

  • Game Head out, GameTrailers TV in

    Just when you were getting used to the awkward name, our good buddies at MTV Networks (hey Ed Lover!) have decided to close up Game Head HQ after 2-1/2 years and roll that show's talent into another video gaming super show: may we introduce GameTrailers TV, premiering next month on Spike TV. So, Keighley stays on board, but now his powers are augmented by those of GameTrailers' Daniel Kayser and Amanda MacKay. After purchasing Game Trailers two years ago, MTV has been steadily integrating the property across their burgeoning video game empire. One need look no further than last night's airing of the Spike Video Game Awards, which was littered with video game trailer premieres (amongst other things carefully selected to trigger base responses in the 18-34 year old male demographic).So, we'll still have the news and interviews from Game Head, but coupled with the features and trailers from GameTrailers. Apparently, like the VGAs, trailers will premiere on the show before popping up on along with the full episodes. Full episodes will later make their way to the Xbox Live Marketplace in glorious HD if you're into that sorta thing.

  • Jack Thompson graces Game Head this evening

    The fabulous Jack Thompson makes a rare appearance in public on Geoff Keighley's Game Head on Spike TV at 1AM tonight. As long as Keighley doesn't pull any punches this could be quite entertaining. Subjects include discussing the man behind the curtain who fills gamers with rage, and what kids at school say about his son -- now that's the question we've always wanted to ask!Game Head seems to be focusing on video game violence as they also speak to Spencer Halpin about his film Moral Kombat. There is also a debate between Lorne Lanning (Oddworld) and Thompson moderated by Newsweek's N'Gai Croal (which we covered live earlier this month). Set those DVRs just in case you'll be out causing violence this evening after playing all those video games.

  • Game Head's Halo 3 beta episode coming Friday

    Spike TV's late night gaming show de force Game Head will be uber special this Friday, because it'll feature some exclusive Halo 3 fun. This Friday, May 11th at 1:00AM (eastern?) the episode will air where they'll show off what they learned, saw, and played at a recent visit to Bungie Studios. And unless you're lucky enough to get in early via the Friends and Family program, this will be the first official look into what the Halo 3 beta has to offer. Set your TiVo (who really has a TiVo anymore?) or stay up for this week's Game Head ... our Bawls are already chilled.[Via Digg]

    Dustin Burg
  • April Fool's Alert #2: David Jaffe explodes on Geoff Keighley

    David Jaffe will finally lose it tomorrow on during an interview with Geoff Keighley. The cubby Jaffe will finally have a lover's quarrel on camera with the twinkie Keighley and say, "$%@& you man, why do I have to be humble to you? I'll $%&@ you up your @$$!" Yeah David, don't let Keighley push you around, enough is enough!This April Fool's Day joke is based on Jaffe's previous outbursts. There was the drunken tirade at the Playboy Mansion and once on Keighley's show, GameHead, Jaffe had some choice words about a Gamespot story on him. We certainly look forward to seeing what scripted crazy-talk Jaffe will unleash on Keighley. Then again, taking Jaffe into account, it could all be real!

  • Call of Duty reality TV competition tonight

    Imagine sixteen gamers getting tossed into a real-life deathmatch. It could happen -- but not tonight.Spike TV's Gamer Head series is airing its Call of Duty 3 promotional competition at 12:30 am ET/PT. It's unclear what the producers have cooked up to simulate the game's experience, but we're guessing the budget didn't include beach landings, mortar shells, and death, lots of death. Still, tossing these virtual wannabes into boot camp training should yield some puke and a pair of soiled drawers. And when has that failed to entertain?[Via The Last Boss]