

  • New gamerscore policy just makes sense

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    BIGVIP over at the Gamerscore Blog wrote up an article discussing what they've done for the gamerscore system on the 360. Microsoft has talked with developers and set clear rules pertaining to a game's gamerscore. All games here on out will be required to offer 1,000 gamerscore and all arcade games need 200. No part of the gamerscore can come from purchased XBLM content, but free downloadable content is fine. Also, any new expansion packs or new downloadable content can offer an additional 250 gamerscore for normal games and an additional 50 for arcade games.Most Xbox 360 games have stuck to the 1,000 gamerscore rule, but some have ventured away from it like Microsoft's yet to be released Crackdown. It only offers a 900 gamerscore ... come on Microsoft, can't you follow your own rules? But you'll be happy to know that they will offer an extra 100 gamerscore for Crackdown via a separate download or additional free content. And now to you, what do you think about this new standardization of the gamerscore?

  • Gamerscore Blog giving away the goods

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    With the announcement of the impending release of ten new XBLA titles, the Gamerscore Blog is feeling a little generous. They are giving away 100,000 Microsoft points in a trivia contest awarding 100 winners 1,000 Microsoft points. All you have to do to enter is answer the three trivia questions posed on their website and send them in. They'll select 100 winners from those who answered all three questions correctly. Brush up on your XBLA knowledge and get to answering some trivia! Oh yeah, the contest is only open to US residents who are 18 years or older ... sorry global fanboys.[Thanks, dpcough]

  • The last 360 accessory you'll ever need

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We just spotted this on the Flickr page of Gamerscore Blog's Chris Paladino. Introducing the 360 peripheral that is sure to deliver a crippling blow to the competition: Phillipe, Disc Changing Gnome. Sure, he seems innocuous and cute, but this little guy could change the console wars forever. Phillipe's features, which are hard to make out in the small image at right, include:Fully autonomous disc changing sorting system Games DVDs Hard Drives Beer Pretzels Pornography Philippe requires no batteries, though he will need a steady supply of baguettes, brie, and wine. Seriously, we're not sure why this was posted, but it makes us feel better about 360 games potentially filling up more than one DVD.

  • Let's recap all that 360 CES news

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Over the past day we've been churning out Xbox 360 news from CES like butter. Facts, numbers, announcements ... it's hard to keep track of everything. Those organized fellas over at Gamerscore Blog put together a complete bullet list of all the Xbox 360 news that has come from CES. IPTV, sales numbers, facts, and Live integration. It's all there. The full bullet list of tidbits is listed after the break, simply absorb the info and walk away with a smirk on your face. Ah heck, walk away from the list with a beaming smile and skip down the streets humming a happy tune!

  • A long distance Xbox 360 Vision X-mas

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Over at the Gamerscore Blog Chris posted an account of his first Christmas spent with his family using the Xbox 360 Vision camera. Since moving to Washington our friend Chris hasn't had much interaction with his family and this was his first holiday season without them. What else could he do except purchase his family a Vision camera, get one for himself, and open presents via Xbox Live. Technology bringing together a family, now that's priceless. Have you used your Vision camera to talk with family that lives far away, or newly found friends, or to do some video conferencing? Bringing people together this holiday season, the Vision camera saves the day!

  • Create a piata and join the party

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Yesterday I mentioned the fun Viva Piñata party going down at the Santa Monica pier on December 2nd, but it kind of sucks if you don't live nearby to enjoy the festivities. No worries, because John over at Gamerscore Blog is welcoming all fans, who want to partake in the fun, to create a piñata and send him a picture of it. You can create your piñata on the Viva Piñata game, draw one, paint one, or make a real life piñata, then send him a picture of it and they'll add it to their "Virtual Piñata Wall" on the pier for everyone to see on December 2nd. They are also giving away prizes to some lucky fans who send in their piñata art. So, get to it and start making that lizardrop or batsucker piñata and your efforts will be showcased at the piñata party!

  • You're invited to a piata party

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    If you live in the LA area, have kids, are a kid at heart, or just love Viva Piñata then make your way to the world's largest piñata party! Gamerscore Blog has posted an invite to anyone interested in participating in their Viva Piñata bash that is going down on December 2nd at the Santa Monica Pier. Not only will you be able to play Viva Piñata, but there will be face painting, free rides, prizes galore, cartoons, get your picture taken with the Viva Piñata characters, and a 35 foot tall Horstachio! I know ... I'm even getting excited! And since the whole event is free, bring your kids, nephews, cousins and even the annoying neighbor kids down to the pier for some piñata fun. Thanks again Microsoft, we love your marketing events ... they make us so happy.

  • How the HD-DVD drive works with the 360 UI

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The folks over at Gamerscore Blog have posted a few pics explaining how the upcoming 360 HD-DVD drive will interact with UI we've all come to know and love. Pretty simple really. The "Open Tray" button at the bottom of the screen will do double duty for both drives. See, simple. Also, if you missed it, Major Nelson talks about the HD-DVD drive in his latest pod blogcast. For those of you wondering if the HD-DVD drive supports HDMI, it's looking like the answer is no. However, if the pod blogcast is to be believed, it doesn't matter.All you videophiles out there, give it a listen and tell us what you think.

  • Moore: 360 controls a Wii bit complicated

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Peter Moore, Microsoft cheerleader and spinmeister, recently sat down with Gamertag Radio and discussed today's complicated controls. While he did say that the novelty of the Wii may wear off after half an hour, he also admitted that today's control schemes are too complicated for some -- including his 14-year-old daughter. The big question is: does Microsoft have newer, simpler, friendlier, and gentler controls on the way? According to Peter: "We're doing a lot of stuff there. Nothing that we're ready to talk about, and we're not going to force anything that is not going to be intuitive and innovative." I think Moore is likely talking about 360's upcoming Vision camera, but the idea of an Xbox ThWiimote is intriguing. Anybody have a chance to listen to the whole interview? [Via openXBOX360]