

  • Blood Sport: Fun things to do in arena

    C. Christian Moore
    C. Christian Moore

    Want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women? Blood Sport investigates the entirety of all things arena for gladiators and challengers alike. C. Christian Moore, multiple rank 1 gladiator, examines the latest arena strategy, trends, compositions and more in's arena column. Listening Music: On the Apple HQ Rooftop -- The Beatles last live performance. Last Week: Dawn Moore (no relation) was kind enough to take the column over and discuss the merits of PvE gear in arena. She did an awesome job, and I think you'd all be doing yourself a disservice to not go back and read her work. Dawn charged me to find a term for people who arena. Many of you suggested gladiator in the comments section. Shame on you. Gladiator is a title reserved for the best arena players. I'm going to pitch the suggestion of Face-Smashing Blood Hungerer. FSBHer for short. I guess Arenaist would be sufficient too. This Week: Fun things to do in arena! What more needs to be said? So guys, it's been a while. Exams were a bit hectic, but we're over that now. Blood Sport readers are the best readers in WoW history, and I know you're all wanting to massacre me for leaving you for so long. Ahh, my kind of people. Cataclysm is drawing closer every day, but I've found myself just playing the auction house and occasionally doing other knick-knack type things in my free-time. Arena has become slightly less fun for me lately -- and I think I know why. All my gear is going to be obsolete soon! Noooo! Oh well. I've started trying to have a lot of fun in arena lately. My friends and I have been trying to figure out ways to have the most possible fun in season eight. Here are a few of our suggestions for spicing up your "special arena time." Play a ridiculous spec.

  • Why you should be playing City of Heroes: Emotes

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Sure, almost all MMOGs have emotes. They've been there forever. But much like the incredibly involved character creator, City of Heroes boasts a wide range of very silly and fun choices, perfect for those who love to add in that little oomph when role-playing or just messing around with friends. Also, unlike the fire-and-forget-it emote development of many other MMOs, the City of Heroes developers continue to slowly add new emotes in to the game, both through patches and microtransaction packs. Some are easy to find through the chat menus, while others are a bit off the beaten path, and short of hunting down a listing, you may not have seen them all.For those who haven't ever experienced the wide range of City of Heroes emotes, I've compiled a gallery of some of my personal favorites. That said, this gallery is nowhere nearly the entirety of the emotes in the game. In researching this, I realized there were quite a few I hadn't even seen yet - despite playing CoH for a couple of years now! There are also a few emotes that have multiple /em commands to activate. That being said, there is really no substitute for seeing them in action. So, if you've been considering trying on some tights, there's no time like the present! A handful of cool emotes >> %Gallery-40380%

  • The Daily Grind: Guild-driven events

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Recently, one of my World of Warcraft guild-mates issued a challenge to the rest of us. You see, he'd been messing around in Dire Maul North, just having fun, and thinking about how we used to speed-run Tribute as a guild time-killer. So, the other day he issued the challenge for the fastest solo run in DM North, killing all the bosses along the way. Several of us have taken up the challenge, and we've yet to see who the winner is, but we've all been having a blast with it in the meantime.For today's Daily Grind, we'd like to ask you what kinds of fun things your guild/fellowship/group does that you really enjoy? Is your guild a heavy RP guild, where you write epic story-lines for your guild to get involved in? Do you like to throw game-wide events like our sister-site WoW Insider did for the Stampede to Stormwind event? Or does your guild prefer to do smaller things behind closed doors like our group is doing in setting up silly challenges for in-game prizes?