

  • European weekly maintenance: September 2nd 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    It's nearly the middle of the week once more as well as the start of September. Can anyone else smell autumn yet? The days are getting cooler (thank you!) and the nights, darker. It will be the Harvest Festival in a couple of weeks with free food outside Ironforge and Ogrimmar and there are only so many days till Hallow's End and Christmas/Winter's Veil (sorry, I couldn't resist). However the onset of autumn, as well as being my favourite time of year, also means more time to play WoW. Just not on Wednesdays.This week Blizzard will be taking all European realms offline from 1:00am until 11:00am (CEST). However a selection of realms will be down for longer "to address instance capacity." These realms will be offline from 1:00am to 3:00pm on Wednesday and 3:00am to 7:00am (CEST) on Thursday:Agamaggan, Aggramar, Al'Akir, Arathor, Argent Dawn, Aszune, Azjol-Nerub, Bladefist, Bloodhoof, Bloodscalp, Burning Blade, Burning Legion, Crushridge, Daggerspine (oh boo, that's me), Deathwing, Doomhammer, Draenor, Dragonblight, Dragonmaw, Dunemaul, Emerald Dream, Sunstrider, Twilight's Hammer and Zenedar.

  • European weekly maintenance: 26th August 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    So BlizzCon is over for another year and the road to Cataclysm stretches out in front of us. In Azeroth, things continue as they always do. Wednesday, as every WoW player in Europe knows, is maintenance day and Blizzard have just announced their plans. Tomorrow will see scheduled maintenance, meaning all European realms will be offline from 3:00am until 11:00am (CEST). On top of that, a selection of realms will be getting extended maintenance to hopefully fix that annoying instance-launching problem.Aerie Peak, Anachronos, Boulderfist, Chamber of Aspects, Eonar, Frostmane, Grim Batol, Jaedenar, Kazzak, Kilrogg, Outland, Ravenholdt, Saurfang, Tarren Mill, Vek'nilash and Wildhammer will all be offline from 1:00am to 3:00pm (CEST) on Wednesday, and also from 3:00am to 7:00am on Thursday 27th August. The sheer length of this maintenance means that hopefully Blizzard might be close to cracking it, so hang on in there, okay?

  • European weekly maintenance: 19th August 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Greetings folks, the middle of the week beckons once more! Only a few more days until BlizzCon and the Big Reveal. Excited yet? Come on, be honest, we're all friends here. As the rest of Team boards their planes, trains, automobiles and - in Turpster's case - boats to rendezvous in sunny LA, some of us (eg me) has to stay behind and cover things remotely. While it would be nice to be there, I get to watch all the cool stuff from the privacy of my own living room come office, enjoy my Grunty (in six to eight weeks) and work in a brightly lit room on a comfy chair. Oh, and no blisters.So, it's maintenance time. Thankfully, it's a brief week with a live maintenance (yes folks it's rolling restart time) for all realms between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. CEST. As per usual every realm will receive the customary fifteen minute notice prior to being restarted. There we go, nice and simple. If my beloved cats let me (ha!), I'm sleeping right through this one but if you happen to be up an about, don't forget there's a lot to catch up on this week from the return of the Broodmother to the appearance of the patch 3.2.2 PTR servers.See you on the other side!

  • European weekly maintenance: 12th August 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Happy Tuesday to our European readers! We're nearly halfway through August, BlizzCon is just 10 days away and we already know what races we'll be playing in the next expansion. The sun is shining and the internet is thrumming with promise of something Cataclysmic approaching. It can't get any better than that! I'm already thinking of names for my alts. Any suggestions?(Note to self: hyperactivity in posts is not a good thing. You might want to start drinking coffee to mask the new-expansion-news-high.)But back to reality for a minute. As usual, the middle of the week is once more upon us. Fortunately things are starting to calm down. Blizzard have just announced scheduled maintenance for tomorrow with all European realms will be offline from 3:00am until 11:00am (CEST). On top of this, a selection of 'lucky' realms will be undergoing an extended maintenance from 1:00am until 11:00am (CEST): Alonsus, Anachronos, Bronze Dragonflight, Burning Steppes, Darkmoon Faire, Darkspear, Kor'gall and Lightbringer.That said, it's not too bad as extended down time goes. But as always there's plenty to do in the meantime, especially as we've told you which faction will be getting which race in Cataclysm. Daniel W. has a great post summing everything up from news to hints about Patch 3.3.

  • European weekly maintenance: 29th July 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    It's the middle of the week again and once more unto the breach, my friends. Yes, tomorrow is maintenance Wednesday for European players. Fortunately, we told you this morning how EU Blue Wryxian had spilled the beans on the reason for all the recent rolling restarts and weeks of extended maintenance for a few select realms. I always find it's easier to exercise more patience once someone proffers a reason.So, this week it's time for some rolling restarts. These will take place on all realms between 5:00am and 7:00am CEST, with the usual fifteen minute warning. The following realms (the same will be undergoing an extended maintenance from 3:00am until 11:00 am CEST.

  • UPDATE: European weekly maintenance: 22 July 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Greetings European WoW players! It's that time of the week once more (where time has flown I have no idea). Tomorrow morning sees all the EU servers coming down to the regular bout of maintenance. This week all the realms will be offline from 3:00am until 11:00am (CEST). Hopefully this means everything will go nice and smoothly but just bear those times in mind if you find yourself watching the clock, waiting for your realm to pop back up.Our very own Daniel Whitcomb has compiled a rather Worgen-heavy post for you all to enjoy during the downtime. Personally, I will be sleeping and replaying the WoW edition of Peggle. If you have an iPhone I'd suggest you download the new (and awesome) Armory app while other phone owners should download the Mobile Authenticator. I'd also suggest listening to this week's WoW Insider Show (and I apologise now for cackling) in which Turpster, the Schramminator and I denounced Brigwyn for his Hunter deletion habits.Oh and in case you're wondering why this post is illustrated by the new T9 Alliance Druid armour, well I think it (specifically the female version) is the best looking armour in the game ever and I really, really want it. What, you have a problem with me drooling over gear during the downtime?Update: Blizzard have announced that the following realms will be offline for maintenance until 5:00PM CEST.Balnazzar, Bloodfeather, Darksorrow, Defias Brotherhood, Earthen Ring, Frostwhisper, Genjuros, Haomarus, Hellscream, Laughing Skull, Lightning's Blade, Magtheridon, Neptulon, Nordrassil, Quel'Thalas, Ragnaros, Ravencrest, Runetotem, Shadowsong, Shattered Hand, Silvermoon, Skullcrusher, Spinebreaker, Stormrage, Stormreaver, Stormscale, Sylvanas, Terenas, The Maelstrom, The Venture Co., Thunderhorn, Turalyon, Twisting Nether and, finally, Vashj. :

  • Update: European weekly maintenance extended

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Good morning Europe. While many of you are stuck waiting for a large number of realms to finish a lengthy period of extended maintenance, it seems like the rest of us are going to have to wait a little bit longer to get back into Azeroth. Blizzard has announced that, as well as selected realms getting extended maintenance until 3:00pm CEST, all the non-affected realms will continue to be offline until 1:00pm CEST. These realms were originally supposed to go back online around 11:00am CEST. We'll keep you up to date on more developments as they happen.Update: Blizzard have announced that the following realms will continue to be offline for maintenance until 5:00pm CEST: Auchindoun, Ghostlands, Hellfire, Karazhan, Nagrand, Shattered Halls, Sporeggar, The Sha'tar.

  • European weekly maintenance: 8th July 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    "Cower in fear, puny mortals! Maintenance time is upon you!"Maintenance time ho! Yes Europe, it's nearly the middle of the week again. I'm honestly not sure how that happened but once more unto the breach. Unfortunately the downtime is a little longer than normal this week, hence poor Serisa quaking in fear in the picture above. Blizzard has announced that all European realms will be offline from 3:00am until 1:00pm (CEST) tomorrow. So, that makes a good few hours in which to kick your heels. Kind of annoying but it's a necessary evil. Once more coming to our rescue, Daniel W. has got a nice round up with a heavy focus on the cataclysmic news from last week. Cataclysmic, get it? Anyway, last week was quite news intensive and if you start to get withdrawal, what about hitting the PTR for a bit and trying out all the juicy Patch 3.2 goodness.

  • European weekly maintenance: 1st July 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    The heat is on here in the UK and we've actually got a summer. Shocking, I know. But, rather than send people outside to soak up the rays the blistering heat and humidity has forced most inside. Suddenly Azeroth is that much more appealing, you can't get sunstroke in there, oh no. After Alex's terrible German accent last week (I'm really sorry about that, German readers, it won't happen again), things have settled down and we're back to the normal cycle of weekly maintenance.Of course, this means that rather than rolling restarts, all the European realms will be offline from 5:00am until 11:00am, Paris time (CEST). But that's not all, Blizzard are also going to be performing maintenance on their website (this includes the Armory, the main website, the forums and the Blizzard Store) between 3:00am and 7:00am Paris time (CEST). So if you want to check Turpster's stats, buy Diablo II, whinge about (insert class here) being nerfed or just recruit a friend, you might want to do so outside of these times. Daniel has once again crafted a fantastic little post to keep you entertained and don't forget we'll be giving away some shiny Fields of Honor loot cards in the morning, just for you (don't tell the sleeping Americans). Just keep your eye on the front page and you could win your own chicken mount. In honor of that, I finally met the virtual form of Turpster on the PTR (you can find us both on Fordring). He wanted to practice the lesser known sport of chicken jousting but this mention of that noble and ancient sport caused the world server to crash. As I starred at the blank screen I couldn't help but wonder. Do you think he's trying to compensate for something? What could it be?

  • European weekly maintenance: 17th June 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Happy Wednesday everybody! After the annoying events of last week when the Battle Bots were ripped from the fingers of European players, things have settled down and are back to normal. With that in mind, it's maintenance time. All the realms are going down from 3:00am to 11:00am CEST. As always, there's plenty to do and read during this maintenance. There's a nice round up of news for you to read if you are up. Hint: if you are reading this at 3:00am, go back to bed! Those aren't birds singing but owls. Go. Back. To. Bed.Edit: Our beloved Overlady and Editor in Chief has decreed I also link you to our tattoo, license plate and cake galleries. I don't particularly care for the first two but the cakes are awesome and so delicious. The cake is so not a lie.

  • European weekly maintenance: 10th June 2009

    Lesley Smith
    Lesley Smith

    Welcome to Wednesday in Europe. While the Americans are still sleeping and dreaming of that next boss kill, it's a brand new day and, with it, a bunch of rolling restarts to boot. Yes, rolling restarts: it's a different kind of maintenance this week. We'll be getting fifteen minute warnings before the restarts take place between 5:00am and 7:00am CEST so do bear that in mind when you start that wee-small-hours-of-the-morning raid in Ulduar. The rest of the downtime is forum and website-side with both going offline between 3:00am and 5:00am CEST. So it's a relatively painless bout of maintenance this week, one I fully intend to sleep through. If you're looking for something to read on the bus to school or the commuter train to work, then Daniel W. has plenty for your to browse through. Personally I think it's just an excuse to post that Sailor Moon kitty form although I freely admit the anime fan in me is currently screaming loudly for my own senshi makeover.