

  • Cinemassively: Sand, Episode 0

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Yesterday on Cinemassively, we introduced you to Scion City. Today, we're showing the first episode of Sand, a Second Life series that looks deeper into the mystery of the island. In this clip, directed by Douglas Gayeton, a group of, what I can only assume are, treasure hunters discover a strange vehicle buried in the sand. One of them takes the others on a joyride, but they crash into some kind of pole. It is there that they uncover a transmission device that tells them of Scion City. Well, readers of Massively, it's time to put our thinking caps on and dig for clues in Scion City! If you've seen anything out of the ordinary, leave a comment, or let us know that you submitted a video of your findings. If you're interested in learning more about what they're looking for, visit their website.Read on to find out how the lipsyncing was done ...

  • Cinemassively: Dead in WoW 2 - Episode 0

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Our next Cinemassively comes from Oblivion Media. Dead in WoW is a short series with four episodes so far. Set in World of Warcraft, it is the second series from this creative team.I chose to start at Episode 0, the first video in the set, so that you understand the background of Episode 3, which just came out today. It starts off with a staff meeting, turns into a musical, kicks off with a special delivery and leaves off with an epic journey. I'm not sure I understand it, but it's not half bad!