

  • GC Twilight Princess, now 24 rupees cheaper

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Amazon must need to clear out its GameCube stock of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, as this is the second sale the online retailer has hosted in just two days, not that we're complaining!The last deal lasted only four hours and offered the GameCube release for only $19.99, and, while that sounds much cheaper than the $25.99 Amazon is asking for Twilight Princess now, keep in mind that that $25+ pricing includes free shipping. You can make that kind of change slashing at grass and breaking pots for two minutes![Via CAG]

  • Gamer uses Pokemon to quit smoking

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    var digg_url = ''; Some people quit smoking with a patch, some with therapy, and some still with hypnosis or acupuncture. DS Fanboy reader Dan had an alternate method: he replaced his nicotine addiction with an addiction to Pokemon. So far he's only 40 days into the trial, but he's reporting success. (What is not reported, however, is how many pokemon he's caught. This is a vital detail, folks!)So what happens when Dan needs to break his Pokemon addiction?

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Visceration Station

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Big thanks to Supafine's "Legend of Zelda: Visceration Station" webcomic for finally (and logically) explaining the heart system to us. The least we, as the Joystiq community, can apparently do is bestow you the honor of best game-related webcomic of the week.Second and third place went to XKCD and College Humor, respectively. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any gaming comics you stumble upon this week!

  • White GameCube controller available for preorder

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Even though our initial reveal of Nintendo's new white GameCube controller resulted in a consensus among the commenters that only a Bluetooth Waveird with rumble and the ability to make only the most deliciously golden toast would be satisfactory, we're certain that somebody is interested in the controller that Nintendo has offered here in the real world.For those people, NCSX brings good news: they've started taking preorders on the new version of the GameCube controller, with its Wii-white color and longer cord, at a price of $24.90. The controllers should ship out at the end of this month, just in time to be pretty late for Brawl!

  • Wii Warm Up: Multiple control schemes

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    While Super Smash Bros Brawl may be the most well-known Wii game featuring a bevy of control schemes, it's not the only one, and if the forthcoming release of a white GameCube controller is any indication, we're likely to see more. Of course, that leads us to a pretty obvious question: what do you think about games offering multiple (completely different) control schemes in this manner? It's starting to seem that we're getting further away from the motion-based controls that were supposed to be the Wii's major selling point. Of course, with the way motion-sensing (doesn't) work in some games, that's not necessarily a terrible thing, but without it, what do we have left?

  • Nintendo re-launching GameCube controller... in Japan

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Wouldn't you know it? No, really -- didn't you completely understand that Nintendo wouldn't be releasing something as magnificent as a stark white GameCube controller in the States? Okay, so maybe NoA hasn't made that official, but we're betting the unit you see there on the right will be a (highly coveted) Japanese exclusive. Apparently the Big N is re-issuing a Wii-white GameCube controller in its homeland this month with an extended (3-meter) cord, and while we can't glean any pricing information from the crumb of information out there right now, go ahead and start stacking those pennies for use on your favorite importer.[Via Joystiq]Update: Apparently it'll cost around $20. Thanks, Chebwa!

  • New Wii controller looks useful for Brawl

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This month, Nintendo will begin offering this awesome new Wii controller, which seems like it'll be just perfect for things like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and GameCube games. Mostly (entirely) because it's a GameCube controller! That's right, Nintendo is manufacturing their dead system's controller again for sale to Wii owners.However, this isn't the same old GameCube controller you didn't play Cubivore with! The new version comes in Wii white (of course) and has a 3 meter (10 foot) cord that is 50% longer than the regular GameCube controllers. Which leads us to ask: why didn't they go with the Gamecube controller with the really long, and also intangible, cord?

  • Wii-white Gamecube controller releasing in Japan

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Nintendo has announced via its Japanese website that a Wii-white Gamecube controller is due for release this month ... in Japan. Looks like the old controller still has some manufacturing life left in it yet, too bad we can't get any more wireless Wavebird controllers.We've contacted Nintendo of America to find out if the controllers are expected in North America. Call us what you will (which will probably be "lazy") but we simply wish that Nintendo would make a second generation Wavebird controller that's fully compatible with the Wii.[Via GoNintendo]

  • Non-Wiimote controls limited for Mario Kart Wii

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    click to enlarge Fans of alternate Wii control schemes were obviously psyched when it was revealed that Mario Kart Wii would support a variety of control methods, including the Wii Classic Controller and Gamecube pad. But those fans might want to scale back their expectations, as an updated game fact sheet (posted on Nintendo's press site) claims that players who don't use the Wii Remote schemes will not be able to perform "certain moves" and "some maneuvers."What maneuvers exactly? We're not quite sure, but the new mid-air tricks probably aren't among them -- A Link to the Future notes that an IGN preview specifically mentions Classic and Gamecube controller users can hit the d-pad to perform those. We find it hard to imagine that the plethora of joysticks and buttons on the alternate control schemes can't replicate the controls of the somewhat button-free design of the Wii Remote. Could this be an effort to encourage more use of the practically useless 'extremely useful' Wii Wheel? You'll know as soon as we do.%Gallery-16165%

  • Capcom debunks rumors of RE4 on PS3, 360

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Resident Evil fansite The Horror is Alive caused a minor stir yesterday by posting a phonecam pic of the purported box art for a "Classic Edition" remake of Resident Evil 4 for the PS3 and Xbox 360. The rumor got picked up by a variety of gaming sites -- including a somewhat incredulous Xbox 360 Fanboy -- and THIA followed it up today with supposed hi-res shots of the box art, adding further fuel to the fire.Enter Capcom with a rumor-dousing fire blanket. Writing on Capcom's community forums, Vice President Christian Svennson said outright that there are "no plans for RE4 on 360 or PS3 at this time." Of course, that's exactly what he would say if there was a super-secret remake that Capcom just wasn't ready to announce yet. We'll take him at his word though, mostly because we hope the company is focusing its resources on Resident Evil 5 at this point. Besides, how many more remakes of a three-year-old game do we need exactly?

  • Japanese pamphlet Zeroes in on release date for RE port

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Do you miss spending your evenings watching the undead and snarling zombie hounds gnaw at your ankles in opulent mansions? If so, the Japanese store leaflet to the right will be of special interest to you, because it reveals a release date of May 29th for Capcom's Resident Evil Zero. That's quite a bit closer than we expected, especially as the port was only revealed at the end of February.Obviously, this is just a Japanese date for now, and it might be the only date, what with all the uncertainty surrounding a U.S. release.[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Device converts controller rumble to electric shocks

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    "How much better would games such as Mortal Kombat or Streetfighter [sic] be if you were ELECTROCUTED each time you were hit!" No, that's not a rhetorical question (though our answer would be "not at all better") ... it's the web site introduction to the Mindwire V5, a new British product that replaces those annoyingly rough rumbling controller sensation with a series of gentle, soothing electric shocks. Ahhh, bliss.Using a special controller converter (pictured) and a series of five adhesive pads, the V5 sends force-feedback activated shocks that the web site compares to those of a muscle toning machine. While the device will work with practically any game, the site recommends using it to enhance fighters and first-person shooters (just be sure to stay away from Rez)Though the site advertises plenty of safety features, the litany of warnings makes us worry about how safe this device actually is. It's probably moot for us, though --- at £99 (about $196), this one is only for well-off masochists.Also see: Military sim "shoots" back[Via Pocket Lint, Thanks Foolio]

  • Witness the greatest Animal Crossing cosplay ever

    Scott Jon Siegel
    Scott Jon Siegel

    We're a bit torn between whether the above image is horrifying or brilliant. On the one hand, someone clearly drew massive eyebrows on this poor animal, whose uncanny likeness to Animal Crossing's resident musician K. K. Slider is certainly no fault of his (or her?) own.On the other hand, someone did look at this dog, and realize that with the slightest modification they could create a most excellent cosplay. In either case, consider us in awe. Now all he/she needs is an adorable guitar, and a puppy-sized stool. But we suppose the poor thing's been through enough already.[Via DS Fanboy]

  • Capcom blog says RE Zero port still has hope for North American release

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Imagine our surprise when Capcom's blog updated to our RSS about the Wii port of Resident Evil Zero. We thought yesterday would be the end of talk pertaining to the game releasing here in the west. But, for you European readers, know this doesn't apply to you. Capcom Europe passed on the project, so apparently there's no hope there.But, back to us in North America. The latest entry in the Capcom blog says they "are watching the progress on the game, and if it ends up blowing up huge like RE4 Wii did, we'll evaluate the possibility of bringing it over here and flipping the lingo sos that y'all can read it." For those of you that don't speak hip blog, that last bit at the end means that they'll localize the game over here with English text and speech.You all pretty much know how we feel (Resident Evil = we buy) about the whole thing, but what do you think? We know a lot of you aren't looking for another Resident Evil port unless it, you know, validates itself.Read - Capcom's latest blog entry about Resident Evil ZeroRead - Resident Evil Zero on Famitsu

  • Resident Evil Zeroing in on Wii

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The latest issue of Famitsu reveals that Capcom's Gamecube-exclusive Resident Evil prequel, Resident Evil Zero, is being prepared for a Wii release this summer. The port (and that's exactly what this looks like; sorry to disappoint the optimists holding out for a Resident Evil 4-engine remake) will, according to NeoGAFfer king zell's translation, be playable with just the Wii Remote.This rumor seems entirely plausible to us. Porting Resident Evil games to multiple systems: Capcom's generally in favor. They're not crazy, either: Capcom made some pretty good money from the last RE port on Wii!Check after the break for the full scan -- just don't be too surprised if the screens look familiar.

  • Homebrew brings the noise to Wii

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    With the "Twilight Hack" now available to the public and enabling users to run unsigned code on their Wiis, basement programmers are wasting no time in releasing their unofficial software to the incipient homebrew community. After all, they've waited over a year since the Wii's launch for this opportunity.Here's a list of homebrew developments from just today. How To Get Homebrew Working on the WiiTutorial on what you'll need and how to run homebrew software Linux for WiiA "small usbgecko-enabled proof of concept mini-distro" MP3 PlayerGet your MP3 of "Poison" ready DOL to Elf ConverterConvert and run GameCube homebrew in Wii mode SNES9xGx.wii 0.01b EmulatorKeep it legal and homebrew, kids What do you think will be released next?[Thanks, Craig!]

  • Wall-E GameCube mod melts our hearts, makes us want

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Without question we've seen GameCube mods more extravagant than this, but until something even more adorable comes to light, we're definitely giving the "Most Heartwarming" badge to this here creation. The Wall-E GameCube mod was inspired by the character in Disney's upcoming film (titled Wall-E, of all things), and hours upon hours of TLC were clearly poured into this concoction. We know you're eager for more angles of those eyes, so hit up the read link to get what you're after.[Via NintendoWiiFanboy]

  • We're falling for Wall-E, the GameCube mod

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Have you ever seen a GameCube as cute as this? Before you say "yes" and provide a million and ten links of cuter mods, just look into Wall-E's eyes. You'll make him cry! And we all know what happens when water gets on a GameCube -- it goes to console heaven. So, for Wall-E's sake, just let it be.Based on the character in the upcoming Disney Pixar film, this adorable mod was made with children's toys, Plexiglas, tubes, rods, plastic, metal, and acrylic paint. Oh, and let's not forget the GameCube. We're not sure if it can actually move (we suspect not), but even so, we're extremely impressed. Consider our hearts melted.%Gallery-16644%[Via Techeblog]

  • Platinum GameCubes now fifty bucks on Amazon

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Amazon currently has a pretty sweet Deal of the Day (or an awful one if, like this blogger, you get paid tomorrow): a Platinum GameCube for just $50. Obviously, if you're reading this site, you probably already have at least one way to play 'Cube games, in which case we advise you view this as a chance to: Plump up your Nintendo console collection. Invest in a cheap gift for a loved one. Grab a spare if the unthinkable should ever happen. Buy two and duct-tape them together for a $100 Wii. [Via The Tanooki]

  • Using the 'Twilight Hack,' man runs Tetris

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    You remember the "Twilight Hack," right? Well, Pong isn't the only thing folks are using this to run, as one man shows us his homebrew version of Tetris running on the system. Originally created as a homebrew project for the GameCube many years ago, this version of Tetris is lacking the bells and whistles most have taken for granted over the last decade or so. Still, it's impressive to see homebrew running on the Wii.[Via QJ]