

  • Exploring Eberron: Which class should I play?

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I've been looking forward to this week's column for a while now. I've been wanting to look at the intricacies of class and race selection and setup in Dungeons and Dragons Online for several weeks, but Halloween events and Update 7 took precedence for obvious reasons. Now that it's settled down a bit, I can finally dive in. Over the next few weeks I'm going to do a series of overviews on getting started. DDO is a funny game when it comes to this sort of thing, because you can throw together pretty much anything (within reason) and get through the first five levels or so just fine. It's not until you get past that point that you start finding out the hard way that the selections you make at character creation are pretty important. Much of the process is trial-and-error for many newer players. You roll a character, play it until things start getting more difficult than they should, figure out where you messed up, and either reincarnate or start another character. I hope to make this process a little less tedious and painful, so follow along after the jump and let's get started!

  • Exploring Eberron: Spooky fun, Turbine news, and making a new character

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    My gosh, what a week! I've got to start by sending a huge congratulations to Jerry Snook of DDOcast, who is closing down his long-running podcast. If that doesn't sound like something to celebrate, then you have not heard Jerry's news: he's been hired by Turbine and today's episode of DDOcast will be the last. Jerry, you deserve it and we at Massively are thrilled for you (and your new coworker!) OnedAwesome, Massively's Dungeons and Dragons Online guild is continuing to work with a floating schedule, scheduling groups and quests as various schedules permit. This has opened us up quite a bit to players who could not previously join on Wednesday night. Want to see what we're up to? Join our forums and check out the scheduling forum to see what's going on. As always, you can send an in-game tell or mail to Rubialina, Aunwiira, or Tebraen to add a character to the guild. It's been a busy week in other areas of DDO-land as well, and I still want to focus on character stats a bit, so follow along after the jump and lets get started!

  • Exploring Eberron: Endless Night and guild changes

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Wow, there is so much to talk about this week! I wanted to focus exclusively on character stats and what to do with them, but a couple of other events have made me put that on the back burner until next week. OnedAwesome, the Massively Dungeons and Dragons Online guild, met last night as usual, but there are some big changes coming. Update 7 launched yesterday along with a special surprise: a preview of the "Endless Night" Halloween event. That preview was a bit of a surprise in more ways than one, as some severe bugs caused an early shutdown and an irate group of players. Follow along after the jump as I sort through these latest events!

  • Exploring Eberron: Closing the community gap

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    In last week's Exploring Eberron, I talked quite a bit about the community divide in Dungeons and Dragons Online and why it exists. Update 7 seems to be ushering in a new era of DDO, one in which the devs turn their attention back to the veteran and high-level players. I've been around DDO for about a year, and Exploring Eberron is geared toward the less experienced player, so I sincerely understand and appreciate Turbine's effort over the past year or so to provide plenty of content for the "new kids." It's something that made complete sense -- what good are thousands of new customers if you don't have a rich, in-depth game to keep them around? However, I can understand the frustration of the veteran players who are sort of sitting around saying, "But what about us?" Will the next year solve this? Follow along after the jump while I gaze into my crystal ball.

  • Exploring Eberron: Community and community division

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It's been an interesting week for me in Dungeons and Dragons Online, and while that's obviously just a personal perspective, I've come away from it with some observations on the community. Executive Producer Fernando Paiz told me at PAX that Turbine will start turning its collective eye back to the veteran players, and it looks like Update 7 is the first step in that direction. My Update 7 tour set me thinking, as did Wednesday night's outing with OnedAwesome, Massively's DDO guild. Follow along after the jump as I take a look at what these factors have told me about the community in Dungeons and Dragons Online.

  • Exploring Eberron: Happy Halloween, here's a giant dragon

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Welcome to October. It's time for ghouls, ghosts, things that go bump in the night, and shambling undead. Halloween events are a grand tradition in nearly every MMO, and Dungeons and Dragons Online has something special this year. The developers have really scaled things up for this holiday, but how well will it work? Fernando Paiz and the team teased us with hints of the event last month at PAX, showing off a creepy red sky in Delera's Graveyard. Unfortunately for this curious DDO fan, the tour stopped there, leaving me to wait and wonder. Yesterday my wondering was over, because we spent some time during my tour of Update 7 to explore the event. If you were in the area Thursday and noticed a sudden spawn of pumpkins, undead, and collectors in the graveyard, that was courtesy of Fernando. He was kind enough to turn the event on briefly and give me a little tour of what the holiday will have to offer. Follow along after the cut for my thoughts on the good, the bad, and the creepy of the upcoming DDO Halloween event. Don't forget to check the link at the very end to see what OnedAwesome, Massively's DDO guild, is up to next week too!

  • Exploring Eberron: Stromvauld's Mine and your character's alignment

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Last week I talked a bit about Beholders and why they hurt so much, and I promised a look at an offshoot of that conversation this week: alignment. If you weren't a PnP player before Dungeons and Dragons Online, alignment is probably something you didn't pay much attention to on your first character. The system of alignment has its roots in Dungeons and Dragons and can seem a little complicated at first, but it's not too difficult once you have the basics. Follow along after the jump to see what the big deal is and to see what Massively's DDO guild has been doing lately!

  • Exploring Eberron: The eye of the Beholder

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    You've not heard much lately about OneDAwesome, Massively's Dungeons and Dragons Online guild, but it's still going strong. In fact, we've spent the past weeks taking on our most ambitious project to date: Vault of Night. Vault of Night is a story arc that consists of six quests and culminates in two raids, one of which pits you against Velah, The Red Dragon. Given that the guild has a fair amount of newer players, it's been an interesting experience for many of us. More than one guild member learned exciting words like "Deathblock" and "Beholder" and "ouch." I want to take a moment to give a huge round of applause to the members of the guild -- they deserve the public kudos. My schedule for the past five weeks has been a mess. Between the back-to-school-and-sports insanity with my children, PAX, and the subsequent illness, I was an absent leader more often than not, and the members of OdA stepped in and exemplified what's great about MMO communities. They offered well wishes and kept things active and fun when I couldn't -- they're an example of what every guild should be. Well done, you guys. OnedAwesome will be taking on its first raid next week as we tackle the (almost) end of Vault of Night. As always, we'll meet up at Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. EDT on the Cannith server, and the more the merrier, so join us! As I was thinking on what to talk about this week, my mind wandered to the fun and frustration the guild has had over the past weeks. We've learned a lot and had a great time, but many of us learned a painful lesson. Follow along after the jump, and I'll see if I can save you the pain of learning it the same way.

  • Exploring Eberron: One year of DDO free-to-play

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons Online's switch to free-to-play, a move that worked out extremely well for Turbine. In the past 12 months, the developers have kept the content coming with six sizable updates, and they're now preparing for Update 7. We got our first peek at Update 7 at PAX last week, and I also got a chance to hang out with Executive Producer Fernando Paiz. We talked all about the past year's ups and downs as well as what he sees coming in the next year. So follow along after the cut and join me in wishing DDO free-to-play a happy first birthday. (And enjoy these retro screenshots that I couldn't resist including!)

  • Exploring Eberron: The sum of their parts

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I'm free! I've been locked in a trunk all summer while Justin pretended to be me and took my Dungeons and Dragons Online column! Thankfully a rogue with a lockpick happened by, and now I shall exact my reve... ah, you know what? The truth is, I was pretty buried with the kids out of school for the summer, and Justin graciously stepped in for the past few months while I spent extra time with my little gamers-in-training. But now I'm back, and I want to take a moment to ask you guys to join me in giving Justin a huge round of applause. He helped save my sanity and did a bang-up job on Exploring Eberron. Justin, you are awesome. So follow along after the jump for Exploring Eberron: The "I am finally back" edition!

  • Exploring Eberron: Neverwinter nightcaps

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Depending on how much stock you put in the rumors or in Cryptic in general, this past week's announcement of a second Dungeons & Dragons MMO -- pardon me, an "OMG" -- either rocked you back on your heels or cooled off your heels. Something to do with heels, at any rate. In a Daily Grind this past May, I asked readers how they would make another D&D MMO. There were a lot of thoughtful responses, a few instances of keyboard gibberish, and a contingent adamant that the D&D license was locked up in DDO and couldn't be handed out elsewhere. I guess the latter argument is a moot point right now -- obviously, Turbine doesn't have a monopoly on an online D&D -- although its existence brings to mind not just a few questions. Is the world big enough for two online D&D titles? What does this announcement mean for our beloved DDO? Is Neverwinter positioning itself to be direct competition, or a different entity altogether? Has the Cryptic crew learned its lessons? In my final Exploring Eberron (Rubi returns next week, so you may start doing your happy dance... now), I'm going to answer all of these queries in such a way that your world will forever be rocked. On its heels.

  • Exploring Eberron: My shopping cart

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Today I was hoping to open up my full purchase history at the Dungeons and Dragons Online store and do an analysis of everything I've bought since the store was put into the game. Unfortunately, I've since discovered that -- short of saving each and every confirmation email that Turbine sends me -- there's no accessible store history, either in the game or outside of it. Clicking "View Purchase History" in the store simply showed me a couple Turbine point buys, but that's it. That makes me a sad panda barbarian. So pushing aside the issue of why Turbine doesn't want me to see my order history ("Perhaps so you don't question future purchases," the quiet cynic inside me whispers), I'll have to do this via questionable memory. I've been a subscriber since the DDO F2P switch, which nets me a portion of "free" TP per month, but I've also dropped additional money -- perhaps three times -- to beef up my TP reservoir so that I could get a couple big ticket items. So seeing as how I don't have to worry about purchasing adventure packs, on what have I been spending my allowance? Hit the jump to find out!

  • Exploring Eberron: All aboard the Hogwarts express

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    So you want to be a wizard, eh? Whoa, whoa, not so fast there young whippersnapper! Just because you've lived under the stairs your whole life and can talk to snakes doesn't mean that you're the "chosen" anything around here. Wizardry is a dangerous profession, to be sure, and if a Beholder doesn't eat you alive, you'll most likely melt your own face off with a misplaced acid spray. Maybe you'd be better off going with a... simpler class, like a barbarian or janitor. No? Spells and glory is where it's at, you say? Fine. I'll teach you a few tricks, but don't go crying to mommy when the dark arts claim your soul just because you forgot to bring your eye of newt to the fight. Might as well come in, then, and I'll show you a thing or two about starting your own wizard before you jump into your first dungeon to fight your first dragon. Maybe you'll even clear the wax out of your ears enough so that you'll survive past the initial day, eh? I can always dream, I suppose. So let's get started!

  • Exploring (the rest of) Eberron

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    By the time you read this, I'll be scampering about GenCon in Indianapolis, thick in the middle of four days of gaming and geekery. Don't weep for me, for I am already gone! One of my hopes for this weekend is to reconnect with pen-and-paper RPGs, a part of my gaming life that has almost withered into nothingness. That got me thinking about Eberron -- the D&D campaign in which DDO is set. You don't hear DDO players fussing about it so much any more (people either made their peace with it or moved on), but way back when, the Eberron setting was a fairly controversial choice for Turbine to make. After all, there are dozens upon dozens of campaign settings, including some (like Forgotten Realms or Dragonlance) that most people associate with the franchise. Eberron, on the other hand, was a relatively wet-behind-the-ears upstart with a quirky setting that can best be described as "Indiana Jones meets steampunk meets flashy, practical magic." Personally, I've grown to like the campaign, and I want to take a look at how the pen-and-paper version was constructed, how the Eberron setting shines in DDO, and how Turbine could be using it more.

  • Exploring Eberron: Six things to do on your first day in game

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    So you've given into temptation, downloaded DDO onto your hard drive, and decided to see what all the hubbub was about with Turbine's quirky MMO-that-could. Good for you -- personally, I think you're in for a terrific time. Of course, there's a small but steep learning curve at the start of the game, which I envision claims the lives of many gamers who run all willy-nilly into said wall screaming, "Where is the auto-attack keyyyyy?" You want to avoid that. You want your DDO experience to be face-smashing-wall free. Therefore, I have pulled myself out of a Fun Dip coma (soooo much sugar) to cobble together six vitally important tasks to perform on your first day in game in order to save the princess. Or make your life easier, I don't know. I'm assuming that you've already made your first character and are itching to test drive that bad boy or girl and see how quickly you can die. Man, I bet you really wish Rubi were back already, huh? Wish harder, dude!

  • Exploring Eberron: Soupdance!

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Although my wife doesn't know it yet, if we ever have another child, there's now a very real chance that we're going to call him or her Brawnpits, after my new favorite character in DDO. I think our entire group became enamoured with that name, but can you blame us? I don't think you can, especially after you meet Mr. or Ms. Pits (I have a theory it's a "she") in the first quest of the new Phiarlan Carnival chain that came in Update 5. On Wednesday night, our Massively DDO guild OnedAwesome set aside time to conquer this module, mostly because I was bouncing on the tips of my toes saying, "Can we? Please? Please? Pleeeeeeease?" until everyone capitulated just to shut me up. One of the things I love about DDO is that these newer quests are pretty innovative and varied, and I don't think you can get much different than a thespian giant, an illusionary pig, and toilets that double as rest shrines. Let's take a quick trip through the first two chapters of The Maleficent Cabal quest chain to see if it's worth your time -- and money. I say it is, if only to experience the majesty and jaw-dropping awe that is soupdance.

  • Exploring Eberron: Rolling the right character for you

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Who are you whippersnappers? Get off my lawn or I'll blast ye into kingdom come! Shoo! I mean, howdy! Sorry, I got a little startled there. We just found out this morning that Rubi, your faithful DDO columnist, was captured by a beholder and locked away in a level 20 dungeon. While the Massively DDO guild, OnedAwesome, faithfully levels up in a rescue attempt (every Wednesday night, 9pm eastern/8pm central!), I've been drafted to keep the column going until victory is assured. Considering that a vast majority of my personal DDO resume is confined to levels 1 through 10, I have a soft spot for the newbie experience. And seeing how many fledgling dungeoneers are flocking to DDO these days, I figured I'd go back to the beginning to walk new players through the first week of the game. For you veterans out there, this would be a great time to (a) point out how much I say is completely wrong, and (b) offer up your own tips and advice in the comments section. Today, let's start with one of the most vital decisions you'll ever make in the game: rolling a character. Hit the jump and let's hope for all 20s!

  • Exploring Eberron: The great dice notation debate

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Recently there was a community kerfuffle over the way the dice notation is phrased in Dungeons and Dragons Online. Instead of the traditional 1d6, 2d4, etc., the game was stating "does 6-16 damage," for example. The change was made because players new to the game and unfamiliar with traditional DnD were having trouble understanding what the phrasing meant. On the surface, this just does not seem like a big deal, and many players were left wondering "So what? Why get so bent out of shape over a little thing like that?" Well, there's a very good reason, because it's more than just a simple matter of phrasing. The dice notation change is a handy illustration of something that many DDO players are very concerned about: Dungeons and Dragons Online becoming just another standard-issue fantasy MMO that just happens to have some familiar names scattered about. Follow along after the jump as I look at the underlying issue of the dice notation debate and what it means for DDO.

  • Exploring Eberron: First impressions of Update 5

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Update 5 arrived on the Dungeons and Dragons Online servers Monday, making for a rough first half of the week. Guild renown, the underpinning of the much-touted airship system, was bugged to the point that it had to be completely turned off for most of Monday and Tuesday. The servers came down for four hours Tuesday afternoon for a hotfix. When they came back up, guild renown was fixed. Unfortunately, the auction hall bug was still hanging around, causing players with expired auctions to receive in-game mail containing nothing -- their items had disappeared into the ether. The auction hall was partially disabled Wednesday to alleviate the problem, and hotfix round two brought the servers down for a few more hours. This doesn't mean that Update 5 was a bad thing. Not even close. The rough start was only one facet of this update's launch week -- there is plenty to talk about after things settled down in that arena, and overall some great additions were brought to the game. Follow along after the jump as we look at the first week in Update 5.

  • Exploring Eberron: Is there a downside to the guild renown system?

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    This week's Dungeons and Dragons Online guild renown contest encouraged more players to visit Lamannia and check out the renown system. Turbine has been receiving a fair amount of feedback on these features and making adjustments every few days. Some functions -- such as the small guild bonus and renown in treasure bags -- have been removed for the time being, while others have been added. Renown can now be gained when hirelings make kills, for example. Tweaks and changes like this continue as the feedback comes in, and the updates to the Lamannia patch notes are continuing along with the forum discussions. It sounds like a great system, but is there a downside? Follow along after the jump as I take a closer look at the upcoming guild renown system and what it means to guilds of all sizes.