

  • Inconsiderate iMac disposal

    Apparently these poor, defenseless iMacs were just chucked into a snowy ditch when they had outlived their usefulness. That's a horrible end to an otherwise colorful life. Shame on whoever did this, and may you forever be cursed with dropped calls and Safari crashes. [Photo: Jason Matthews]

    Mike Wehner
  • Now this is a sexy Mac desk

    That's one fantastic setup. I especially like the dual vertical monitors for social media and communications programs, though they would probably keep me from getting any work done during the day. [Photo credit: Saebaryo]

    Mike Wehner
  • Remember back when a PowerBook could burn your house down?

    Ah, the good old days. Nothing like a top-of-the-line notebook charger that may or may not be plotting to start your house on fire with you inside. [Photo credit: Dom]

    Mike Wehner
  • Feedback Loop: Street photography, using Flickr, mouse shootouts and more

    Welcome to Feedback Loop, a weekly roundup of the most interesting discussions happening within the Engadget community. There's so much technology to talk about and so little time to enjoy it, but you have a lot of great ideas and opinions that need to be shared! Join us every Saturday as we highlight some of the most interesting discussions that happened during the past week. This week, we take a look at the perfect camera for inconspicuous street photography, discuss how we're currently using (or not using) Flickr, speculate on the Microsoft Surface 3, ask about mouse recommendations for FPS games and get advice on fitness trackers for tennis players. And that's just a handful of the conversations happening in the forums. Head past the break to discover what everyone's talking about.

    Dave Schumaker
  • The coolest jigsaw puzzle ever

    Putting together a massive puzzle using multiple iPads looks like it would be a ton of fun... now what bank will let me take a loan out for it? [Photo credit: Nate Bolt]

    Mike Wehner
  • Engadget Daily: OnePlus One review, new Nintendo consoles, and more!

    You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.

    Andy Bowen
  • Overly attached iPod

    ​ I understand how you feel, iPod, but I think I'd prefer to just be friends for now. I hope you understand. [Photo credit: Jeff]

    Mike Wehner
  • Flickr struggles to capture the selfie generation

    Flickr's latest app is its best yet, but even that might not be enough to save it. I posted my first-ever selfie on Flickr on July 11, 2004. Taken with the rear camera of a Sony Ericsson T616, the photo was horrendously grainy at a resolution of 288 x 352. But at the time, taking a picture with my phone and uploading it to a website (via MMS, no less) was a strange and wonderful thing. I would soon grow to use Flickr for photos taken with a regular camera as well, but it was that initial brush with mobile technology that drew me into its fold.

    Nicole Lee
  • The Mac Mega

    "I love my Mac mini, but it just isn't big enough" said nobody, ever. Still, this hilarious stackable Mac concept shows how crazy Apple could get if the company really wanted to. [Image credit: Jay Robinson]

    Mike Wehner
  • The 100% organic iPod

    We've all heard the stories about Apple going green, but this is taking things a little bit too far. [Photo credit: absoluv]

    Mike Wehner
  • I would absolutely devour this Mac mini

    A delicious Apple pie made to look like a Mac mini is a culinary geek's dream come true. Add to that the fact that the lattice work on the Apple logo was done with a laser cutter, and it's something beyond fantastic. [Photo credit: Lenore Edman]

    Mike Wehner
  • Well that's just about the most horrifying iPod I've ever seen

    This frightening photo was created as part of a weekly photography challenge. The theme was "Metaphors," and this one is "iPod Killer," though it looks more like a killer iPod. [Photo credit: Richard West]

    Mike Wehner
  • Kids would be much simpler if they had a built-in scroll wheel

    This is pretty adorable, though I wonder if he also has a "quiet" switch... [Photo credit: Upsilon Andromedae]

    Mike Wehner
  • The death of an iPod

    Apple's gadgets even die in the most adorable ways. Let's have a moment of silence for this fallen musical soldier. [Photo credit: Enrico Palombaro]

    Mike Wehner
  • The sexiest Mac desk you'll ever see... from 1988

    Everyone takes photos of their Mac desks these days, but rarely do we get a glimpse at setups from yesteryear. Ned Raggett was ahead of the game in 1988, snapping a photo of his computer desk way before it was the cool thing to do. His describes the setup as follows: "Let's see, dot-matrix printer on the left, my Mac 512K enhanced with the Kensington add-ons here and there (yes, including the little mouse pocket), extra disk drive on the right along with the disk holder itself, mouse pad...well well well. " In 1988, this was a respectable rig, and that rather ornate table is the perfect place for it all to sit. Great stuff. [Photo credit: Ned Raggett]

    Mike Wehner
  • Mac on iPhone would be a lot of fun

    It's a shame this doesn't actually exist, because I bet a lot of people would love to mess around with an emulated version of classic Mac software. Imagine "booting up" touchscreen versions of Artillery or 3D Checkers. It would a nostalgia trip worth at least a few bucks, right? [Photo credit: Rob Marquardt]

    Mike Wehner
  • The Mac hole

    I've gotten upset with Safari in the past, but this might be taking things a bit too far. [Photo credit: Brian Porteous]

    Mike Wehner
  • Flickr wants to become your new Instagram with its latest app update

    ​Today Yahoo is rolling our Flickr "3.0," a completely redesigned approach to its photo-sharing apps on Android and iOS. In addition to offering improved sharing through Dropbox and Google+, Flickr on mobile now features Instagram-like filters and in-depth editing tools. We especially like the new option to view each photo's metadata, including which camera an image was shot with, aperture setting and more.

    Sarah Silbert
  • The transparent Mac trick

    Usually these wallpapers don't work well with desktops, but this is a big exception. [Photo credit: Thomas Huxley]

    Mike Wehner
  • Think Different. Or Not.

    Though this image is more satirical then complimentary, you gotta love those glowing Apple logos on the back of every Mac. I have to admit, though, that I would love to see a similar photo taken in the dark.

    Kelly Hodgkins