

  • Arturia Efx Fragments

    Arturia Efx Fragments makes granular approachable

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Granular effects and synthesis are trendy, but often intimidating. Fragments makes it approachable.

  • Google Maps Android API 2.0 lets developers tune apps for tablets, head indoors (video)

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    As aggressive as Google has been about pushing updates to Google Maps for Android, large swaths of those additions have been unavailable to third-party app developers. They're now on a more level playing field now that a version 2.0 Maps API is rolling out the door. The revamp is more accommodating of tablets and other big-screen gear through support for Android Fragments; many of Maps' more advanced information layers, such as indoor maps, are likewise exposed to those who don't work at a Google campus. The additions are already finding their way into apps from Trulia and a handful of others, but every other mobile developer with a cartographic bent can hit the source to upgrade their handiwork.

  • Google shows off Fragments API for Android 3.0

    Christopher Trout
    Christopher Trout

    Following up on its Android event on Wednesday, Google is giving us an in-depth look at Honeycomb's Fragments API: a tool designed to make developer workflows more fluid. As the name suggests, Fragments are smaller pieces of the larger UI puzzle, allowing you to independently control and reuse certain aspects of an action in their own modular space. These modules, like the panes that came before them, are also meant to make the transition from different screen sizes (tablet to phone, for example) simple and functional. We got a glimpse of Google's new API in action with a demo of CNN's new tablet app, and despite its everything-and-the-kitchen-sink aesthetic, it looks like an easily navigable interface. While Honeycomb is currently a tablet-only OS, Matias Duarte hinted strongly that it would eventually make it to phones, and indeed, the screenshots of Fragments in use are all suspiciously phone-sized. What's more, Google intends to bring Fragments to older Android versions through a static library -- there's no timeline, but the plan is to go as far back as Android 1.6. Now that's Android fragmentation we can get behind.