to do with the materials you've gathered: craft. World of Warcraft has eight different crafting professions -- alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting, engineering, leatherworking, tailoring, jewelcrafting, and inscription -- which means that a wannabe crafter has plenty of options. So follow along as we walk you through your WoW crafting choices. Alchemy What does it do? Allows you to create a variety of potions, elixirs, and flasks, as well as transmuting certain items into other items. Most of an alchemist's skills involve providing buffs for anyone using their brews: potions provide an immediate benefit (like restoring your health), elixirs provide buffs for an extended period of time, and flasks provide buffs that last through death. Do I need any gear? Crafting potions will require herbs and different types of vials. Do I get any extras? Alchemists have access to the passive ability Mixology, which doubles the duration and increases the effect of flasks and elixirs they use. High level alchemists have access to a number of useful trinkets and, if they also study Archaeology, can learn to transform into a Sandstone Drake. Why take alchemy? It's definitely useful to be able to make your own potions: you'll find you're never lacking for them. And paired with herbalism to gather herbs, you'll be entirely self-sufficient. However, you might also take alchemy purely out of interest in high-level trinkets or the Sandstone Drake.

  • The wait continues for Pierre and the Skyclaw

    The mystery of Pierre and the Sky Claw continues. These creations burst onto the scene in the patch 5.2 PTR patch notes back in January, when we were enthralled by Pierre's cooking capabilities, and the Sky Claw's two-person mount potential. Engineers were thrilled at their appearance, but alas, it was not to be. When we last heard from our potent pair, they had been recently removed from patch 5.2, for undisclosed reasons. This last update came our way in early March, and we have had no word since. Until now. Blizzard Lead Content Designer Cory "Mumper" Stockton tweeted the following: @tasenilein Not in 5.3 - Cory Stockton (@mumper) April 23, 2013 What has happened to Pierre and the Skyclaw? Have we sent out a search party? Are they in Vashj'ir, solving underwater crimes? Is it simply that Lil' Ragnaros is jealous and has banished Pierre to the Elemental Plane, and the Skyclaw is trying to build up the stones to fly down and snatch him out? Or is it possible that something more sinister is afoot... WoW Insider recently made mention of a new contender for engineers' hearts and pockets, the Bad Robot, due to grace our screens in 'a future patch'. Could it be that the bad robot has lived up to his name and put paid to Pierre and the Skyclaw? Could this be the darkest hour for our dynamic duo? Who will help them now?

    Olivia Grace
  • RIP Mike Culbert, iOS and Newton pioneer

    We've received direct word and noted on Twitter that that Mike Culbert, a longtime Apple hardware engineer, has passed away after battling cancer. According to his friends, he was a "brilliant engineer, a wonderful human being." He will be missed. Culbert began working at Apple over 25 years ago, ending up as VP of Architecture. His contributions include numerous patents for many iPhone and iPad innovations that we now take for granted. These include iOS video screen rotation, power saving patents, the ambient light sensor, digital content escrow for iTunes purchases, and more. He was also a key player on the Newton development team. We at TUAW send our condolences to his family and friends. Thanks Maurice. Newton Photo by Blake Patterson.

    Erica Sadun
  • Pierre the craftable cookstove pulled from 5.2

    Eagle-eyed PTR users might have noticed that Pierre, the Engineering-crafted cookstove and battle pet, has disappeared from the pet journal. Cory Stockton confirmed via Twitter that Pierre was indeed pulled from patch 5.2, to the disappointment of Engineers and pet collectors everywhere. We've written about Pierre on WoW Insider before, and, as silly as I feel admitting this, I'm pretty sad he's not going to be in the patch! Sure there's tons of cool mounts, loot, and delicious lore still to look forward to, but pets, man! Come on! As of yet the reasons for the change are unknown, but I certainly hope that when he does at last appear in the game, he's still as face-meltingly adorable as he is now.

    Sarah Pine
  • Apple seeking engineers for 'next generation' Apple TV development

    A new job posting on Apple's website shows that the company is seeking a software engineering manager to "help deliver the next-generation features for Apple TV." Alright, sure, they probably didn't need that article in there. But still -- Apple is clearly trying to put together a team to build up the software on the Apple TV, and it even asks applicants for the job to have experience managing several "high-priority projects." "High-priority" isn't how Apple has described its TV unit in the past, but if they're assembling a new team for a new era, we can probably expect to see some changes in the future around Apple's living room device. A job listing is of course just a job listing -- this just means it's a position that Apple wants to fill at some point in the future, not that Apple's halfway done with all of the R&D it wants to do. But I think it is fair to say that the Apple TV has a long future in Cupertino, and that we'll definitely see it move up on the priority scale over there very soon. [via 9to5Mac]

    Mike Schramm
  • Patch 5.2: Engineering gets new battle pet

    There's more to patch 5.2 than daily quests, a new raid, new scenarios, two new factions... wow, that's actually a lot of stuff. But also, there are new pets for you pet battle fans. One of them is this lovely fella, Pierre. Pierre is an engineer crafted battle pet who also doubles as a cooking fire. That makes sense because he is a stove, and frankly, puts me in mind of all the people cursed in the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. So now, engineers can create a robot to force into battle and cook your food for you. Scientific progress apparently now also yells test your might. Engineers can also craft a new Advanced Refrigeration Unit, but apparently they can't force that into a death match -- it's just a 32 slot bag for cooking ingredients. Considering how much of that stuff ends up in your bags, it's probably good to get a new bag for it. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

    Matthew Rossi
  • League of Legends' analytics, data backend detailed

    If you're a League of Legends nerd who understands the jargon surrounding computer networking and online analytics, you might find a new Slashdot piece on Riot Games of interest. The company's monstrous MOBA success features 70 million registered users, 32 million of whom log in and stress the firm's hardware infrastructure every month. Riot currently boasts dozens of engineers and support staff to manage "more than 500 GB of structured data and over four TB of operational logs every day." It wasn't always so, as the company began with a single data analyst. "We were a scrappy startup and wanted to get our game out the door. Analytics wasn't an afterthought, but we didn't have many resources for it initially, and so [we] started with one mySQL instance, running queries and downloading them to Excel," explains engineering director Barry Livingston.

    Jef Reahard
  • Blingtron takes an interest in fashion in 5.1

    Everyone's favorite wealthy benefactor has taken a sudden and keen interest in fashion in patch 5.1. The engineer created robot Blingtron now offers more than just a free gift pack a day -- he also has a new dialogue box. Apparently Bling doesn't care for Azeroth's finest fighting gear, and offers to dress you up in a manner that is "visually attractive to your species." If you're up for an episode of Extreme Makeover: Blingtron Edition, simply click the option that says "Let's party!" Regardless of race, you'll be transformed into a human wearing a particularly snazzy suit combo with a fashionable hat. You'll also gain the buff Dressed to Kill, which doesn't really do anything but proclaim that you're now decked out and ready to rumble with whatever comes your way. The buff lasts for one hour, and it does not last through death; if you're on the receiving end of the killing, you'll lose your snazzy duds. However, Blingtron will continue to offer the transformation buff even if you've already done his daily quest and gotten your gift for the day, so you can always get the buff back again if you lose it. If you're an engineer, this should give you a reason to use Blingtron more than once a day -- and if you don't happen to be an engineer, just keep your eyes peeled for Blingtron's glittering visage while you're out and about in Pandaria. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

    Anne Stickney
  • Lichborne: Level 90 primary professions for death knights

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Lichborne for blood, frost, and unholy death knights. In the post-Cataclysm era, death knights are no longer the new kids on the block. Let's show the other classes how a hero class gets things done. This week, we'll cover the personal benefits of the primary professions for death knights at level 90. Many of the perks and benefits are the same as they've been at levels 85 and 90, but there's stronger versions, of course, and a couple other changes that are worth covering. This guide will focus primarily on the self-buffs and bind on pickup rewards, though many professions will, of course, have its own BoE things that all death knights will want to make use of, so consider that when you pick your professions.

    Daniel Whitcomb
  • Renowned chip designer leaps from Samsung to Apple

    Apple's latest win against Samsung didn't happen in the court; it took place in the workplace. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Apple has added Samsung's Jim Mergard to its growing list of top industry talent. Mergard is a chip industry veteran who joined Samsung after a 16-year stint at AMD. At AMD, he reportedly worked on Brazos, a successful line of processors for low-end portable computers that competed favorably with Intel's Atom processor. Apple, not surprisingly, declined to comment on Mergard's employment.

    Kelly Hodgkins
  • Bling-tastic Blingtron 4000!

    This awesome robot is created by engineering with a level requirement of 600, creating a summonable robot known as Blingtron 4000. He can only be summoned give you a gift once per day, and hangs around being generous for about ten minutes, giving away his Blingtron 4000 Gift Packages to anyone who talks to him. As commenters pointed out (thanks!) he can be summoned every 4 hours. The exciting thing is that these packages can contain all manner of different items, from potions to amazing things that offer profession skill-ups to steamy romance novels about falling in love with robots. Presumably, robots who love a bit of bling, and are generous types. Robots with one earring, blue-green eyes, and fixed smiles... Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

    Olivia Grace
  • webOS team becomes Gram, isn't heavy on mission statements

    HP's webOS team has been keeping busy with its open source project, but it's time for a new challenge in the form of Gram: a fresh HP-funded offshoot focused on "software, user experience, the cloud, engineering, and partnering." We're not quite sure where that list could lead, but webOS, Enyo and cloud services are all expected to play a role in future endeavors. Judging from the fancy flyer after the break, a lot of energy is going into brand-building right now, along with a dose of secrecy, but hopefully some more concrete details will happen along soon.

    Jamie Rigg
  • Steamy Romance Novel makes a return with double the fun in Mists

    Although I've been impressed and delighted with each update of stuff to come with Mists of Pandaria -- the armor, the weapons, the reputation rewards, the mounts, and of course all those wonderful pets -- I still couldn't help but feel that something terribly important was missing. This thing, of course, was the Steamy Romance Novel edition for the next expansion, which we discussed way back in March. I mean sure, you can give me five new levels, a new race, and a ton of stuff to do, but it just doesn't feel complete until I can read about Sir Marcus' further, uh, exploits, as it were. Ladies and gentlemen, the issue has been addressed. And we have not one, but two resources waiting for us (although one of them doesn't appear to be legible). A Steamy Romance Novel: Hot and Misty follows Marcus to the Tavern of the Mists, where we learn that Kama the stable master is largely unimpressed with Marcus' exploits, Madam Goya appears to offer more rare items than expected, and you should be careful heading upstairs in the neutral tavern, because you might just find a pair of blood elves waiting for you. Unless you're into that thing, of course. You can read the whole tawdry mess over on Wowhead. And if you're interested in more, well, you're kind of out of luck for now, it seems. While A Steamy Romance Novel: I'm In Love With A Robot exists, it's too smudged with oil to read. Oddly enough, it appears to be an engineering item, since it fits in any of the engineering bags available. Apparently the book came with a schematic -- who knew? Regardless, with all the new new new of Mists, it's nice to see some things never change. It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

    Anne Stickney
  • Engineer makes light-up business cards with 555 timer, proves PCB skills

    Sure, there have been some pretty creative variations on the standard paper business card, but if you're looking to make a career in electronics engineering, card stock isn't necessarily the best option for material. Such was the case for one student, who had the canny idea to make a card that demonstrates his printed circuit board know-how. He used a 555 timer that outputs a clock to the LEDs on the biz card, and placing a nine-volt battery on the terminals sets off the mini light show. See for yourself in the video below.

    Sarah Silbert
  • A First Look at Mists of Pandaria Professions: Engineering

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Gold Capped, in which Fox Van Allen and Basil "Euripides" Berntsen aim to show you how to make money on the Auction House. Feed Fox's ego by emailing him, tweeting him at @foxvanallen, or sacrificing your first-born to him. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- if you're not having fun while playing World of Warcraft, you're doing it wrong. Sure, raiding is great, and so is having pockets full of gold. But if you don't find either of those fun, then why bother? Find something that is fun. Fun, of course, is what the engineering profession is all about. It's certainly not about money, after all -- engineers make very few things that non-engineers can use. But while you're struggling to make money in MoP, you'll at least be getting a lot of new perks to enjoy while doing all that struggling. There are cool new pets, new conveniences, new gear, a new world-altering device, and even new mounts -- yes, mounts with an s! Exciting times are most definitely ahead for engineers. So strap on your goggles and have a robot roll up your sleeves -- we're going to dive right in.

    Fox Van Allen
  • Mists of Pandaria Beta: Engineering gets more fun toys

    Engineers, keep getting excited for Mists of Pandaria, because we've just got even more toys to make our favorite profession unequivocally still the best profession. With the recent beta patch, we've seen some new datamined recipes for engineering goodies such as Blingtron 4000, a fabulously wealthy robot companion who gives people gifts, and the Depleted-Kyparium Rocket, a new rocket mount built by engineers. The real treat, however, is the Thermal Anvil, a new item that drops a portable anvil and forge at the engineer's feet. Yes, you read that right -- engineers are going to be able to deploy a portable anvil. But wait, there's more. Did you want to slap some Watergliding Jets on your shoes to make swimming a breeze? What about a brand new Wormhole Generator for the Pandaria continent? Maybe you've like to pair a gathering profession with your engineering to make the best use of some brand new Mist-Piercing Goggles? Engineers, Blizzard has heard our call for more fun stuff and it is delivering. I can't wait to see what's next. Engineering -- best profession! It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

    Mathew McCurley
  • Mists of Pandaria Beta: Goblin Glider proves engineering is still the best profession

    My love of engineering is no secret. Engineering is the best profession in WoW, period, as measured by the only scale that matters: awesome points. We've seen some new head pieces coming in Mists of Pandaria, but there really has not been a huge amount of engineering news. Well, that's all changed now that the Goblin Glider engineering enchant has been introduced. What's the Goblin Glider? This new enchant attaches the Mists of Pandaria version of the Flexweave Underlay (whose update was oddly missing from Cataclysm) that looks to only use a handful of easily obtainable materials. The real kicker with this new slow-fall cloak is that it's got a built-in Nitro Boost that periodically pushes the player forward through the air. What this means is that you've got periodic forward momentum for 30 seconds of slow fall with the ability to steer your character 360 degrees. Not only is this the coolest new escape tool for engineers, it makes WoW base jumping about 900 times cooler. I am really excited to get my hands on the new engineering stuff, and it's great to see the best profession in the game getting some love. Let's see more, Blizz! It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

    Mathew McCurley