

  • European Nintendo downloads: Banana fighting street

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Finally, the wait for Fighting Street is over for Europe! We suppose it's timely, given that a new Street Fighter game is in the news now, but ... it's still Fighting Street. The continuation of Tales of Monkey Island should be a bit more welcome, as should the DSiWare Bomberman Blitz. Manic Monkey Mayhem on WiiWare sounds like it could be great (monkeys throw bananas to knock each other off of platforms), with online play -- but, of course, we always feel guarded about unknown WiiWare games. But monkeys! We look forward to hearing impressions. As for the rest, Uno sounds like Uno and SUDOKU sounds like sudoku, but louder. Fighting Street (Turbografx-16 CD-ROM, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Manic Monkey Mayhem (WiiWare, 1-4 players, 1,000 Wii Points) Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan (WiiWare, 1 player, 1,000 Wii Points) Uno (WiiWare, 1-4 players, 500 Wii Points) A Little Bit of ... All Time Classics: Family Favorites (DSiWare, 1 player, 500 DSi Points) Bomberman Blitz (DSiWare, 1-8 players, 500 DSi Points) SUDOKU (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points)

  • VC in Brief: Fighting Street (TG16) and R-TYPE (SMS)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    This week's Virtual Console releases kind of pale in comparison to last week's stellar offerings; Fighting Street is a crummy game that helped spawn one of gaming's best series, whereas R-TYPE is a great game, though the version offered this week is the lousier port. There's been a way more competent version of the game available since 2006! Fighting Street (TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) R-TYPE (Sega Master System, 1 player, 500 Wii Points) Every week, we like to check out what's new on the Virtual Console. We offer these videos as a sort of taste to help you decide whether or not you would want the game in question. We also toss in our own two cents because we're pushy jerks like that.

  • Nintendoware Weekly: Sparkle Snapshots, Fighting Street, Carnival King & more

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nintendo actually released a respectable number of downloadable games this week: 8 games across Virtual Console, WiiWare and DSiWare. You may have even heard of some of them! As far as we can tell, the highlights of the week are a DSiWare photo decoration app and the embarrassing parent of the Street Fighter series. Hit the post break and find out if any of the many offerings are what you were looking to drain your Nintendo Points on.

  • Japanese Nintendo downloads: Bravo for Bunnies

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Okay, so the two WiiWare games this week were actually released last week. Once again, no WiiWare games are out this week, allowing us the luxury of highlighting the content that didn't make it to the site previously. And how could we let a NEVES sequel or a game based on Toei Animation and Sanrio's Sugarbunnies go by without mentioning them? The Sugarbunnies game manages to out-cute Cooking Mama by setting its cooking minigames in a cartoon bunny world.As for Virtual Console, we're really beginning to tire of the standard 800 point price for arcade games. Bravoman is cool, but New Rally-X? Really? You shouldn't even pay eight bucks for a New Rally-X arcade machine. Sugarbunnies Wii: Welcome to Bunnies' Field (WiiWare, 1-2 players, 1,000 Wii Points) Hamekomi Lucky Puzzle Wii Return (WiiWare, 1-4 players, 500 Wii Points) Fighting Street (PC Engine CD-ROM, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) New Rally-X (Arcade, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Chouzetsu Rinjin Bravoman (Arcade, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) atShogi Challenge Spirits (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points) Ichimoudaijin! Neko King (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points) Sleep Timer: Mezamashi Clock (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points) 6 in 1 Dictionary with Camera Function (DSiWare, 1 player, 500 DSi Points) Itsudemo Bomberman (DSiWare, 1-8 players, 500 DSi Points) Mario vs. Donkey Kong (DSiWare, 1 player, 800 DSi Points)

  • OFLC: Two more Street Fighter games on Virtual Console

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    With the slowing pace at which Nintendo releases Virtual Console games, it's taking longer and longer for our Virtually Overlooked columns to be revealed as prescient -- but it's happening. The Australian OFLC ratings board has just revealed two classic Street Fighter games heading to Wii soon: Street Fighter II' Champion Edition and ... Fighting Street, the Turbografx-16 CD version of the very first Street Fighter.The Champion Edition could be the arcade game, but is probably the PC Engine version, which is surprisingly faithful for an 8-bit port of the arcade game. It's another port, but, like Fighting Street, it holds value as a curiosity. [Via NeoGAF]

  • Virtually Overlooked: Fighting Street

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    In a few months, Street Fighter IV will be released on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. It combines new characters, bright new 3D graphics, and new gameplay systems with a celebration of classic Street Fighter history. Home ports of new Street Fighter arcade games have been a very big deal since Capcom first revealed that they were porting Street Fighter II to the Super NES -- a port that, even at an MSRP of $70, sold over six million copies, more than anything Capcom has released before or since.But as huge as it was, Street Fighter II was not the first home console port of a Street Fighter game. The first, mostly forgotten Street Fighter was ported to the Turbografx-16 CD-ROM in 1988, and renamed Fighting Street.