

  • Ask a Faction Leader: Darion Mograine

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    WoW.com's prestige in the community has afforded us the opportunity to speak to major Azerothian leadership figures on any subject, and we're letting you, the reader, Ask A Faction Leader! We recently spoke to Tirion Fordring, Highlord of the Argent Crusade, and he shed light on several key issues, including bad-luck blades, volume control, dead horses, holy cows, and killing or being killed. In this installment of Ask A Faction Leader, we'll be sitting with Darion Mograine, Highlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Our first reader question: Dearest Highlord, I was looking to inquire as to what the rhyme and reason is behind your surprisingly red (or auburn?) hair is. Most death knights like myself either have a nice frosty shade of white or a deep glacier blue hue to their hair. Look all I'm saying is your eyes glow blue and your hair is red, it doesn't take a prophet to see the clash there. What would you say the % chance of you getting a haircut to match the rest of your fallen brethren is? Sincerely, Altarius, Death Knight Darion replies: The first question asked is one about my hair color? Someone has their priorities in a strange order. But yes, it is an understandable question.

  • Ask a Faction Leader: Tirion Fordring

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    WoW.com's prestige in the community has afforded us the opportunity to speak to major Azerothian leadership figures on any subject, and we're letting you, the reader, Ask A Faction Leader! We recently spoke to Cairne Bloodhoof, High Chieftain of the tauren, and he shed light on several key issues, including cruelty to hawkstriders, data-mining farseers, two-handed totem trainers, and Earthmother itches. In this installment of Ask A Faction Leader, we'll be sitting with Highlord Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade. Our first reader question: Dear Highlord Fordring, I assisted you in the quest to redeem your son Taelan in the Eastern Plaguelands, and I was proud and honored to join your service in Northrend. I assume that the task of forming the Argent Crusade was a mighty endeavour requiring many secretive months, during which I journeyed to Outland to participate in the battle against the Burning Legion. My only question is, how did you find the time to raid the Black Temple and the Sunwell Plateau to acquire your Lightbringer Armor set, and why did I never notice you there? Faithfully yours, a curious paladin Tirion replies: Ah! A perceptive son of the Hand, I see. Your training has paid off! The answer is actually quite simple.

  • Ask a Faction Leader: Cairne Bloodhoof

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    WoW.com's prestige in the community has afforded us the opportunity to speak to major Azerothian leadership figures on any subject, and we're letting you, the reader, Ask A Faction Leader! We recently spoke to Prophet Velen, leader of the draenei, and he shed light on several key issues, including city construction, elven ingrates, natural history, and compromising positions. In this installment of Ask A Faction Leader, we'll be sitting with esteemed tauren chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof. Our first reader question: Dear Cairne, Yesterday I was distressed to see a Tauren riding a Hawkstrider. Although I'm not much of a D.E.H.T.A. sympathizer, I think It's a bit cruel to be asking a poor beast like that to be heaving a 2 ton Minotaur up and around Azeroth. What really disturbed me though, is that later in the day, as I was walking through Dalaran, I saw the same Tauren sitting on his mount (hawkstrider) for about 30 minutes. Anyway, just thought I should bring it to your attention. Jabijin, Troll Rogue, Mannoroth Cairne responds: Your concern for the native wildlife of Azeroth is heartening, young rogue. I, too, was worried for the health and safety of the hawkstriders when our blood elf allies originally began instructing us on how to ride them.

  • Ask a Faction Leader: Prophet Velen

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    WoW.com's prestige in the community has afforded us the opportunity to speak to major Azerothian leadership figures on any subject, and we're letting you, the reader, Ask A Faction Leader! We recently spoke to Garrosh Hellscream, leader of the Horde's Warsong Offensive, and he shed light on several key issues, including moral dilemmas, basic campfires, faction changes, draenei donk, and the merits of getting eaten by sharks. In this installment of Ask A Faction Leader, we'll be sitting with venerable draenei leader Prophet Velen. Dear Velen, Being a prophet, you are probably aware of forthcoming cataclysm. With Thunder Bluff built on 4 mesas, I am worried about safety of the city and its citizens. Since you guys possess some kind of expertise in crashing things (specifically capital cities) I was wondering if you could lend some advice for case it gets struck down. Best Regards, Baine Bloodhoof Velen replies: Ah, it's good to see Horde leaders initiating a rapport. While I'm certainly not an architect or artificer -- trades better left to younger and stronger draenei -- I have been around for quite a while, so I can give some advice regarding the construction of your city.

  • Ask a Faction Leader: Garrosh Hellscream

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    WoW.com's prestige in the community has afforded us the opportunity to speak to major Horde and Alliance leadership figures on any subject, and we're letting you, the reader, Ask A Faction Leader! We recently spoke to Genn Greymane, King of Gilneas and leader of the Worgen, and he shed some light on several key issues, such as how hot Vereesa Windrunner is, why losing the Blood Elves was no big loss, and how to treat mental illness in the undead. This week, we've got incredibly popular Orc leader and captain of the Horde's Warsong Offensive, Garrosh Hellscream. Sitting in with him is Overlord Varok Saurfang, right hand of Warchief Thrall. Our first reader question: Dear Garrosh, There is a growing number of Horde members who believe "a basic campfire" would make a better Warchief than you. What's your response? Thank you, Brakkas

  • Ask a Faction Leader: Genn Greymane

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    WoW.com is likely the luckiest news outlet out there, as we've stumbled upon an unprecedented opportunity -- the faction leaders of the Horde and Alliance have agreed to give us an audience and let us ask them questions about whatever we'd like. To take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, we're letting our readers send in questions to ask the leaders -- whether they're looking for advice, seeking answers to lore questions that've stymied them, or need a great idea for a gift for that special someone. This week's leader, in honor of the upcoming Cataclysm expansion, is King Genn Greymane, ruler of Gilneas and leader of the playable Worgen faction. Greymane has taken time out of his very busy day to let us have a word with him in Greymane Manor on the coast of the besieged Gilnean Peninsula. Our first reader question: Dear King Greymane, My friend Spookydark has been acting a bit strange lately. When he's not chasing the undercity mail master around, he's either digging down various insignificant items or running aimlessly in circles. He also spends a great deal of time shaving, and when we tried to confront him about his behaviour a week ago, he bit my guildmaster and ran away for 3 days. Is this something to be concerned about, or is it simply a phase he's going through? Yours sincerely Kilran P.S. Do houses in Gilneas have stairs in them?

  • A world without Varimathras

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It was probably the least exciting thing to go down during the Wrathgate questline (Wrynn FTW, no?), and I've only played Alliance during Wrath, so I haven't really realized it until now: Varimathras is no longer in the game. He was always my favorite faction leader (even though he wasn't actually the Undead faction leader, so to speak) -- I loved his "You think you can match the might of a dreadlord?" taunt, his story (he always hinted that the Forsaken, a threat within the ranks of the Horde, might have a threat within their own ranks), and his demonic look. And now, after the Battle for the Undercity, he's gone.Fortunately, this is World of Warcraft, and no one in Warcraft really ever stays completely dead -- just ask Kael'thas. But as a more pressing concern, players are currently wondering how they'll be able to do Varimathras' quests (for the Loremaster achievement) with him no longer hanging around the Undercity. New Blue poster Ancilorn says not to worry -- they'll come up with a way for those who can't see Varimathras to do the quests associated with him. Or, and probably more likely, they'll just take them out of the Loremaster requirements.But a moment of silence, please, for one of my favorite lore figures, Varimathras. He was always on the winning side. Except for, you know, that one time right at the end.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Dalaran coins, environment effects, and AoE tanking

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    I ran into two common questions last night on the Dalaran coin post, so I thought I'd start off by answering those here. I apologize if we haven't yet gotten to everyone's questions; most of them, like Gurluas' question concerning The Missing Diplomat and the high elves in Northrend, we're just not 100% sure of the answer to yet, but I'll keep trying. Keyra asks...Just curious...the gold coins all have "Use: Throw this coin back into the Dalaran fountain", yet I've seen people commenting (as well as the author) that they'll carry the coin in their packs. What happens when/if you throw the coin back in?When you toss a gold coin back into the fountain, you gain the "Lucky" buff for 2 minutes, increasing your chance to fish up any and all coins from the fountain (rather than fishing hooks or goldfish). You don't have to toss them back in if you don't want to, in which case they'll just occupy a bag slot like anything else, or you can sell them to a vendor (not for much). But most people throw the coin/s back in because fishing the coin up is enough to give you the Achievement for getting it. Particular coins would be carried solely for personal or sentimental reasons, i.e. I can definitely appreciate the irony and RP value of grimly hunting Arthas down like a dog while carrying a symbol of Sylvanas' wasted hopes.Rexigar asks...Question though, do we have to keep the coins for the achievement or does it count when we throw it back in?It counts as of the moment you've fished it up. No matter what you do with it afterwards, the Achievement's yours. The same mechanic is true of everything else; once the game "knows" you've done something and an Achievement's gained, nothing can take it away.

  • Around Azeroth: Death to the Warchief

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    There are few sights more chilling than finding the throne room in Thrallmar empty... or worse, with the remains of what might be the mighty Thrall. Since Around Azeroth mistress Elizabeth Wachowski's computer is misbehaving today, I pulled this screenshot from my own coffers, taken after a massive Alliance raid on Orgrimmar that left plenty dead -- most notably the Horde's own Warchief. Now, will Achievements like Death to the Warchief! result in more scenes like this around Azeroth? Wait until Wrath and see...Do you have any interesting World of Warcraft images hidden away in your computer somewhere? Share it with us on Around Azeroth! This should be as simple as e-mailing aroundazeroth@wow.com with your screenshot and a few words about what we're looking at. Remember to keep those screenshots clean! That means without the UI (you can click alt-Z to remove it). Include your player name and guild if you want a shout-out. If you have Beta screenshots, send those in, too! We at WoW Insider are always yearning for Beta news. %Gallery-1816%

  • All hail Thrall: Supreme Leader of Azeroth

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    As promised, we now announce the Supreme Leader of Azeroth. And the Winner is- Thrall! Thrall carried a lead throughout the election and ended the race with 55.3 percent of the both, more than either of the Alliance candidates combined. Lady Jaina Proudmore finished the race in second place with 34.3 percent of the vote. King Magni Bronzebeard was disappointed in his 10.4% share of the vote, and has promised a better showing in future elections. %Poll-11649%

  • Azerothean General Election

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    The results of the primary elections are in. In an unsurprising landslide victory, Thrall was confirmed as leader of the Horde faction by capturing 69.7% of the vote. The bitter race on Alliance side led to a down-to-the-wire victory for Dwarven King Magni Bronzebeard who pulled in 24.9% of the vote. A distraught High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, who received 24.5% was denied a recount in the Wetlands. It is time for the final election for Supreme Leader of Azeroth.

  • Breakfast Topic: Electing a leader for the Horde (Poll)

    Amanda Dean
    Amanda Dean

    Yesterday we began the primary election to name a leader for the Alliance . So far it's a close race between Highlord Bolvar Fordragon, King Magni Bronzebeard, and High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind. Lady Jaina Proudmoore stands out as a highly regarded write-in candidate, and may well win her way to an independent nomination of the final ballot. Today we stand ready to select a leader over the entire Horde faction. Many have already begun campaigning for Thrall, possibly mistaking him for a member of the Alliance.