

  • Moneydance 2010 for Mac arrives; another personal finance alternative

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Whenever TUAW reports on personal finance applications for Mac, particularly if we're reporting about Quicken for Mac, we get a flurry of comments from readers who recommend one solution or another. Lately, many of those comments have been about Moneydance, a Java-based cross-platform personal finance manager from The Infinite Kind, LLC. Available in Windows, Linux, and Mac flavors, with an iPhone client on the way, Moneydance 2010 is the latest version of this US$39.99 application. This newest update, available now from the Moneydance website, includes these features: Sidebar for always-visible account status and navigation between accounts, budgets, reports and graphs Downloads transactions from all online connected accounts in the background Downloaded transactions are automatically merged, no manual confirmation required Improved automatic cleanup and categorization of downloaded transactions More reports and graphs including capital gains reporting More options for filtering reports and graphs by tags Account register filtering by date or cleared status Quick-search to find transactions right from the home page Budget bars on home page show budget status details at a glance Create, edit and record scheduled reminders and transactions right from the home page calendar A full-featured demo of the app can be downloaded at no cost from the Moneydance website and is good for up to 100 transactions. What's your favorite personal finance manager for the Mac? We'd like to know! Leave a comment below, and let us know what Mac application reigns supreme for keeping your checking, savings, investment, and credit card accounts up to speed.

  • Cha-Ching 1.0.3 released with better performance, searching and download support

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Cha-Ching, the streamlined money manager that aims to put the fun back finances, has made a minor update to v1.0.3 with some truly useful new features and fixes. At the top of the list is a database migration to Mac OS X's built-in SQLite to boost performance, as well as search enhancements for using multiple tags and searching both To and From fields, but that's not all. Included in the update are: OFX and QFX support added Can now sort transactions in Print Panel Printing now uses already filtered list of transactions Source pane can now be expanded much more The update can be had either by running Cha-Ching (chose Check for Updates from the app menu if it doesn't check automatically), or by heading over to the Midnight Apps site.

  • Cha-Ching update brings fixes, 1.0 by April

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Cha-Ching, Midnight Apps' handy Quicken-killer that takes the pain out of managing your money, has received a minor update to v0.5.2. While the notable changes like UI improvements, bug fixes and confirmation dialogs when deleting items aren't much to write home about, the third change from the emailed press release is what has me excited: "upgraded database in preparation for version 1.0." I spoke with Juan Alvarez, lead developer of Cha-Ching, about an ETA for 1.0, and it's apparently slated to land before the end of April with some rocking new features and changes. Cha-Ching itself has received a major overhaul in preparation for the big 1.0, so stay tuned for more details and some pre-release screenshots as soon as we can publish them.