

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Tis the season to party in Guild Wars

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Yarrr! Yesterday was Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day, and as always ArenaNet stepped up to the plate with a fun event. The Talk Like a Pirate event arrived last Friday, along with a mysterious poem that may or may not mean anything. At any rate, it's keeping a lot of fans busy trying to figure it out. This event heralds the start of what I call the Guild Wars party season. The pirate event is followed shortly thereafter by the Halloween event, then the Thanksgiving event, then Wintersday. In between are various community events as players and guilds throw parties to celebrate various holidays and milestones, and it's generally a few straight months of reveling. Each type of event -- both community-created and developer-created -- has its own ups, downs, and quirks. Follow along as I take a look at what they are.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Why ArenaNet stands out

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I spent an awful lot of time last week doing two things: reveling in PAX memories and checking out the flurry of news stories and reports all over the place, all centered around Guild Wars 2. It's attracting an incredible amount of attention, even from people who have never heard of Guild Wars before. While we may laugh at funny mistakes made by those who are unfamiliar with the world of Tyria, it's exciting that these people who passed over the original game are interested in this one. The more people become interested, the better it is for all of us. But what's generating all this attention? What is ArenaNet doing that's so groundbreaking? Any fan of Guild Wars 2 could easily give you 20 reasons why the game is turning out to be so great, but almost all of them will focus on two things: the developers are intensely focused on making this game for the fans, and they don't show anything unless it's polished to a high gloss.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Back to (the other) basics

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I had originally planned this week's Flameseeker Chronicles to be a detailed overview of Gamescom and the necromancer. By Friday afternoon, I decided that the subject had been done to death and that more words on it would just be repetitive clutter. There's enough of that on the net already, thanks. Instead, I took my thoughts in another direction: the extreme hype of Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2-interest is at an all-time high, thanks in large part to Gamescom and PAX, and more people are beginning to take notice every day. The majority of those people are unfamiliar with Guild Wars and ArenaNet, and they've got a lot of questions. Most of them are the same questions that veteran fans feel like they've answered a hundred times, and since I covered the basics of Guild Wars a few weeks ago, it seemed only fair to give the same kind of attention to Guild Wars 2. I love my fellow crazed-fans, and I promise that next week's column will contain all sorts of treats from PAX, but this week is for the newbies. If you are new to ArenaNet's world and wondering what the deal is with Guild Wars 2, welcome -- I'm so glad you're checking this game out. If you've been around for a while, pass this on the next time you see someone asking what the deal is. There are several good -- and very detailed -- informational sites for the game in existence, and I'll wrap up with a bit of info on those. This one is intended as a starting point to cover the basics, complete with links for proof where needed, because the really extensive ones can get a bit overwhelming. Follow along after the jump and let's get you started.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: The view from the cheap seats is pretty darn great

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I did not go to Gamescom. I was kind of not anticipating last week at all, because I envisioned it as a week of me looking at all the wonderful things I couldn't have, much like a starving orphan outside a bakery (or maybe a homeless orphan in some player's home instance). I figured it would be very un-fun. In fact, the opposite was true. Sure, I couldn't play hands-on, but I enjoyed all the Guild Wars 2 news flooding out of Gamescom just the same. I imagine being there would have made it impossible to take in all of these details from every direction -- it just would have been too overwhelming. Don't get me wrong, it's not sour grapes. I would have loved to be there! But since I couldn't, I'm really enjoying my bird's-eye view, so to speak. Even from this point of view, the amount of new information we have is nearly impossible to keep track of, so for Flameseeker Chronicles this week, I thought I'd take all that we've heard this week and try to distill it into a guide on where you can find information. It's felt a bit like trying to take an octopus and 15 of his closest friends and convince them all to fit comfortably in one small sandwich baggie, but I've done my best. Follow along after the jump to see where you can find the latest and greatest from Guild Wars 2 at Gamescom.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Back to basics

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    With all the talk of Guild Wars 2 these days, many players are beginning to pay attention to Guild Wars, something they've not done before. And there's good reason to jump into Guild Wars right now. It serves as the backstory to Guild Wars 2; the entire Guild Wars trilogy plus the Eye of the North expansion can be had for a song these days; and there's no subscription fee. Players who are a little burned out on their previous games of choice are thinking that maybe there's something to this game after all, and I've been getting more than a few emails with general questions about starting this five-year-old game. So while we've been focusing pretty heavily on Guild Wars 2 in Flameseeker Chronicles lately, I decided to take this week to discuss why it's never too late to start Guild Wars while you wait for GW2 to arrive.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Paving the way

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Progression seems to be the theme of things everywhere I look in the world of Guild Wars lately. Frankly, anyone who says the game is dead is kidding themselves. We've just completed the months-long War in Kryta story arc, but even that isn't completely over. The arc is a part of the larger Guild Wars Beyond campaign, and there is almost certainly more to come. Even with War in Kryta, the war didn't end with all the various tales wrapped up in a neat package. People are missing, people are dead, entire villages have been deserted, and that's just in Tyria. We know that significant events are coming in Elona and Cantha too, so will Guild Wars Beyond show us precursors to those events soon? We know that we've got some years before Palawa Joko returns, but will there be hints of what's to come? And what about Emperor Kisu's successor and his unification of the Kurzicks and Luxons? The possibilities are many, and ArenaNet has shown us that it has no intention of letting the current game stagnate. As things go forward in Guild Wars 1, work on and news about Guild Wars 2 seems to be progressing at a breakneck pace as well. The interesting thing about the Guild Wars 2 news is a particular common theme -- follow along after the jump as I take a closer look.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Heroes ruined Guild Wars

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Oh, settle down. I'm not stating that as a fact, I'm just repeating what others have said. It's an old argument, but one that's recently come to my attention several times over the past week, so I want to take a look at the argument today. Heroes came to Guild Wars near the end of 2006 with the introduction of Nightfall. They were a huge upgrade from the much-maligned Alesia and her companions. Sure, you had to level them up, but you had as much control over their runes and insignias, skill bars, and weapons as you did your own. The addition gave players the option to add three of these customized companions, making it much easier to continue adventuring even if you couldn't get a group at the moment. It sounds perfect, right? Not everyone agrees, and it's a debate that flared back up in the past months when the possibility was raised of companions in Guild Wars 2. Hit the handy "read more" button to check out both sides of the argument.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: The aftermath of the War in Kryta

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The War in Kryta ended with a bang, but was unfortunately overshadowed a bit by the information avalanche coming from Guild Wars 2 last week. It was an extremely exciting week for Guild Wars 2 fans, but I want to backtrack a bit and look at the current state of the War in Kryta. It's been an interesting story from the beginning, and I don't think it's over by a long shot. No war ends with a single final battle that leaves everyone happy and ready to resume daily life, and the same is true of the War in Kryta. Follow along after the jump and we'll take a look at the land of Kryta today.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: The end of the War in Kryta

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It looks like we dismantled after all: the War in Kryta is over. Things came to a sudden end late last week with the addition of two new quests, and I have to admit that I was surprised. The NPCs involved in all of this have been hinting that the White Mantle were planning something big, but since Salma also mentioned that we still had more Inquisitors to take out, I assumed that we'd have quests for the rest of them first. Sneaky Inquisitors! Click that handy little "read more" button to see how the War in Kryta ended, join me in some pondering of the future, and find out about the new direction Massively's Guild Wars guild will be taking this week!

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Community guide, part two

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    As information about Guild Wars 2 continues to be made available, community activity has increased greatly. The sheer number of resources can be pretty overwhelming at this point, and for a while I considered updating the original community guide. However, there are new podcasts, fansites, images, and much more, so in the end I decided that it was more than enough to warrant a new community guide. So without further delay, I bring you Community Guide Two (go ahead and say electric boogaloo, you know you want to. I'll wait.). Hit the jump to see what's what in the Guild Wars 2 community these days.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: A guide to the Dragon Festival

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I'm excited about the Dragon Festival. Not even for the loot -- my clicky titles are maxed and my guild mates will be benefiting from any sugar, booze, and party items I happen across -- but just for the sake of the event. I love the festivities, the anticipation of the finale, the laughs given by the Canthan actors in their Grasp costumes, and I love that the enjoyment is shared by so many other players. It's great fun, and only being able to access the events a few days a year makes them even better. The only thing that would make it better would be a minipet. I do love me some minipets. Ah well. If you're new to Guild Wars, it can be a little confusing. What's going on here? Why are we partying? Where do I find the event? Why is everyone talking about a mask? Why did that Grawl just drop a Victory Token? (I don't get that last thing either. Do Grawl take pleasure cruises to other continents now? Was it a souvenir that he picked up while visiting?) At any rate, as I did with the Canthan New Year festival earlier this year, I've put together a little guide to help you navigate the event. Follow along after the jump to be all ready for the Dragon Festival!

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: War in Kryta continues

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    While it may have been a bit overshadowed by the gaming feeding-frenzy known as E3, the War in Kryta in Guild Wars did not slow. I'm fairly certain that Salma, the Shining Blade, and the White Mantle do not care what's happening in Los Angeles, so they carried on issuing bounties, leaping out of trees, and waylaying travelers. The war events received another hefty update this last week, complete with some interesting hints about what is to come -- we'll be visiting some familiar locations. Despite another week of trotting around obediently slaying things that need to be slain, I still do not have a miniature Salma. We're also still in the dark about what these medals are for. [MVOP] had an eventful Thursday as well, and moved along in Prophecies quite a bit. Follow along after the jump to hear all the latest news from Tyria.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: A little help

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    This was an exciting week for Massively's Guild Wars guild. We've bid farewell to Old Ascalon and worked our way through the northern Shiverpeaks. Thursday night we saw the death of Rurik, who managed to get himself killed before he ever raised the promised pint of dwarven ale in our honor. We lit beacons, dragged broken gear levers all over the place, laughed at a minion who insisted on being front and center for every cutscene, and eventually arrived in Kryta -- a sight for sore eyes after the scorched landscape of Old Ascalon. We also joined the Kurzick faction and became the tenth guild in the Guild Wars Online [GWO] alliance. The alliance has already given [MVOP] a warm welcome, but if you're a guild member who is so inclined, stop by the forums and say hello. This is a good time to mention that the Massively guild has its very own Picasa gallery -- thanks to reader Tanek -- and you can find some gorgeous screenshots added by our members. If you're a member of [MVOP] and would like to add your own screenshots, all you need is a Gmail address. Send that address to Tanek at bncom1[at]gmail[dot]com and he'll set you up with access. This week we will be doing the Gates of Kryta mission to get to Lion's Arch. After some of us go on a frantic skill-buying spree, we'll pick up the primary quest from Armen the Guide and move on to D'Alessio Seaboard. From there, it's on to Divinity Coast where we will bathe in a fountain and drag a giant floating eye around behind us. If you're interested in joining up with [MVOP], keep an eye out for my IGN Rubi Djinn for a guild invitation. Feel free to send your IGN to me at Rubi at Massively dot com as well, and I'll watch for you in game. So what else is happening in Tyria? We've got a brand-new War in Kryta event, and small-but-valuable public service announcement, so follow along after the jump.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: The War in Kryta continues

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Massively's Guild Wars group bid farewell to Old Ascalon last week, finishing Nolani Academy and landing in Yak's Bend. Besides running through the missions, we enjoyed hanging out in our shiny new Wizard's Isle guild hall and sharing minipets, weapons, and materials for armor donated by some very kind veteran players. Next week will be a whirlwind tour of the Northern Shiverpeaks as we travel from Yak's Bend to Borlis Pass, then on to the Frost Gate, winding up in Gates of Kryta. It's certainly not too late to join us in [MVOP]. We play every Thursday night beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern time -- just send a whisper to IGN Rubi Djinn, or email me at rubi AT massively DOT com with your IGN, and I'll send you an invitation! The rest of Tyria has been busy this past week as well. We received some very exciting news about Guild Wars 2, chatted with Ree Soesbee, and watched new events unfold in the War in Kryta storyline. Last week's update brought more than just a new bounty or two, so follow along after the jump as we walk through the latest from Lion's Arch Keep.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Prince Rurik is on the phone, and he says you got banned

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Last week's Massively outing into Guild Wars was another success, with [MVOP] -- Massively's Thursday night Guild Wars group -- tearing through the Great Northern Wall and Fort Ranik missions. As usual there was much fun and hilarity, including the above pictured gangsta Necro and someone's incredibly loud cellphone ringing on Vent in the middle of a cutscene. In the end we were divided over whether Rurik was making or receiving a phone call, but either way it was another dose of our standard silliness. Guild Wars -- as with any MMO -- is so much better when you have a good group that you can have fun with along the way, and [MVOP] has it down to an art. So what's up next? Well, at the end of our last outing we all landed at the Frontier Gate, so we'll be picking up the primary quest from Warmaster Riga. That will take us on to Ruins of Surmia, then to Nolani Academy. Once Nolani Academy is finished, we'll land in Yak's Bend and it's time to wave goodbye to Ascalon as we enter the Northern Shiverpeaks. I want to make a quick note about our overall goals for [MVOP]. The overall goal of the group is to play through Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, then Eye of the North, moving through the campaigns and expansions in the order of release just like they did back in the olden days. Guild Wars is a huge game, with side quests and extra towns in every area. To try to do them all together would take us a few years, so on Thursday nights we're going to focus strictly on missions and the main storyline. One of the great things about this group is that so many of us are playing together outside of the scheduled time, so if you get a chance, make sure you explore some of these extra quests in the places we've been. Finally, if you'd like to join [MVOP], we'd love to have you. It's certainly not too late to catch up, so send a whisper to my IGN -- Rubi Djinn -- and I'll be happy to add you to our group. Now that we're all caught up on Thursday nights, what's going on in the rest of Tyria? It's been an interesting week, so follow along after the jump as we look at why the population of Tyria is suddenly a little thinner.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Navigating the newest War in Kryta update

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The most recent update to Guild Wars didn't look like much at first glance and was nearly overshadowed by the Mesmer skill balance. It seemed like a few minor things: a new signpost in Lion's Arch Keep, a couple of collectors, and a single guy spawning outside towns in Kryta. But it turned out to be a big weekend as players discovered that there was so much more to it. The first addition people noticed was the "Wanted by the White Mantle" signpost in Lion's Arch Keep. The concept is familiar to us thanks to the Zaishen Signposts from last year -- most players knew immediately to check back daily for a new bounty. Sure enough, there has been a new one every day. The reward for completing the bounty is similar as well: you receive XP, gold, and a reward -- more in hard mode. But rather than ZCoins, you receive War Supplies for your efforts. These handy little items have several uses depending on what you do with them or who you give them to. The other addition to the War in Kryta is Courier Falken, and a thousand Leeroy jokes were made about this gentleman in the first hour after he was discovered. So what are these War Supplies, who is this Falken guy, what else has been added with this update, and why don't you want to miss it? Follow along after the jump for a complete rundown on what's new in Kryta.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Charr bags, Elementalist cleavage, Peacekeepers, and a flood of NPCs

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It's been an extremely busy week for Guild Wars fans -- for starters, the Massively guild went rampaging through pre-searing again with the goal of unlocking all of the towns in pre, accomplishing this with an extension of the Charr bag giveaway mentioned last week. Instead of a single one, I wound up with a total of five thanks to the generosity of a member of [MVOP]. Once the original bag was given away, I handed out the other four through more random drawings and trivia questions, one in each new town we unlocked. It was a good time and an excellent way to help the group reach all of the towns. The Ventrilo group had a great time as usual with players assisting one another through various quests, answering questions, discussing other games, and having some hilariously disturbing conversations about what exactly a "Charr bag" is, and how ubiquitous Elementalist cleavage is in Guild Wars. Sera was the exception to this rule, as her Elementalist is entirely composed of bloom and she has no visible features whatsoever. Joking aside, the large-capacity Ventrilo server has added an element of fun to the Massively outings that would absolutely be lacking otherwise. If you've not joined us there on Thursday nights, please jump in and chat with us -- you can find the login information in the [MVOP] guild status window. All good things must come to an end, though, and most of [MVOP] is ready to move on to the Searing. Next week we're going to go Charr hunting in the Northlands for a bit, then wrap up the evening by going post as a group, so be ready! What about the other events happening in Guild Wars lately? Follow along after the jump to see what's going on in Tyria.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Good God, Devona is a beast

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    "Good God, Devona is a beast." "Heals! I need heals!" "But you're the Monk...ahh, you're dead!" "Bucklers? What is a bear doing carrying a buckler?" The conversations during last Thursday's Massively Night in Guild Wars were as much fun as the actual gameplay, thanks in large part to a 40-man Ventrilo server donated by one of our participants. We'd had an enthusiastic response from the Massively IRC crowd when the idea of a Guild Wars night came up, but I still wasn't sure what kind of turnout we'd have. My question was answered when I logged into the appointed district an hour and a half ahead of time, only to find two people already there waiting for guild invitations. It proved to be a sign of how the evening was going to go. Over the next ninety minutes, the crowd in Ascalon City grew. We had a nice mix of new and veteran players, which gave the new players showing up early an opportunity to ask their questions and chat a bit. I've always felt that the Guild Wars community is one of the best there is, and the time spent waiting reinforced that belief as the veterans eagerly offered advice and answered questions, helping those new to the game find their bearings. So how was the rest of the evening? Follow along after the jump to find out!

  • ArenaNet reveals new Guild Wars 2 blog and image

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    It's that time in the Guild Wars 2 information cycle again: just as we are beginning to despair of ever getting new information, the floodgates open. ArenaNet's been dropping some very broad hints over the past few weeks, most recently sending out a couple of very mysterious images. Today dropped a couple of significant new pieces of information. First, one of the figures in the image (by the incredibly talented Kekai Kotaki) changed to reveal itself as what is almost certainly an Elementalist. Hopefully this is the first in a pattern, and we'll get a look at the other figures still waiting in the background. Our excitement over the new image barely had time to register when ArenaNet dropped a second bomb: a Guild Wars 2 blog. Talk about starting off with a bang: this first blog entry -- accurately labeled a manifesto -- takes the main points of GW2, things that we already knew, and expands upon them in a big way. Many points that we've wondered about are clarified, and the blog entry is easily the biggest piece of information we've gotten from ArenaNet since the last trailer. If you're one of the many waiting for Guild Wars 2, this blog entry is a must read, and be sure to check out next week's Flameseeker Chronicles as we go over all the new information in detail.

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Five years of Guild Wars

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    As we get closer and closer to the fifth birthday of Guild Wars, ArenaNet continues to bring attention to the White Mantle/Shining Blade conflict. Guild Wars Beyond is the combined birthday celebration and foundation for Guild Wars 2, and if events so far are any indication it's only going to get bigger. This week we're going to take a look back from the community side. I thought it would be nice to step away from the Obey/Dismantle campaign for a bit and talk about the past five years with this game we love. I rounded up some Guild Wars players that have been around since the beginning and are still active players to this day. Follow along after the jump to see what they had to say!