

  • Win a Gears of War 2 Xbox 360 from CVG

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    The dudes (and dudettes?) over at CVG are giving away a super limited and super awesome Xbox 360 that's so amazing, we actually thought about breaking into CVG's headquarters to steal it. But we didn't, because that would be illegal.Anyway, they're giving away a limited edition Gears of War 2 themed Xbox 360 that comes complete with a fancy paint job and fancy faceplate. No sir, this isn't the red comic edition, this one is even cooler. So cool, we guarantee the console winner's cool factor will increase by seven. To enter their giveaway, simply hop on over to CVG, get your registration on and hope for the best. Because "Hope Runs Deep" ... get it?

  • Video: Marcus Fenix asks 'who wants toast?'

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Here's a question for you. What do Gears Locusts enjoy eating as a mid-afternoon snack? If you answered COG soldiers, you're only partially correct, because the real answer is toast. Yes, plain toast. We know about this Locust toast fetish because of the antique Locust Horde toaster that's hidden Gears of War 2's final "The Hive" chapter. Check the break for the toaster video and decide if you like your toast extra toasted or only mildly toasted. We usually opt for extra toasted and then scrape off the charred bits. Don't ask.

  • Just call it Gears of War 2 million sold

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    This morning, Microsoft and Epic Games announced that - since last week's launch - our beloved Gears of War 2 has sold a jaw dropping 2 million units worldwide. We're sure Cliff Blezinski is out there somewhere smiling from ear to ear, counting his cash and putting a down payment on another Lamborghini. If you're hungry for more Gears 2 number facts, Microsoft also revealed that 1.5 million gamers logged onto Xbox Live during Gears 2 launch weekend, 19 million achievements were unlocked, 15 million gameplay hours were put in and a new concurrent Live player record was reached. Congrats Epic on a job well done.

  • A look inside Gears of War 2's arcade

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Players who have wandered around spilling blood on the Day One mutliplayer map in Gears of War 2 might have noticed the retro "Playland" arcade in one of the corners, but have any of them checked out the amount of detail that's in there? It's pretty impressive. There are a lot of throwback games referencing 1980s - 1990s coin-op fare, a Thrashball machine and even "Swee Ball," which looks like Sera's version of Skee Ball.Check out the gallery below and read on for more.%Gallery-36688%

  • Epic lists Gears of War 2 issues (and solutions)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Q: How awesome is your game?Our game is so awesome.Q: If I have any other issues --No, you don't! Look at the reviews! Our game is like a breath of fresh air on a cloudy day, filled with sunshine and rainbows! Don't make us Cliffy-Punch™ you ...Q: But if I do have issues -- say with the download codes or matchmaking or executions ...Oh, well, then, check out this official Issues & Solutions thread.Q: Say, is that CliffyB Twitter account real?Only in our hearts, Mark. Only in our hearts.Q: Thanks! Now about those smoke grenades ...

  • Epic clears up some Gears of War 2 confusion

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Gears of War community manger SixOkay just posted a Gears of War 2 Q&A over on the official Gears forums. The Q&A answers a few generic questions regarding the Lancer and Hammerburst DLC, a player downing explanation and a quick fix for those who are having troubles starting campaign. We're sure the biggest question Gears gamers have is how Gears 2's slow matchmaking can be fixed. Sadly, there is no answer at this time, but we've been comforted with the knowledge that "Epic and Microsoft are both looking into it." Feel those warm fuzzies? [Image Via Wurban83]

  • Capps: DLC may be the answer to stop the second hand market

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Epic Games is all about cutting down on the second hand market. You know, the used copies and game rentals market that publishers and developers don't see a dime of profit from. Well, Epic's Mike Capps has an idea that'll aid in getting gamers to buy new copies versus used. His solution: downloadable content.We already have seen Epic use DLC to help urge customers to buy new with Gears of War 2 and its Flashback Map Pack. But Capps wants to go one step further, he thinks the industry should use DLC to unlock a game's ending. "I've talked to some developers who are saying 'If you want to fight the final boss you go online and pay USD 20, but if you bought the retail version you got it for free.'" Interesting idea, but we don't even want to get into the logistical problems with DLC (must be connected to Live, etc.) and how much the gaming community would hate a developer for doing this. Good idea or bad, it'd be a hard sell to the gaming public. Maybe a good PR department would help.[Via Binge Gamer]

  • Nega-Review: Gears of War 2

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    "Don't expect the perfect shooter" out of Gears of War 2." (3) "There's a lack of depth here -- an amalgam of recycled mechanics and ideas that ... never really gets anywhere." (1) "The game has what seems to be a disappointing lack of polish, what with the minor glitches that have crept in." (6) "The execution is frustrating" (1) and "one can't help but think that the team is still honing its level design, its pacing, its combat and its storytelling." (3)"Overall, Gears of War 2 is ... essentially the same as its predecessor." (6) "It's as if the original Gears has gotten a face-lift, and been expanded upon, without much real change." (1) "The game's opening teaser ... could have been sliced out of the original title" (4) and "the basic gameplay, with the focus on taking cover and precise re-loading, as well as the dismal gray visual design, is little changed from the first Gears." (2) "The whole freshness and aspect of 'new' that came with the first game won't really come across here." (6)The game's "major shortcoming is a mawkish and cliche-ridden story." (2) "The characters [are] as macho and stereotypical as ever," (3) and "so uninspired you can almost predict their next response or action -- usually some variation of a grim, determined assertion of their physical prowess." (1) "Do we really have to have the shit-scared new cadet who's barely old enough to shave, the general giving a rah rah speech consisting entirely of jingoistic clichés, and the loud-mouthed hick who calls his rig Betty (and has a fetishistic love for it)?" (3) "There's barely a single character beat that isn't cringe-inducing." (2)

  • Joystiq at the Gears of War 2 launchapalooza

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    This is an extremely hard post to finish. Not because the Los Angeles Gears of War 2 launch party sucked (it didn't), not because we didn't get enough photos (took plenty), and not because we didn't get good interviews (CliffyB Cliff Bleszkinski and John DiMaggio, the voice of Marcus Fenix AND Bender, and others ... coming to you very soon). No, it's because we got the game, came home and slid it into the 360, and thought, "Hey, it'll be fun to try this Horde mode out!" Now it's 9:15 am, and it feels like one of those days where you wake up and realize you have a chemistry test in two hours that you didn't study for at all.%Gallery-36372%

  • Reminder: Dowload free Gears 2 launch goodies

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    In case you weren't aware, today is November 7th and that means Gears of War 2 made its way into the video game marketplace. Oh how long we have waited. And to celebrate the launch, there's a handful of free Gears 2 downloads on the XBLM. Some that are only going to be available until Monday. We took the initiative to list the new Gears 2 launch day downloads below, so feel free to browse and get your download on. Remember too that all weekend long there will be a Gears of War 2 Assault Weekend festivities. Now go and kill some Locusts in the name of X3F! Welcome to Gears of War 2 - Trailer (77MB) Gears of War 2 Last Day Theme (12MB) Gears of War 2: The First Delta Squad Video (72MB) Assault Weekend Picture Pack (108KB) Coming Soon: GoW2 Tips & Tricks Videos

  • MS aware of golden GoW2 Lancer download issues

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    We just received word from Gears of War 2 community manager SixOkay that Microsoft is aware of the problems some are having with downloading the Gears 2 Limited Edition exclusive golden Lancer and they're looking into a fix. "I just wanted to send around a quick note to you all that we have indeed heard some reports from folks who are having troubles downloading the Golden Lancer. We are aware of the issue and looking into what might be causing the problem. Once I have more specific information I'll let you know what's happening."We've been hearing reports from the X3F community that, when entered via Xbox Live, the the Gears 2 LE exclusive golden Lancer redemption code fails to download any content and instead displays an error message. We'll keep you updated when we hear more.

  • Zut Alors! Canadian Gears 2 LE ships with art book in French only

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Ayoye! Les joueurs Canadiens qui parle pas le français sont en criss. D'après les bonhomme des forums d'Epic, ceux qui ont acheté l'édition limitée de "Gears of War 2" ont découvert les manuelle d'instruction ont été écrits completement en français. Capoté, osti! C'est vraiment pas cool, pis ya pas un mot d'Epic.Update: New, more "Quebecan" translation thanks to Lysdexia. Original post, translation and another translation after the break.[Thanks, Jeremy]

  • AOL Radio premieres Gears of War 2 soundtrack

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    If you have nothing better to do than surf the internets, then we recommend tuning into AOL Radio's Video Scores Channel. Not only will you have the soothing musicial beats of your favorite video games pumping through your speakers while navigating the world wide web, but you'll also be one of the first to hear tracks from the Gears of War 2 soundtrack.All day, every hour, on the hour, the Video Scores Channel over at AOL Radio will be debuting the melodic beats from the Gears 2 soundtrack. Go ahead, gearhead, tune in.

  • Reminder: Win GoW2 COG, huge giveaway Friday

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    You have less than two hours to enter for a chance to win a copy of Gears of War 2 Limited Edition and the cool neat nifty epic Last Day metal COG tag. It's a promotional item, dont'cha know. To enter our Gears of War 2 fanswag giveaway, simply make your way over to the official blog and post comment by 5:00PM eastern. Note too that even if you entered yesterday you can enter a second time today. So, get to it!Also, we wanted to tease everyone in regards to what we have planned for tomorrow's Gears of War 2 launch day giveaway. Let's just say there will be a HUGE Gears 2 fanswag surprise this Friday. Feeling teased yet?

  • Gears 2 Sci-Fi preview vid breaks out celebrities

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    A short preview from the Sci-Fi channel special about Gears of War 2 has been released, showcasing the game's story with commentary from the game's creators and ... a basketball player? Suffice it to say that the gathering of people discussing Gears of War 2 is definitely different. A few game industry professionals seem fairly on par for such a video, but seeing Zach Levi (NBC's "Chuck") Aisha Taylor from The Ghost Whisperer and Luke Walton from the LA Lakers is just a bit odd. Granted, we're sure they're fans of the game, but it seems a bit out of place, like Charles Barkley showing up in a documentary about Gore Vidal.But hey, at least it kills a few more minutes while we wait to actually play Gears of War 2.

  • Fanswag: Win Gears of War 2 and a COG tag [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: This giveaway is now closed and a big congratulations goes to PsEG and scooter shooter for winning these EPIC goodies.So begins our Gears of War 2 launch week fanswag giveaways (nope, we didn't forget) and today we're giving away two copies of Gears of War 2 Limited Edition and will be parting with our super rare, super collectible and super metallic Gears COG tag. Yes, the same metal COG tag that was part of the Last Day campaign. Yes, it's hard for us to part with it.We'll be selecting two winners on Thursday (one will win the game, the other will win the game and COG tag) and all you have to do is enter by commenting on this post. You'll have two chances to enter (once today, once tomorrow), so get entering and win. A metal COG tag awaits ... To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite Gears execution is. Do you prefer the curb-stomp? More of a chainsawdomizer? Or maybe you like Torque Bowing your foes? You may leave one comment per calendar day eastern time. Posters of multiple comments per day will be disqualified. We'll accept entries until Thursday, November 6th at 5:00PM eastern. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. This giveaway is open only to residents of the U.S. and Canada (excluding Quebec). On Thursday, we'll pick two winners via a random drawing. One grand prize winner will receive (1) metal Gears of War 2 COG tag and (1) Gears of War 2 Limited Edition worth $70. One second prize winner will receive (1) Gears of War 2 Limited Edition worth $70. Complete giveaway rules can be found here %Gallery-34894%

  • Video: Gears of War 2 opening cinematic

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    As if you weren't already excited about the third person over the shoulder sequel featuring one Marcus Fenix (we're talking about Gears of War 2), Epic Games decided to release the game's opening cinematic in all its cinematical glory. Embedded above is said cinematic which is a two minute introduction to the Gears 2 storyline and details where things are headed this time around. Is it just us or does the Locust Queen sound even more bitchy this time around?

  • Gears 2 Midnight Mayhem and a 'Get-Out-The-Gears' campaign

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Gears of War 2 is headed to retailers in a few days and we know every "loyal" Gears fanboy will be attending a midnight release late Thursday evening. You know, to score that sweet golden Hammerburst. Even cooler is that some fanboys will be lucky enough to be located near one of the many Microsoft sponsored BIG Gears 2 launch events across the globe. If you're a fanboy living in or around Los Angeles, New York, Seattle or London, then you should be super excited, because these are the BIG Gears 2 launch event cities. At each location, various Epic folks (Cliff Bleszinski, Josh Ortega, Rod Fergusson, etc.) will be chatting it up, handing out swag and giving out high fives. Check the break for BIG launch event locations and details.Also, Gears 2 community manager SixOkay wanted us to pass along word about his "Get-Out-The-Gears" campaign whose goal is to spread Gears 2 awareness across the internets. Simply switch your Xbox Live gamer picture to any Gears of War pic (crimson omen, your seriously achievement one, etc.) and, in doing so, you'll be spreading Gears 2 awareness. Feel those warm fuzzies ...

  • Metacritic roundup: Gears of War 2

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Earlier today, Microsoft lifted the Gears of War 2 review embargo (if you haven't already, check out our 2-page review) and the review scores are flooding in. After eighteen reviews, metacritic has tallied up the scores and listed Gears of War 2's average to be around 95. Which, in metacritic land, is considered "universal acclaim". Check out what the gaming industry has to say about Gears of War 2: Giant Bomb (100/100): "All you really need to know is that Gears of War 2 is a terrific, kick-ass shooter with enough stuff in it to keep you busy for a pretty long time." Gamespy (100/100): "While it's certainly open to debate, we're going to go out on a limb and call Gears of War 2 the most visually impressive game of all-time." IGN (95/100): "It has non-stop action, fresh gameplay, varied environments, an engrossing storyline, multiplayer that will have people busy for years to come, and some of the nastiest and coolest kills I've seen in a videogame." GameTrailers (95/100): "The game consistently manages to put impressive, holy crap-worthy stuff on-screen. Your ears get their fair share of candy, too. Voice work is almost always right on and the music is epic, foreboding, and dangerous."

  • Prepare for a Gears of War 2 Assault Weekend

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Microsoft and Epic Games are going all out for the release of Gears of War 2 this Friday by preparing for a weekend full of gaming, prizes, contests and fun. It's going to be a Gears of War 2 Assault Weekend. Kicking off this Friday, November 7th through November 10th, the Gears 2 Assault Weekend will include a Play & Win prize giveaway, a Wingman leaderboard tournament where gamers can win a limited edition Gears 2 Xbox 360 and a Game with Developers session with a few Epic devs. Not only will those events being going on, but beginning November 7th gamers will be able to download exclusive content from the XBLM including a welcome message from Cliff Bleszinski, training videos, an exclusive NXE optimized Last Day theme and a special launch week gamer picture. Gears of War 2 is coming, only a few days left ... get excited!