

  • Gamertag Radio marks 100th episode with Halo 3 Zune giveaway

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Look at it. Admit that there's a part of you that wants that Halo 3 Zune. We don't care what you're a fanboy of, when you look at that box, that branding, that helmet (not included) your primal geek senses activate. Of course, that's when your primal wallet sense kicks in and suggests that you may want to think about paying the gas bill first. Luckily for you, Gamertag Radio is marking their 100th episode by giving away one of the beautiful things in an act of generosity certain gas companies seem to be incapable of.The best part? All you have to do is listen to their 100th episode and give your review here before Sunday. The show promises to be a good listen too, with a new interview with Robert Khoo of Penny Arcade about PAX '07. After you let them know what you think, it's a simple matter of waiting to find out which of your senses (geek or wallet) will have to be repressed when a winner is announced next week. Two sense enter! One sense leave!%Gallery-3162%

  • Tetris Evolution video review featuring a giraffe

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Gamertag Radio's Godfree put together a video review of the newly released 360 title Tetris Evolution. Their review (embedded above) features achievement talk and gameplay footage showcasing a four player showdown, beautiful clouds, and one hungry giraffe. Black tongues rock! From what we see, Tetris Evolution looks to be simple, colorful, customizable, and takes advantage of full Xbox Live integration. Is it worth $30? That's for you to decide, but this is definitely one of the prettiest Tetris games to date.

  • Tetris Evolution is very Tetris-like

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Godfree from Gamertag Radio just sent us ten new screenshots of recently announced title Tetris Evolution. And everyone will be glad to know that the game looks just like Tetris with high definition background graphics. It kind of reminds us of Lumines Live with the various themes to each level, but without the moving backgrounds (or so we think they don't move). With up to four players duking it out at once here's hoping that Tetris Evolution turns out to be a prettier version of the game we love and doesn't cost the full retail price of a Xbox 360 game. Because as we see it now, charging $60 for the game would be outrageous.

  • Rumor: Mystery XBLA game is Lode Runner

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Our man, Godfree, over at Gamertag Radio sent us another tip about our would be mystery XBLA game. Shake the magic 8 ball with us ... "signs point to Lode Runner." Check out this detective work on IloveXBLA.com: "No joke, I'm fairly certain I figured it out. Let's look at the trail of tips. Ross Erickson says that Lode Runner in very good hands, which would dictate hands that want to put it on Xbox Live Arcade (since he wants the game). Luke Smith thinks it might be Bomberman On this GamerScore blog post they dropped a hint that Peter Moore said "what happens in Shinjuku stays in Shinjuku." Later on this GamerTag Radio thread Microsoft's John Porcaro dropped a hint that "what happens in Montana stays in Montana". Ok, so with the current hints down how did I make the connection. Here's my timeline. I originally thought the game must be Bomberman, so I was looking for links between Shinjuku, Montana and Hudson Entertainment the creators of Bomberman. Score! Hudson Soft moved to Shinjuku in 1985 shortly before releasing Bomberman. While on the page I noticed Hudson Software also released Lode Runner for NES, and remembered they are currently doing a DS version. Lode Runner was originally published by Broderbund, who operate out of MONTANA. According to Game Dev Map there are no current game developers operating in Montana. I don't think it can get any clearer than that. Case closed in my opinion, next week's release is Lode Runner!" Nice work. We couldn't agree more. Lode Runner is definitely a major franchise worthy of the hype that we've generated seen in the last week. What do you think? Did these guys nail it, or is it something else? [Thanks, Godfree]

  • Attention: XB Stream fix released

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We heartily recommended the new XB Stream software last week, but apparently it had a serious drawback. Godfree from Gamertag Radio let us know that XB Stream was killing the bandwidth on major podcast sites by downloading the most recent 30 shows. Additionally, this takes up quite a bit of space on your average PC. It looks like PG4 (creator of the software) has fixed the problem in the version 1.1 release. We ask that any of our readers who have downloaded XB stream please uninstall it immediately and get the new version in its place. The new version maintains only the single most recent episode of any podcast on its list. Please note that the release is still listed as version 1.0 on the downloads page.