

  • NBC's US Open coverage will be in high-def

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    What is the best looking HD sport? Golf (period) Football and hockey just don't hold up against the tranquil beauty of the gentleman's sport. This year we have seen a good amount of high-def golf coverage on CBS but now NBC is getting in the game too. Their June coverage of the event will be in glorious 1080i beauty. The event spans four days and NBC has high-def coverage of all of them.

  • Qmotions full motion game controller

    Sarah J. Gim
    Sarah J. Gim

    Qmotions has controllers for active sports so now you can really pretend like you're playing golf, baseball, or skateboarding, instead of pretending to pretend with a mouse and keyboard. Using the Qmotions controller for Tiger Woods Golf wasn't too bad, but there is no way that even using your real clubs on a plastic ball feels like you're out on the links. Still, better to slice in the privacy of your own living room than at Pebble Beach. They also had a hook-up to an exercise bike, which seemed kind of cool if you want to work out while racing around the city.  Wait. Exercise? You mean like, we actually have to be move around and be active?

  • Golf a no-go for online play

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Way back when in Revolution Fanboy's beginning days, we posted about one of the first games announced on the Revolution, none other than Tecmo's Skatto Golf Pangya Revolution. Tecmo announced today that the golf title would in fact not be playable online, limiting those hitting the links in Tecmo's title to playing alone or against the game's CPU. The game's producer, Keisuke Kikuchi, also gave up some more information on the game in the latest issue of Japanese mag Famitsu, stating that he is approaching this game as a brand new project and avoiding porting it over from the PC. He also alludes to a desire for the game to have downloadable content, something that the console is fully capable of.Is this the first of a long list of launch titles on the Revolution to not include online play? We'll find out in less than two weeks, that's for sure.

  • BallFinder SCOUT tracks down golf balls with scanning camera

    Marc Perton
    Marc Perton

    It's been a while since we found anything worth covering on the golf beat, but that doesn't mean that labs full of green-vested engineers haven't been slaving over the next big thing in links technology. And it looks like they've come up with it. The BallFinder SCOUT works with ordinary white golf balls, and uses a scanning digital camera to track them down as long as at least 1% of the ball is exposed. The device can apparently scan 600 square feet per second, and works in almost any terrain. Of course, at a price of over $260, you could buy quite a few new balls, but where's the fun in that?[Via Gizmag]

  • Spaz out with Tiger Woods demo

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    The Tiger Woods PGA Tour '06 demo is now available on Xbox Live Marketplace, weighing in at a Big Bertha-sized 890mb. I'll never complain about a free demo, but it sucks to be reminded that EA is equally guilty of releasing barely next-gen sport-ports. It's enough to make a virtual golfer spastic with rage. [Thanks John]

  • HDTV Listings for April 9, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: No Desperate Housewives, no new Grey's no problem? Seems that way today . We'll be checking to see who puts on the green jacket at Augusta today, the broadcast is absolutely beautiful. There's also NASCAR action, NBA and MLB on deck for tonight. A couple of TV movies should spice things up, with Covert One:The Hades Factor  on CBS and Avenger on TNT.Our traditional high-def listings continue below.

  • HDTV Listings for April 8, 2006

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    What we're watching: I criticized golf for being SD-only recently, now that they have joined us in high definition I'm obligated to watch. Minority Report's impressive special effects should make it a great watch in HD at 8 p.m. on ABC, hopefully we'll be able to buy it on disc someday and watch it in HD whenever we want.Depending on your perspective, SNL could go either way on quality tonight, as Antonio Banderas fills in the guest host spot vacated by last week's Scarlett Johanssen.Our traditional high-def listings continue below

  • Tecmo and Ntreev's Revolution Project

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Tecmo and Ntreev have launched a mini-site for their upcoming Revolution title Pangya. While the site is very light on the content, it's hefty on the indecipherable Japanese characters. Oh, and there are some screenshots too. Obviously, the inclusion of those infamous Nintendo Press Release shots means this title will use the wonderful new control-scheme the Revolution plans to provide (we're guessing you'll pretend the remote is a golf club). Embedded in the mini-site is a .pdf file which, in turn, links to the Pangya website, where you can see how the previous Windows-based games played through juicy trailers. These trailers seem to showcase gameplay along with some of the implementation possible with the Revolution controller (look at the first trailer and see how your character is selected and spun around using a click-and-drag-type interface). Just substitute the mouse with the new remote! Even though the Xbox 360 is producing amazing visuals now (with the PS3 promising to sometime in the future), are these graphics that bad in comparison? Not in the least. If the Revolution can produce comparable visuals and offer its products for a lot less, its battle against the 360 and upcoming PS3 may not nearly be as tough as many would suggest. [Via Revolution Advanced]

  • Tecmo tees off on Revolution

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    GamersReports, uh, reports that Tecmo has revealed their very first Revolution title in the form of Pangya, an obscenely colorful golf game filled to the brim with saucer-eyed anime characters and warmly dressed polar bear things (obviously). According to Tecmo, the game will be a port of the popular and online-enabled PC version, though we expect it to be considerably enhanced for the Revo's unique controller.It is a golf game, after all. Swing the controller, swing the club--the connection really isn't difficult to make. Check out the game's official website over here.

  • The tech entrepreneurs' new golf?

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    1up has an interesting piece examining how tech entrepreneurs are using WoW to schmooze, specificially looking at Joi Ito's guild "We Know". It certainly backs up the idea that WoW has "something for everyone":"Taking care of a guild, administering to members' needs, looking after newbs and pleasing the veterans is a delicate balancing act that challenges even a guy who is used to being the CEO of fast-growing companies."The sheer number of players means that it's becoming increasingly fashionable to play WoW; being well-connected in-game might eventually pay off in real life. Like any other collaborative activity, proving your worth as a team member in a MC run is a great way to make an impression -- but finding the people you wish to impress might be a little harder.