

  • Cases Critterized

    philip larsen
    philip larsen

    Most DS Lite cases are themed on something. These particular cases are themed just fine, but it's nothing we've seen before. Etsy craftsperson filmfatale has gone for a generic "critters" design. Someone might filch the idea and use critters in an upcoming game ... which would spawn a disturbing merchandising cycle. Coming soon from a developer near you -- Critters: The Case: The Game: The Case.Some materials used here are none other than recycled clothing (among other suitable fabrics). That's a pretty good idea. In fact, anyone with a leftover surplus of puffy shirts or parachute pants should probably get to work, because homemade cases are all the rage. Check out filmfatale's store for more stock!

  • This case is hungry for handhelds

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    When creativity and originality meet cuteness, you know you have a great DS case on your hands. Take this hungry-looking fleece and felt DS cover, for instance. If you're going to be carrying around your DS and making sure it's protected, you might as well do it with style.Made-to-order by Etsy craftster Kfarrell, you can pick whatever fabric and pompom colors your little heart desires (as long as she carries them, of course). The case will set you back $20, but for a handmade craft (and a cool one at that), we think the price is pretty reasonable.Hit up the gallery below to see two different versions of this case monster -- maybe that will help you come up with some interesting color schemes of your own, if you happen to find this as awesomely adorable as we do.Nom nom nom.%Gallery-27089%

  • Manaprincess reopens store, offers sale to WoW Insider readers

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our good friend and talented WoW crafter Manaprincess is back, and she's gone from Etsy to break out into her own World of Warcraft crafts store at She's got the usual Hearthstone key charms, as well as the WoW soaps up there, and a new section of "potion pendants" -- Health, Mana, or Rejuv potions to wear around your neck, just in case. And she says that all the items have been redesigned, so even things you've seen before may look a little different.And as a thank you to you WoW Insider readers for all your support, she's having a sale just for you: from now until August 31st, you can put in the code "wowinsider" without the quotes at the checkout screen to get 25% off your entire order.Manaprincess is definitely one of the best vendors in the crafting community, and it's great to see her up and running in a brand new store. If you're looking for some fun WoW-related gifts or crafts for yourself, her store is definitely one of the places to look.

  • Let the goddess of the sun keep your head warm

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Even though it's the height of summer in the northern hemisphere, we want one of these. We wouldn't usually post items from Etsy that have already sold out, but then we don't see too many Okami hats cluttering up the internets. This fine head garment, featuring Okami protagonist Amaterasu, reportedly took around five hours to complete, and was crafted from polar fleece. And we want one. Did we say that already?Let's hope somebody out there can nag seller riomccarthy into making more![Via Capcom Blog]

  • Real-life Mooncloth Bag (and Horde earrings)

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yup, it's a real-life Mooncloth Bag. SpikeHeadDesign over on Etsy has turned the 16-slotter's icon into an actual, real-life bag. Instead of actual Mooncloth, though (there are no real Moonwells on Earth, unfortunately), it's made of corduroy, cotton, a few buttons and velcro, and some kind of lace on the side (though I know my Shaman would never actually use something with lace on it, so they must all be different). Looks terrific, anyway, and it should for that price: $180.00. Still, for a handmade, one-of-a-kind bag, can't go wrong. The creator says that Netherweave is next, and it'll be exciting when we get to "Gigantique."Alice Taylor of the great Wonderland blog has also been dutifully keeping up with WoW stuff on Etsy: she found these great Horde earrings that have unfortunately sold out (though this other design is still available). Could be the perfect gift for the jewelry-adorned WoW player in your life.Thanks, Jaynnie!

  • Recipe for a Smile: Grab one of these cases

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Strawberries. Fairy tales. Cute pigs. Lots of gingham. There can be no doubt that Etsy user SmileRecipe's DS cases veer towards the so-cute-it-hurts end of the spectrum, so if that's not your thing (in others words, if you're the manliest of men), then skip this post, eh?For those of you still reading, we chose four of our favorite designs by SmileRecipe and popped them in the gallery below. For just $12, you can get a case that will hold your DS and a couple of spare cartridges, and attract plenty of funny looks (if you're a dude)."Fairy Tale" case"Cute Pigs" case"Red Riding Hood" case"Strawberries" case%Gallery-25455%

  • Remember Mario? He's back -- in button form!

    philip larsen
    philip larsen

    What are these perfect for? Making a fabric-based stop-motion Mario animation, that's what. This latest batch of buttons from Etsy craftsman Spooon features easily movable characters and items, each faithfully recreated from original NES sprites. Why, nab a set of these handy control buttons, and you'll have hours of fun manually moving our plucky hero through all kinds of pinning adventures.Better yet, Spooon also whipped up a bunch of magnets featuring Space Invaders and Pac-man characters, so there's no real need to ever leave your kitchen. Sit by the fridge and enjoy! The sets are available in button ($8) or magnet ($10) form, so the choice of creating a retro fridge or bag is entirely up to you. The store is open for business, so take a crafty trip down nostalgia street.[Via technabob]

  • It's dangerous to go alone! Wear these!

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    What better way to venture off into Hyrule than with these snazzy Legend of Zelda shoes? Recreating the scenery from the original NES game, these kicks are sure to draw the envy of video game geeks around the world (like ourselves). They're also not too expensive; Etsy user ohmy will create a custom pair in your size for only $42. To get a glimpse of the rest of the shoes, click past the break for pictures of the awesome heart-lined sides, as well as the Triforce-drawn backs.

  • N+ merchandise is like official fan creations

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This may be a first: Metanet, creators of the original N, the 360 N+, and the levels for the DS N+, have set up an Etsy shop to sell handmade N+ merchandise. Is it possible for these people to be any cooler? We don't think so, unless they send us some free stuff.For surprisingly reasonable prices, you can buy ninja t-shirts, really cool-looking stationery sets, and a vinyl cuff (like a big fat bracelet) with an N+ screenshot on it. All of it is very limited-edition (because, like the game, just a few people worked on it), and happens to be very attractive due to the N+ aesthetic. We're putting serious consideration into a set of cards, but we rarely have call for ninja-mail.

  • Space Invaders get wooden

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Deciding that a Triforce cutting board wasn't enough of an outlet for his talents, Etsy user 1337motif went ahead and made one with a Space Invaders theme, too. While $125 is way too much for any normal person to spend on a cutting board, we can't deny the fact that we want it.If you enjoy the wood-meets-Space Invaders style, though, 1337motif also has some nice, reasonably priced jewelry to offer. Oddly enough, his necklaces look like mini cutting boards. Still, they're cute, and even more importantly, they feature the alienoids from one of our most anticipated games.[Via Technabob]

  • Cozy up with Blooper

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    We're not exactly sure where each of you would place cushions on a list of life's essentials -- they're right next to DS games ending with 'z' on our list -- but if you are a lover of cushions (and some of us live with such people), you may as well be a lover of totally awesome cushions.That's where Etsy member punzie can help out, because she's crafted a (currently very small) range of $20 Nintendo cushions, including the charming teal Blooper design you see above. While there's only three to choose from right now, she does take requests -- we're half-thinking about asking for a Kuribo's Shoe cushion to call our own. Sit yourself down in your cold, hard, unpadded chair and hit the break for a couple more examples of her work.

  • Passing on that fanboy love

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    As Nintendo fans, we're pretty much required to at least attempt to pass on that love to our spawnlings, and if you're going to do it, you might as well get started early. Y'know, before they can crawl away from you and protest over your choice of clothing. Thanks to Etsy marketeer kaytea, you can start dressing your children in geeky style before they can wriggle out of your insistent hands. The above NES-decorated onesies are available in both yellow and green for $20 -- a bargain for any fanboy parent.Unimportant side note: You'd better believe one of these is going on the boychild. He's already alarmed.

  • Rest your DS in these oldschool pouches

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Since we're unabashed game enthusiasts, we appreciate any opportunity to combine our love for modern day gaming with our nostalgia for gaming of the past. That's why we find these DS covers to be absolutely darling. The Game Boy cover makes more sense to have, since the system belongs in the same family tree as Nintendo's dual-screened handheld. Yet, the NES controller is a perfect shape for a DS pouch -- and who doesn't love a NES controller? -- so that works, too.Should you like these as much as we do, you can check them out at Janis13's Etsy store, along with some other DS cases.[Via Technabob]

  • It's dangerous to chop vegetables on an unprotected surface alone! Take this!

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    We'll be honest -- as charming as it was, we found ourselves struggling to understand how the Zelda universe was an appropriate choice of subject for a themed, crochet teapot mat. Eventually, we concluded that, hey, Link does occasionally drink potions in his games, right? And you can also drink ... what? Yes! Tea! Ahem.Anyway, this Triforce-branded cutting board from Etsy user 1337motif ... we're stumped. Totally at a loss. There's just no reasonable connection between Zelda games and cutting boards. Then again, we're yet to find a more awesome way to chop vegetables, so we'll roll with it. Cough up $125 (yes) and it's yours.[Via HawtyMcBloggy]

  • Because regular plushies are way too cute

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Stupid plushies, with their cute little faces and soft, fuzzy bodies. Ugh. Hate 'em! What's there to like about squishable little animals anyway? You know what we need? Uncute plushies. Thankfully, someone is on the cutting edge, ready with the future of stuffed toys. Resident Evil fans, pay attention, for we present: the zombie dog plush, courtesy of mjrahabim's Etsy marketplace. On one site, it's a cute little puppy. On the other? A skeletal undead killing machine. It's dual use! Each puppy is custom-made (which means they may vary from plush to plush) for $25.And it still manages to be cute. Dammit.

  • Link gets a corset, too

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Many of you had some strong opinion's regarding TheVintageDoctor's Mario corset, so we only found it fitting to tell you about her new Zelda-related fashion item. This corset is very similar to the last one, only featuring Link instead of the portly plumber. Unfortunately, the image used on the corset almost looks like it could be a Link "upskirt" pic, but we're still impressed by this outfit nonetheless. Also, as of writing this, it's still in stock. So, you can wear (or have your girlfriend wear) Link's backside for $99.98 -- expensive, but a fair price for all the work that probably went into this.%Gallery-18304%[Via GoNintendo]

  • Mega Man scarf is mega sweet

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    It's been a while since we've seen a Mega Man game akin to the ones of the days of yore, but now, yore comes in scarf form. Beatboxtaun, the same craftster behind the Punch-Out! scarf, has gone and designed some winter gear based on Mega Man 2 (a game which, incidentally, has one of our favorite video game soundtracks). It might be getting a little too warm for scarves, since spring is just around the corner, but we're sure your nostalgia can keep you cold enough to don this beauty.What's nice about this scarf is that it not only features the Blue Bomber himself, but also the villains of the game. Now, all she has to do is make a Mega Man 3 scarf that includes Proto Man, and we'd be super happy.This neck mitten certainly isn't cheap, as it will cost you $150 on Etsy -- but until we get a classic Mega Man game on the DS, this is probably the next best thing. For now, though, we guess we'll have to settle for Mega Man Star Force and the like.Another picture of the scarf is posted after the break, if you want to see the rest of the villains included.

  • Mini NES is as cute as a button (same size, too)

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Perhaps it's the little girl inside of me -- or maybe it's an issue of some deep-seated problems -- but whenever something exists in miniature form, this writer can't help but squeal.Those who agree that small things are cute might also love this penny-sized, clay NES. There's really no purpose to owning it except that it's mini, but that seems like reason enough for us. Finding more ways to impress us, Lauren of TheClayCollection also made an Xbox 360 and an original Xbox. Whoever thought an Xbox of all things could be so adorable?Unfortunately, there's no mini Wii currently available, but Lauren takes requests if you'd like her to make you one. She also has nice little NES controller earrings at her Etsy store, among other things.So, are these ridiculously cute, or do we need psychological help? You decide.[Via Technabob]

  • We never thought Mario could be so sexy

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Technabob described this corset best by calling it "fierce" -- we also appreciate the Project Runway reference -- and you know what? We actually like it. It's original, well-made, geeky, retro, and sexy. What's not to like? Then again, we're no Tim Gunns, and we could imagine the poor man being horrified by such a creation. Unfortunately, the item is already sold out on Etsy, so if you were planning on buying it for yourself or a gal friend, it's too late. We've seen unique Mario fashions from TheVintageDoctor before, though, so hopefully there will be some more good stuff to come.%Gallery-18304%[Via Technabob]

  • These Game Boy plushies smile back at you

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Do you love your Game Boy so much that you just want to hug it to death? Then perhaps instead of a game system, you should have a plushie. These cute little handheld dolls also have sweet little facial expressions, making them all the more lovable.The best thing about KungFuCowgirl's Etsy creations is that they're not ridiculously overpriced. They only cost $14 a pop, which is very reasonable for something handmade. We love craftsters, but we always appreciate them more when they don't exploit our gaming love for everything it's worth.[Via Technabob]