google accounts


  • Google's Titan Security Keys

    Google makes it easier to use security keys on iOS devices

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Google is making it easier to use security keys and its Advanced Protection Program to secure Google Accounts on iOS devices.

  • Google simplifies security and privacy with new account hub

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Many of us are dependent on Google apps like Gmail and Photos, but Google has a rep for being less than transparent on security and privacy, especially in Europe. Now, the search giant has put all the ways you can protect yourself into one big hub in an attempt to give you more control. The new "Accounts" page shows sign-in, device, ad and personal settings at a glance, and also has a pair of new wizards to help you review the whole shebang. Even if you don't have a Google account, it's now easier to personalize search on the net and in YouTube, how you see ads, and other settings.