

  • Massively's Star Trek Online community Q&A: Ground combat

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Since last week was all about space combat, we wanted to round things out nicely for this week's Star Trek Online community Q&A. So, with that in mind, this week we'd like you to give us your best and most burning questions about ground combat and how it fits into the game. We'll give you until the end of Wednesday, December 2nd to submit your questions in the comments section below. Following that, we'll round up a cross-section of the most popular and most poignant ground combat questions and by next week your answers will be here, straight from the folks at Cryptic. As before, we're open to suggestions on next week's Q&A topic, so feel free to throw your hat into that ring while you're typing up those Q's for Cryptic's A's.

  • STO space and ground combat at Gamescom

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Gamespot got some hands-on time with Star Trek Online during Gamescom and came away from the experience thoroughly impressed by what Cryptic has been able to do with the license. We're glad to hear it, especially since PAX is coming up soon and we're expecting to get a little face time with the game ourselves.Basically, it looks like Star Trek Online's space combat is exactly what you'd expect, in a good way. There's rerouting of power from one system to another and the ever-important maneuvering of your ship for optimal shield and weapons usage. Plus, they seemed to be quite impressed with the graphics. Oh, space vistas we cannot wait to see you through Star Trek goggles.Mission structure and ground combat were also touched upon. It seems like away teams will only be able to carry two weapon types into battle, although we're not sure if that scales with game progression or not. Interestingly, Cryptic mentioned that special weapons would eventually become available depending on your faction and "type of character" you play. We can't wait to find out more for ourselves in just a little over a week's time.

  • Fan-run EVE contest will let winner interview CCP dev on podcast

    James Egan
    James Egan

    EVE Online is a space-based MMO through and through. In the six years since the game went live, EVE's galactic setting of New Eden has expanded to encompass thousands of solar systems, both charted space and far-flung unexplored systems, as the game's subscriber numbers have slowly but steadily grown. The IP is expanding in new directions as well. Novels now add more depth to the game's lore. CCP Games plans to let players step out of their ships and interact as avatars with Walking in Stations, and the devs have stated that they'd like to bring atmospheric flight to the game at some (undetermined) point in the future. And of course they also have a ground pounder FPS set in the EVE universe in the works. It was some of these things on the horizon that got our friend CrazyKinux thinking about the possibilities that may open up for this sci-fi MMO if planetary colonization or terrestrial gameplay are introduced. In fact, he decided to make this the basis of his next EVE Online contest. It's one we think might interest some of Massively's readers, particularly as the contest winner will get to grill interview an EVE developer on the MicroWarpCast podcast.

  • Star Trek Online IRC dev chat tomorrow, August 12th

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Tomorrow marks another Star Trek Online IRC dev chat, which is scheduled to being at 11:30am Pacific Standard Time and will last 30 minutes. The chat will focus on the recent Ask Cryptic, which was all about ground combat, firing your lasers and guys in big rubber monster suits. Okay, so maybe we made that last part up, but it felt right. Anyhow, if you've still got some burning questions after reading that recent Ask Cryptic, feel free to head over to #STO on or access the chat via the web-based java client -- just make sure to type "/join #STO" in the text field.Thankfully, Cryptic realizes that not everyone will be able to make it to the chat. So if you can't, just head over to this ongoing thread and toss your question into the pile. It's a sure bet there'll be a transcript shortly after the chat ends.

  • Massively interviews Star Trek Online executive producer Craig Zinkievich

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    It's safe to say that everyone here at Massively is excitedly awaiting Cryptic Studio's forthcoming Star Trek Online. So our very first interview with executive producer Craig Zinkievich was both a great opportunity and an enlightening experience. Beyond the cut, you'll find answers on player-made starships, holodecks, diplomatic encounters and much more.%Gallery-28615%

  • STO fan video depicts the way of the warrior

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    We know almost nothing about Star Trek Online's ground combat. We haven't even seen any screenshots of it yet. However, we do know that Star Trek fans are a passionate bunch. In this case, they were passionate enough to make their very own concept video of what Star Trek Online's ground combat might look like.It's pretty amusing, and if you're a fan it will probably make you even more anxious to finally learn what the combat really looks like. It also ought to make you a bit nostalgic about how awesome Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's "The Way of the Warrior" episode was. Hardcore Trekkies (or Trekkers) will surely get a kick out of the fact that the combat text for Klingons is actually in Klingon. To the zealous fan(s) who made this video, we say "qapla'!"