

  • Forum Post of the Day: Guild halls

    Though many MMOs do have some type of guild housing available, World of Warcraft doesn't have any such option, nor are there (to my knowledge) any officially acknowledged plans to create them. However, there are players out there who would very much like to see some sort of guild housing in the game -- and some of them have hit up the suggestion forums with incredibly detailed proposals. Poster Kinn presents us with an in-depth (too in-depth to be succinctly summarized) look at what guild halls could be like, and the thread has garnered over 20 pages of mostly positive responses. So what do you think? Would such a system benefit the game? Would another type of system be better? Or is guild housing a silly idea in the first place?

  • Forum Post of the Day: Guilds and the constitution...

    Maybe this is just a very sad attempt to troll. Maybe the person posting it is actually trying to be funny. At least I hope so -- because it's very difficult for me to understand how someone could really be this dense. After all, this is America and we all have a constitutional right to be a member of a raiding guild -- and have our choice of phat loots, of course. If you wonder -- like I do -- which constitution the original poster is referencing, poster Mikey makes a good guess:Congress shall make no law obliging any class to spec a certain way, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom to whine, or to make forum posts; or the right of the people peaceably to raid, and to petition the guild master for a redress of grievances. Furthermore Congress shall not make any law mandating the use of ventrilo, nor shall the burdensome system of Dragonkill Points be applied to any resident, be they citizen or foreigner.Giggle.[Thanks, ChrisM]

  • Forum Post of the Day: Stupid little wishes

    I found this post hiding away in the suggestions forum listing players "stupid little wishes" -- minor (some VERY minor) changes to the game that they'd like to see in the future. Top of the list and a personal favorite is "I wish my guild tabard wasn't tucked into my robe." (What can I say, I've always thought that looked sort of silly.) Do you have your own list of Warcraft's little annoyances? Perhaps you should add them to the thread and we'll see if any of them get changed in the long run. (Not that I'm saying it's likely, but anything is possible!)

  • Forum Post of the Day: Blood Wars of the Bloodsails

    Not familiar with the Bloodsail Buccaneers? Well, for those of you out of the loop, the Bloodsails are pirates, and mortal enemies to the goblins of Booty Bay. Some inhabitants of Azeroth have chosen to pursue a pirates' life -- but many become discouraged when they realize they've given up access to all goblin cities and questgivers. So it's no surprise that the Bloodsails have banded together to demand more recognition and benefits befiting their status. Yarr, mateys!

  • Forum Post of the Day: Cheap respecs make the game more fun

    Well, I tend to agree with the sentiment expressed by this thread on the beta forums, which praises the 1 copper respecs currently available to beta players. Of course, not everyone agrees -- there are also those who side with Blizzard's standing opinion on the matter, which states that your talent spec shouldn't be a casual decision, and ought to mean something. And perhaps poster Warrenders hits the nail on the head when he explains that: It would invalidate talent choices and specs as everyone can be any spec they want any time they wanted. Why not just make all talents baseline skills and be done with it then? But regardless of your opinion on the issue, there is some excellent discussion -- from both sides of the fence -- here.

  • Forum Post of the Day: Druid tanks from a healing perspective

    There's little discussion on this post so far, but the few posts in the thread thus far are rather interesting. As far as tanking goes, the warrior has always been king, with a much wider array of abilities to hold aggro and reduce their own damage taken. But when the Burning Crusade hits store shelves, druids and paladins will both find themselves with a wider array of tanking abilities -- druids with a hardier bear form and paladins with a much nicer protection tree. And while I still feel that protection warriors will be the cream of the crop, I wonder if druids and paladins won't offer their own advantages -- in certain situations. However, warriors and paladins maintain the advantage of block and parry, neither of which druids are capable of. But whether this means druids will be the Burning Crusade's third class tank or whether their immense stamina and armor ratings make up for it -- I think I'll really have to get some experience with it before I could decide.Forum Post of the Day attempts to highlight interesting and constructive posts (I know, I know -- I'm severely restricting the available options!) from the official forums. Seen a post recently that's made you think? Let us know about it!