

  • Guardian talks to Chinese goldsellers and UK buyers

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    UK paper The Guardian has a look at what life is like at a Chinese goldselling company. It's interesting, but we've basically seen it before -- the small room of young people working almost 24/7 to make and deliver gold in-game, the concerns about worker livelihood and the supposedly large amounts of money going through these businesses (there's one figure quoted of £700m, which is about $980 million, but that's an estimate -- no one really knows how much these companies are making).But what's really interesting about this piece is that it seems to treat goldselling as more of an "opportunity" than anything else. The people running the companies are making money, the employees are getting a roof over their head and a steady paycheck, and even the guy making the film talks about how governments should start taking a cut of this industry. Nowhere is it actually mentioned that Blizzard considers these companies to be against the terms of service, or that many times the gold obtained by these companies isn't earned through simple grinding, but by hacking, keylogging, and exploiting. Even if (emphasis on the if) these companies are making millions of dollars a year, they're stealing accounts and cheating in-game to do it.Rowenna Davis also did interviews with both the gold farmer and a player in the UK buying money from him (bannz0red?), but again, there's no insight at all from the player whose account was hacked and bank was looted, or the player who is able to earn as much gold as they need and have a life outside the game (there are plenty of those to go around). Would have been nice to see the issue from players who aren't actually breaking the game's terms of service.Thanks, Bryn!

  • Significant aggro changes on the way for EQII

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    There's a fairly hefty set of changes to EverQuest II's hate/aggro system currently being ironed out on Test, and they aren't to everyone's liking. Due to the the complexity of the changes, developer Chris "Aeralik" Kozak has offered up a summary for players to wrap their heads around. We'll attempt to boil it down even more for you, at the cost of including some of the finer details.The problem with the aggro system begins with the fact that hate has scaled linearly as the game has progressed, and damage has scaled exponentially with gear and new skills, making it hard for designated aggro-holders to keep control of mobs. One of the changes on Test has given taunts the chance to hit critically, just like damage spells, and there will be a base and normalized amount of threat from taunt abilities.

  • EVE Evolved: The art of tanking - Unusual tanks

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    Although in EVE Online we tend to think of a tank as our ship's ability to absorb damage and self-repair, it makes sense to describe any strategy used to keep yourself alive as a form of tank. In the previous parts of this guide on the art of tanking in EVE , I gave some tips on choosing what type of tank to use on your ship and gave an overview of both armour and shield tanking. In this final part of the guide, I take a look at alternative strategies for keeping your ship alive. Strategies such as the spider tank, defensive use of electronic warfare and the much lauded speed-tank are put under the microscope as I look at some of EVE's more unusual tanks. Spider tank: When I first coined the term "spider tank" back in early 2006 (before that calling it a "squadron tank"), I was convinced we would see them on the battlefield increasingly frequently. Sure enough, spider tanks have become a staple of gang and small fleet warfare. A spider tank is a strategy in which each member of a fleet fits a remote armour repairer or shield transfer in one of their high slots and they repair anyone in the fleet who starts to take damage. When the enemy concentrate their fire on one member of the gang, the gang concentrates their remote repairers on that member to keep him alive. Read on to find out how a logistics ship can generate capacitor out of thin air and how ECM, long range weaponry and speed can be effectively used as tanks.

  • Ask a Lore Nerd: Hail to the king

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Ask a Lore Nerd, where each week blogger and columnist Alex Ziebart answers your questions about the lore and history of the World of Warcraft. Ask your questions in the comments section below, and we'll try to answer it in a future edition.Welcome back! This week we're mostly tilted toward Scourge questions, whereas just a few of weeks ago we were all dragons, all the time. Things just happen that way, I don't plan it! Really! Anyway, let's get this party started. Promethus asked... Does anyone actually know that Arthas merged with Ner'zhul? Any NPCs that is. Because there was no one besides those of the Legion like the Dreadlords and Kil'jadean who knew that the original Lich King was armor on a pedestal, everyone else like Thrall, Jaina, Rhonin, Bolvar, Wrynn, just know that Arthas was the one who marched to Icecrown and came back only to spread the plague and kill his father. No one but the player actually saw him walk up Icecrown Citadel and shatter Ner'zhul's prison.

  • NSA-approved smartphones give Obama some ugly choices

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Next week's US presidential inauguration of Barack Obama will have one sour note for the Illinois senator. Sure, he's gonna be the leader of the free world, but the notorious BlackBerry addict will have to give up his smartphone -- and frankly, if given the choice, we'd probably choose cellphone over country. There is hope, however, as CNET outlines two Windows Mobile devices that met the NSA's seal of approval for governmental use back in 2007: General Dynamics' Sectera Edge and L-3 Communications' Guardian. Unfortunately, both options look about as dated as the Treo 650, with exceptionally large antennas to boot. Hey NSA, any chance we can get something a bit sexier on the approval list?

  • NSA-approved smartphones leaves Obama with some ugly choices

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Next week's US presidential inauguration of Barack Obama will have one sour note for the Illinois senator. Sure, he's gonna be the leader of the free world, but the notorious BlackBerry addict will have to give up his smartphone -- and frankly, if given the choice, we'd probably choose cellphone over country. There is hope, however, as CNET outlines two Windows Mobile devices that met the NSA's seal of approval for governmental use back in 2007: General Dynamics' Sectera Edge and L-3 Communications' Guardian. Unfortunately, both options look about as dated as the Treo 650, with exceptionally large antennas to boot. Hey NSA, any chance we can get something a bit sexier on the approval list?

  • Economic crisis may force CCP Games to leave Iceland

    James Egan
    James Egan

    The global financial crisis is hitting many companies and individuals very hard. This is especially prevalent in Iceland, home of CCP Games -- the developers of the sci-fi massively multiplayer online game EVE Online. The collapse of Iceland's banking system and currency has been devastating to the nation. "Icelanders are reeling from the shock of having everything they knew virtually disappear overnight," Valur Gunnarsson reports from Reykjavik for The Guardian.Despite these economic woes, Hilmar V. Pétursson, the CEO of CCP Games, gave assurances all is well with the company back in October. He's stated that CCP is "well isolated" from the banking crisis, that their holdings and assets were diversified enough (due to partner relationships in different parts of the world) to stave off the ruin that many other Icelandic companies are facing. But there's a potential downside to that diversification: restrictions on access to foreign currencies have gone into effect in Iceland. Specifically -- as it relates to CCP Games -- on foreign investment coming into the country. Are these restrictions enough of a hassle that CCP Games would ever need to leave Iceland?

  • The Guardian on The Guild

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    British newspaper The Guardian has a look at our favorite web series, The Guild, and how it has taken the MMO community by storm and vaulted its way up into one of the most popular television series that's not actually on television. There's no question that The Guild's popularity online was fueled by the fact that it follows a group of people who spend most of their time online, and with a built-in audience the size of World of Warcraft's, you might think that all they had to do was get the references right.But as The Guardian notes, success for The Guild isn't just a matter of hitting a niche audience. Felicia Day and Kim Evey say they spent eight hours a day emailing the show around when it first came out. And while the show is of course sponsored by Microsoft now, the whole first season was powered by hard work and donations. The Guardian attributes The Guild's success to "direct marketing of content to a niche peer group" -- find an audience, and then make sure they know what you're doing.And of course, as a Guardian commenter notes, it doesn't hurt that the show is funny, and as Felicia told us herself, they've gone out of their way to explain and convey the WoW-related stuff to an audience that might not always play MMOs. The series is attracting a lot of attention these days, not just as an MMO story, but also a how-to guide of how to get a television series off the ground without actually being on broadcast television.

  • Life After 50: Progressing your Captain, Guardian and Warden in Moria

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Finishing off their Developer Diary series for the Lord of the Rings Online classes progressing past level 50, Turbine has recently released their final article for the Captain, Guardian and Warden. As with the previous two, this one show players the most effective ways to play these three classes as they venture into Moria and explore the all-new Trait Sets. Each trait in each set is explained, as are the benefits for pursuing each path.If you missed the other dev diaries for the remaining classes, take a look back at our previous coverage concerning the Burglar, Hunter and Lore-master, plus one concerning the Minstrel, Champion and Rune-keeper. Now that all classes are covered, you can get your mains ready and effectively plan your attack on Moria for November 18th!

  • Brutal Gladiator's Aegis

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Aegis is the armor set for Shockadins, or spell damage-based Paladins. It is a lamellar, or plate armor usable only by Paladins and is usually matched with Guardian's Lamellar armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Lamellar GauntletsThe Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. Arena gloves are also the only item with the exception of relics to have spec-specific bonuses, although Flash of Light isn't incredibly useful to the offensive-minded Shockadin. It is the same bonus as the Ornamented Gloves. The gauntlets have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 1239 Armor (+98)+50 Stamina (+6) +34 Intellect (+4) +34 Spell Critical (+5) +19 Resilience (+0) +40 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Increases critical effect chance of Flash of Light by 2%Classes: Paladin WoW Insider says: The gauntlets are a marked improvement from its Season 3 predecessor, with the exception of Resilience (Season 3 and 4 armor pieces have exactly the same Resilience ratings). If you have the Arena points for it, it's a good buy, but the on-equip bonus could have been better applied to Holy Shock.Brutal Gladiator's Lamellar LegguardsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain. For many players on median-ratings teams, it might take a few weeks to purchase at a cost of 1875 Arena points. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase. The legguards have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1735 Armor (+138)+77 Stamina (+7)+35 Intellect (+6)+45 Spell Critical (+6)+35 Resilience (+0)+54 Spell Damage / Healing (+7)Classes: PaladinWoW Insider says: Although an improvement over its Season 3 equivalent, the lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants. Although the arena point requirement is relatively low, the chest armor is probably a better purchase if you can manage it.Brutal Gladiator's Lamellar ChestpieceWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. Although the personal rating requirement of 1600 may be prohibitive to some players, it costs the same as the leg armor and should be sought after. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The chestpiece has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1983 Armor (+158)+73 Stamina (+7)+36 Intellect (+5)+44 Spell Critical (+6)+31 Resilience (+0)+37 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)Socket Bonus: +4 Spell CriticalClasses: PaladinWoW Insider says: A team and personal rating of 1600 isn't an impossible goal, although more difficult for Shockadins, who are sparse in Arenas. If you can manage it, however, the chest piece is the best armor piece you can get for its cost and low barrier of entry. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Lamellar HelmThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. At 1700 personal rating, some players will have a more difficult time obtaining this piece, which costs the same as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The helm has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1611 Armor (+128)+77 Stamina (+7)+34 Intellect (+6)+34 Spell Critical (+6)+33 Resilience (+0)+50 Spell Damage / Healing (+7)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: PaladinWoW Insider says: If you've managed to obtain the chest piece, there's little reason not to try and go for the helm, which has a Meta Socket. Although it is an improvement over its Season 3 equivalent, the disparity is not so great that players unable to obtain the helm can easily make do with the ratings requirement-free Vengeful Gladiator version.Brutal Gladiator's Lamellar ShouldersThe 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The shoulders have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1487 Armor (+118)+50 Stamina (+6)+28 Intellect (+5)+32 Spell Critical (+4)+22 Resilience (+0)+33 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: PaladinWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator shoulders are purely for show. Aside from the gloves, the shoulders have the lowest point-for-point improvement over its Season 3 equivalent among all the Brutal Gladiator armor pieces. The shoulders are an item players only pick up if they reach 2200 rating levels, but not compelling enough to climb ratings for. Guardian's Lamellar BeltBecause it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Aegis, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The belt has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1115 Armor (+88)+49 Stamina (+6)+35 Intellect (+5)+34 Spell Critical (+4)+26 Resilience (+0)+40 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Classes: Warrior, PaladinWoW Insider says: The belt is identical in every way to the Guardian's Ornamented Belt with the exception of +healing. Shockadins with a mind to stack more Healing for versatility would do well to explore the option of mixing and matching. That said, the accessibility and affordability of the Season 4 belt makes it an extremely good purchase.Guardian's Lamellar BracersThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Coupled with the fact that bracers are visually insignificant, being hidden under gloves or robes, the urgency to obtain them is very low. They also have a modest 1575 personal rating requirement, necessitating participation -- and moderate success -- in Arena play. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):841 (+69)+33 Stamina (+4)+20 Intellect (+3)+23 Spell Critical (+3)+15 Resilience (+0)+30 Spell Damage / Healing (+3)Socket Bonus: +2 Resilience RatingClasses: Warrior, PaladinWoW Insider says: As with the belt, the bracers are virtually identical to Guardian's Ornamented Bracers, and players may want to try and forego +11 Spell Damage for a +27 Healing. There are much better purchases among the Season 4 items despite the mere 11,794 Honor cost. A minimal upgrade from its predecessor makes it a less compelling sale.Guardian's Lamellar GreavesThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1363 Armor (+108)+49 Stamina (+6)+35 Intellect (+5)+34 Spell Critical (+4)+26 Resilience (+0)+40 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Classes: Warrior, PaladinWoW Insider says: The greaves are the best Season 4 Honor-bought pieces that players can buy. Although players should probably purchase the belt first, achieving a 1700 rating is worth the grind for an armor piece that is a decent upgrade from its predecessor and a visual match for the rest of Brutal Gladiator gear.%Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Felshroud

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Felshroud is the armor set for crit-based or Destruction Warlocks. It is a felweave, or cloth armor usable only by Warlocks and is usually matched with Guardian's Silk armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Felweave Handguards The Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. The bonus is the same for both Warlock-specific sets, giving a bonus against spell interruption when casting Fear. The handguards have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 306 Armor (+13)+56 Stamina (+6)+23 Intellect (+5)+26 Spell Critical (+4) +23 Resilience (+0)+44 Spell Damage / Healing (+4)Gives 50% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Fear.Classes: Warlock WoW Insider says: These gloves are low-cost and have no rating requirements, making it a good purchase specially for starting Arena players. Although Destruction isn't as popular in Arenas because of comparatively lower survivability, these gloves give good burst potential to those specced for it. It is identical in all stats to the Mage's Silk Handguards.Brutal Gladiator's Felweave TrousersThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain, and Destruction Warlocks should find it an achievable target. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The trousers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):442 Armor (+18)+74 Stamina (+7)+30 Intellect (+6)+39 Spell Critical (+6)+30 Resilience (+0)+60 Spell Damage / Healing (+7)Classes: WarlockWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants. Although it doesn't have as much +Stamina as the Dreadweave Leggings, Destruction Warlocks will find the +39 Spell Crit Rating (1.49% at Level 70) to more than make up for it.Brutal Gladiator's Felweave RaimentWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. 1600 is a modest target considering the reward. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The raiment has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):476 Armor (+22)+68 Stamina (+7)+21 Intellect (+6)+39 Spell Critical (+6) +26 Resilience (+0)+46 Spell Damage / Healing (+7) Socket Bonus: +4 Spell Critical Classes: WarlockWoW Insider says: Two Yellow Sockets mean more spell crit, including the offense-oriented socket bonus. The chest takes a -16 Stamina hit compared to the Dreadweave version, but this is the best burst Arena armor piece for Warlocks in Season 4. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Felweave CowlThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Destruction Warlocks should find a 1700 personal rating a manageable goal to get this cowl, which costs the same as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The cowl has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):426 Armor (+17)+74 Stamina (+7)+21 Intellect (+6)+28 Spell Critical (+6) +33 Resilience (+0)+54 Spell Damage / Healing (+7)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: WarlockWoW Insider says: One of the few pieces where Felweave has a little more raw +Spell Damage than its Dreadweave counterpart, the cowl is a perfect complement to a crit-happy Destro lock. It also has substantial upgrades from the previous season's fancily animated helm.Brutal Gladiator's Felweave Amice The 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The amice has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):339 Armor (+16)+56 Stamina (+6) +18 Intellect (+5)+21 Spell Critical (+4)+23 Resilience (+0)+44 Spell Damage / Healing (+4)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: WarlockWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator Shoulders are peacock gear. The Felweave Amice has 1 point more Stamina than its Dreadweave counterpart, and has almost identical stats elsewhere except for +Spell Hit, which was forewent for +Spell Crit. Blue sockets are uncommon for PvP gear, and helps activate the Chaotic Skyfire Diamond. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Season 4 Brutal Gladiator gear guide

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Now that Season 4 has finally arrived, it would probably be good to take a look at the Arena gear you'll be purchasing with all those stored Arena points. Even though most people have concurred that the new Brutal Gladiator gear is appropriately brutally ugly, a lot of the pieces are excellent and many players will need to purchase them in order to stay competitive in the latest, harshest Arena season. Most of the Brutal Gladiator armor sets and equipment require personal ratings in order for players to be able to purchase them, so the new Season 4 gear will not flood the community the same way past seasons did. Even Honor-bought items such as bracers, boots, and rings will require participation in the Arenas in order for players to qualify for purchasing them. We've put together a review of all the Brutal Gladiator armor sets for you to review, with a brief analysis of each piece and an assessment of whether it's worth the Arena points and the bother to grind for the personal ratings. We've also compared Season 4 gear with their equivalent Vengeful Gladiator pieces so you can tell at a glance how much of an improvement each piece is from its predecessor. Take a look after the jump at our extensive gear guide.%Gallery-25440%

  • Brutal Gladiator's Thunderfist

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Thunderfist is the armor set for Elemental Shamans. It is a mail armor set usable only by Shamans and is usually matched with Guardian's Mail armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Mail GauntletsThe Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. Its bonus is the same as all other Shaman armor, an increase to the range of Shock spells. The gauntlets have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 694 Armor (+55)+52 Stamina (+6)+28 Intellect (+5)+32 Spell Critical (+4) +22 Resilience (+0)+43 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Improves the range of all Shock spells by 5 yards.Classes: Shaman WoW Insider says: As with all Season 4 gloves, the lack of a rating requirement essentially makes it a freebie. The improvement over its Season 3 equivalent is worth the upgrade, and an increase in Shock range is always good for the Shaman who would prefer to keep her opponents at bay.Brutal Gladiator's Mail LeggingsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain, specially for the burst-heavy Elemental Shaman. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The leggings have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):971 Armor (+77)+71 Stamina (+7)+38 Intellect (+5)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+33 Resilience (+0)+59 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)11 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5)Classes: ShamanWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets on this armor piece mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants. That said, the overall stat gain from the previous season's leggings are substantial enough to warrant an eventual upgrade. Brutal Gladiator's Mail ArmorWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece. It is also arguably the best Brutal Gladiator armor piece for Elemental Shamans. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The armor has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1110 Armor (+88)+61 Stamina (+7)+33 Intellect (+5)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+28 Resilience (+0)+49 Spell Damage / Healing (+7)11 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5)Socket Bonus: +4 Spell CriticalClasses: ShamanWoW Insider says: A 1600 personal rating should be relatively easy to achieve for Elemental Shamans, and the two Yellow Sockets contribute to more burst potential or faster casts. The chest piece is a one of the best purchases among the Brutal Gladiator armor gear outside of the gloves. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Mail HelmThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Many Elemental Shamans will obtain 1700 rather easily. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The helm has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):902 Armor (+72)+74 Stamina (+7)+29 Intellect (+6)+32 Spell Critical (+6)+32 Resilience (+0)+55 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: ShamanWoW Insider says: There's nothing particularly compelling about the Season 4 mail helm, although most Elemental Shamans would like to eke out every little drop of Spell Damage and Crit from their gear. Considering 1700 is a realistic target, specially for Elemental Shamans, it's a good upgrade.Brutal Gladiator's Mail SpauldersThe 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Some Elemental Shamans will be wearing these through the season. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The spaulders have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):832 Armor (+66)+47 Stamina (+4)+26 Intellect (+4)+26 Spell Critical (+4)+21 Resilience (+0)+34 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)8 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: ShamanWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator shoulders are purely for show. The minimal improvement over the previous season's spaulders make it less compelling coupled with the fact that Season 3 shoulders look so much more badass. Guardian's Mail GirdleBecause it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Thunderfist, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The girdle has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):624 Armor (+49)+49 Stamina (+6)+34 Intellect (+4)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+27 Resilience (+0)+40 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Classes: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: Like most belt pieces in Season 4, the Guardian's Mail Girdle is one of the best purchases players can make. The low Honor cost and no personal ratings requirement make the piece a no-brainer.Guardian's Mail BracersThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Bracers are also not visually impacting, hidden away underneath gloves or robes, making them non-essential to a set. They also have a modest 1575 personal rating requirement, necessitating some success in Arenas. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):471 (+39)+33 Stamina (+4)+20 Intellect (+3)+24 Spell Critical (+3)+15 Resilience (+0)+30 Spell Damage / Healing (+3)Socket Bonus: +2 Resilience RatingClasses: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: Because the Guardian items do not confer a set bonus, there's no real need to obtain the bracers. On the other hand, 1575 is extremely feasible for an Elemental Shaman, and the yellow socket contributes to more +Spell Crit or even +Haste.Guardian's Mail SabatonsThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The sabatons have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):763 Armor (+61)+49 Stamina (+6)+34 Intellect (+4)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+27 Resilience (+0)+40 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Classes: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: Even with a 1700 personal ratings requirement, the boots are a good purchase as its a good improvement overall from the last season. It is also, like the helm, the most attainable Season 4 item outside of the weapons and shoulders. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Wartide

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Wartide is the armor set for Restoration Shamans. It is a ringmail, or mail armor usable only by Shamans and is usually matched with Guardian's Ringmail armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail GauntletsThe Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. Its bonus is the same as all other Shaman armor, an increase to the range of Shock spells. The gauntlets have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 694 Armor (+55)+53 Stamina (+6)+28 Intellect (+5)+29 Spell Critical (+4) +22 Resilience (+0)+86 Healing / +29 Spell Damage (+9 / +3)Improves the range of all Shock spells by 5 yards.Classes: Shaman WoW Insider says: Because it's so easily attainable, with no personal ratings requirements, it's easy to see why the gauntlets are a good purchase. It is identical to the Mail Gauntlets with the exception of +Healing. The only drawback is that the Shock spell range bonus isn't particularly useful to Restoration Shamans.Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail LeggingsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, a feasible target for Restoration Shamans. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The leggings have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):971 Armor (+77)+71 Stamina (+7)+38 Intellect (+5)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+33 Resilience (+0)+110 Healing / +37 Spell Damage / Healing (+11 / +4)11 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5)Classes: ShamanWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets on this armor piece mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants. Overall, the improvements from its last season equivalent are moderate, with a lower +Heal upgrade than other healing sets, making the chest piece a better purchase for the same point cost.Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail ArmorWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The armor has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1110 Armor (+88)+61 Stamina (+7)+36 Intellect (+6)+36 Spell Critical (+6)+26 Resilience (+0)+92 Healing / +31 Spell Damage (+13 / +4)11 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5)Socket Bonus: +4 Spell CriticalClasses: ShamanWoW Insider says: Restoration Shamans should have no trouble attaining a modest 1600 personal rating to get this piece. The only drawback is two Yellow Sockets, which might have been better if they were Red. Yellow opens up possibilities for +Haste, however, and that's always a good thing. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail HelmThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. 1700 is a fairly achievable goal for Restoration Shamans. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The helm has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):902 Armor (+72)+74 Stamina (+7)+34 Intellect (+6)+31 Spell Critical (+6)+33 Resilience (+0)+97 Healing / +33 Spell Damage (+13 / +5)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: ShamanWoW Insider says: The +13 Healing upgrade and overall improvement from the previous season's helm is a very good reason to try and achieve 1700 personal ratings. Healers can also use the Red Socket for more healing oomph.Brutal Gladiator's Ringmail SpauldersThe 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The spaulders have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):832 Armor (+66)+47 Stamina (+4)+27 Intellect (+4)+24 Spell Critical (+4)+21 Resilience (+0)+64 Healing / +22 Spell Damage (+9 / +3)8 Mana / 5 Secs (+1 / 5)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: ShamanWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator shoulders are purely for show. The minimal improvement over the previous season's spaulders make it less compelling. The Vengeful Gladiator spaulders also look so much cooler. Guardian's Ringmail GirdleBecause it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Wartide, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The girdle has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):624 Armor (+49)+49 Stamina (+6)+34 Intellect (+4)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+27 Resilience (+0)+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage (+9 / +3)Classes: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: Like most belt pieces in Season 4, the Guardian's Ringmail Girdle is one of the best purchases players can make. The low Honor cost and no personal ratings requirement make the piece a no-brainer. It is identical to the Mail Girdle except for the higher +Healing.Guardian's Ringmail BracersThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Bracers are also not visually impacting, hidden away underneath gloves or robes, making them non-essential to a set. They also have a modest 1575 personal rating requirement, necessitating some success in Arenas. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):471 (+39)+33 Stamina (+4)+20 Intellect (+3)+24 Spell Critical (+3)+15 Resilience (+0)+57 Healing / +19 Spell Damage (+6 / +2)Socket Bonus: +2 Resilience RatingClasses: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: A 1575 personal rating seems like a reasonable challenge to obtain another Yellow Socket, despite the minimal improvements from last season's gear. Although healers might prefer a Red Socket, the option to pursue Haste makes these bracers a good upgrade.Guardian's Ringmail SabatonsThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The sabatons have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):763 Armor (+61)+49 Stamina (+6)+34 Intellect (+4)+34 Spell Critical (+5)+27 Resilience (+0)+75 Healing / +25 Spell Damage (+9 / +3)Classes: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: Even with a 1700 personal ratings requirement, the boots are a good purchase as its a good improvement overall from the last season. It is also, like the helm, the most attainable Season 4 item outside of the weapons and shoulders. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Battlegear

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Battlegear is the armor set for Warriors. It is a plate armor usable only by Warriors and is usually matched with Guardian's Plate armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Plate GauntletsThe Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. As with other Arena gloves, the bonus is a significant reduction to the Rage cost of Hamstring. The gauntlets have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 1239 Armor (+98)+42 Strength (+5)+59 Stamina (+7)+37 Critical Strike (+5) +24 Resilience (+0)Hamstring Rage cost reduced by 3.Classes: Warrior WoW Insider says: These gloves are low-cost and have no rating requirements, making it a good purchase no matter how you look at it. The gloves are decent improvements over the previous season, but work very well for starting Arena players, as well.Brutal Gladiator's Plate LegguardsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain, specially for Warriors, who are well represented in Arenas. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The legguards have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1735 Armor (+138)+57 Strength (+4)+77 Stamina (+7)+18 Hit (+6)+53 Critical Strike (+6)+22 Resilience (+0)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Classes: WarriorWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants. It has improved +hit, which will free up yellow gem slots in other pieces, but it's disappointing that there's no improvement to Armor Penetration. Considering the same point cost, the chestpiece is a better purchase.Brutal Gladiator's Plate ChestpieceWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. A 1600 rating is a realistic target for Warriors, and because it costs the same as the leg armor, players should try to obtain it. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The chestpiece has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1983 Armor (+158)+45 Strength (+6)+76 Stamina (+9)+18 Hit (+6)+45 Critical Strike (+6)+24 Resilience (+0)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Socket Bonus: +4 Critical StrikeClasses: WarriorWoW Insider says: A team and personal rating of 1600 is a modest target for Arena Warriors. The chestpiece is the best Arena purchase for its price and rating requirement. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Plate HelmThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Even at 1700 personal rating, Warriors shouldn't have much trouble obtaining this helm, which costs the same as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The helm has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1611 Armor (+128)+45 Strength (+6)+68 Stamina (+7)+18 Hit (+6)+41 Critical Strike (+6)+25 Resilience (+0)84 Armor PenetrationSocket Bonus: +4 Critical StrikeClasses: WarriorWoW Insider says: The helm has a Meta Socket and a Yellow Socket, although some players would prefer Red. 1700 is a relatively easy goal, although the Season 4 helm is only a marginal improvement over its predecessor. If the personal ratings aren't a barrier, then go for it. If it's difficult to achieve, there's no harm in sticking to the Vengeful Gladiator's Plate Helm.Brutal Gladiator's Plate ShouldersThe 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The shoulders have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1487 Armor (+118)+38 Strength (+5)+64 Stamina (+7)+35 Critical Strike (+5)+20 Resilience (+0)Socket Bonus: +3 Critical StikeClasses: WarriorWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator shoulders are purely for show. The low improvement over its Season 3 equivalent and have no +Hit nor Armor Penetration. Although quite a few Warriors will likely be sporting these deep into the season, they aren't great improvements its predecessor. Guardian's Plate BeltBecause it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Battlegear, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The belt has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1115 Armor (+88)+40 Strength (+5)+56 Stamina (+7)+40 Critical Strike (+5)+30 Resilience (+0)Classes: Warrior, PaladinWoW Insider says: No ratings requirement, purchasable with Honor points, and looks great. The belt is obtainable by any Warrior, and is the best belt for its level of availability.Guardian's Plate BracersThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Coupled with the fact that bracers are visually insignificant, being hidden under gloves, the urgency to obtain them is very low. They also have a modest 1575 personal rating requirement, necessitating participation -- and moderate success -- in Arena play. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):841 (+69)+28 Strength (+3)+40 Stamina (+4)+24 Critical Strike (+3)+17 Resilience (+0)Socket Bonus: +2 StrengthClasses: Warrior, PaladinWoW Insider says: These bracers are harder to obtain than the Brutal Gladiator's Plate Legguards, but give little improvement over the old version. It has no special bonus and has no visual impact. It's a wonder why Blizzard pegged the personal rating for bracers at 1575, although many Warriors will probably not have a problem getting it.Guardian's Plate GreavesThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The greaves have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1363 Armor (+108)+40 Strength (+5)+56 Stamina (+7)+40 Critical Strike (+5)+30 Resilience (+0)Classes: Warrior, PaladinWoW Insider says: Because of the 1700 personal rating, only players who manage to get the helm will be able to purchase the boots. Of all the Honor-bought items in Season 4, the boots are the most visually impacting and players looking to have a matching set should strive to get to the rating. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Investiture

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Investiture is the armor set for Holy and Discipline, or healing Priests. It is a mooncloth, or cloth armor usable only by Priests and is usually matched with Guardian's Mooncloth armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves The Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. The bonus is the same for both Priest-specific sets, reducing the cooldown to Psychic Scream. The gloves have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 306 Armor (+13)+56 Stamina (+7)+28 Intellect (+5) +25 Resilience (+0) +77 Healing / +26 Spell Damage (+11 / +4)Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 3 secs.Classes: Priest WoW Insider says: These gloves are low-cost and have no rating requirements, and the high Stamina and good +Healing make it making it one of the best Season 4 purchases, specially for starting Arena players. Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth LeggingsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain, particularly for healing Priests. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The leggings have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):442 Armor (+18)+77 Stamina (+7)+34 Intellect (+6) +31 Resilience (+0) +95 Healing / +32 Spell Damage (+14 / +5)16 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5)Classes: PriestWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworkingenchants. The leggings are an excellent Brutal Gladiator piece, with a massive mp5 as an added bonus. Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth RobeWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. Furthermore, 1600 should be an easy goal for many experienced healers. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The robe has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):476 Armor (+22)+68 Stamina (+7)+33 Intellect (+6) +28 Resilience (+0)+73 Healing / +25 Spell Damage (+14 / +5)11 Mana / 5 Secs (+2 / 5) Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience Rating Classes: PriestWoW Insider says: The Mooncloth Robe has the lowest stamina compared to other cloth pieces, similar to the Mage's Silk Raiment. It has very good mp5 that comes in handy during long (or drain) matches. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth HoodThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Discipline Priests, popular in Arenas, should have an easier time getting a 1700 personal rating to get this hood, which costs the same as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The hood has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):426 Armor (+17)+82 Stamina (+9)+30 Intellect (+7) +33 Resilience (+0)+86 Healing / +29 Spell DamageSocket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: PriestWoW Insider says: One of the higher stamina Brutal Gladiator pieces for healing priests, the hood is worth the purchase. It is far superior to the other Priest Season 4 head piece, the Satin Hood, as well.Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle The 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. It is quite likely that more than a few Discipline Priests will be sporting these through the season, though. It is the cheapest item after the gloves, but it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The mantle has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):339 Armor (+16)+56 Stamina (+7) +26 Intellect (+5)+25 Resilience (+0)+68 Healing / +23 Spell Damage (+11 / +4)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: PriestWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator Shoulders are peacock gear. There's nothing particularly special about the Season 4 shoulders, and is not such a big upgrade from Season 3. Players not able to reach 2200 personal rating -- and there should be plenty -- will do just fine with last season's gear, even if it does require 1950 personal rating. Guardian's Mooncloth Belt Because it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Investiture, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The belt has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):219 Armor (+11)+56 Stamina (+7)+36 Intellect (+5) +31 Resilience (+0) +88 Healing / +30 Spell Damage (+11 / +4)Classes: Priest, Mage, WarlockWoW Insider says: Hands down the best purchase for a healing Priest in Season 4, the low Honor cost and ratings-free belt is a no-brainer. Even outside of PvP, this belt trumps most PvE healing belts outside of Sunwell Plateau, with a higher +Healing and overall stats than even drops from the Illidari Council or Kaz'rogal. Guardian's Mooncloth CuffsThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Coupled with the fact that bracers are visually insignificant, being hidden under gloves or robes, most players feel that there's little urgency to get them. A 1575 personal ratings requirement also requires decent performance in Arenas. The cuffs have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):183 (+10)+38 Stamina (+4)+24 Intellect (+4)+17 Resilience (+0) +64 Healing / +22 Spell Damage (+9 / +3)Socket Bonus: +2 StaminaClasses: Priest, Mage, WarlockWoW Insider says: Despite the 1575 personal ratings requirement, the cuffs are a worthy purchase for healers as they are the best healing wrist armor outside of Sunwell Plateau. They are roughly as powerful as the Bracers of Martyrdom from Rage Winterchill in Mount Hyjal.Guardian's Mooncloth SlippersThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The slippers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):253 Armor (+15)+56 Stamina (+7)+36 Intellect (+5) +31 Resilience (+0) +88 Healing / +30 Spell DamageClasses: Priest, Mage, WarlockWoW Insider says: Although 1700 is the highest personal ratings requirement outside of the weapons and shoulders, even PvE healing Priests would do well to strive for it as the slippers are the best healing boots before Sunwell Plateau gear. It is better point-for-point than Archbishop's Slippers from Anatheron in Hyjal Summit. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Dreadgear

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Dreadgear is the armor set for Affliction and Demonoloy-specced Warlocks. It is a dreadweave, or cloth armor usable only by Warlocks and is usually matched with Guardian's Dreadweave armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Dreadweave GlovesThe Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. The bonus is the same for both Warlock-specific sets, giving a bonus against spell interruption when casting Fear. The gloves have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 306 Armor (+13)+58 Stamina (+7)+33 Intellect (+5)+21 Resilience (+0)+47 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)Gives 50% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage while casting Fear.Classes: Warlock WoW Insider says: These gloves are low-cost and have no rating requirements, making it a good purchase specially for starting Arena players. These gloves have higher +Stamina than the Felweave Handguards at the expense of +Spell Crit. Brutal Gladiator's Dreadweave LeggingsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain. Warlocks, specially in the popular SL/SL build, can outlast their way to that rating. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The leggings have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):442 Armor (+18)+85 Stamina (+9)+39 Intellect (+7)+33 Resilience (+0)+67 Spell Damage / Healing (+8)Classes: WarlockWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants. As with past Dreadweave items, the leg armor is loaded with Stamina, even higher than that of Warrior Battlegear. A good purchase even in comparison to the chest piece, which costs the same Arena points.Brutal Gladiator's Dreadweave RobeWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. 1600 should be a relatively achievable goal for Warlocks, who are popular in many Arena formats. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The robe has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):476 Armor (+22)+84 Stamina (+9)+28 Intellect (+7)+24 Resilience (+0)+57 Spell Damage / Healing (+7)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: WarlockWoW Insider says: Because of the sockets and massive Stamina which gives close to 1k Health, the chest piece is the best Brutal Gladiator armor purchase for most Warlocks. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Dreadweave HoodThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Warlocks should conceivably have an easier time obtaining a 1700 personal rating to get this hood, which costs the same as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The hood has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):426 Armor (+17)+82 Stamina (+9)+32 Intellect (+7)+33 Resilience (+0)+50 Spell Damage / Healing (+8)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: WarlockWoW Insider says: Clearly intended for survivability, the Dreadweave Hood even at 1700 personal rating, is a good target. +82 Stamina from a single item is substantial, even if it doesn't have the fancy demon wings. Brutal Gladiator's Dreadweave MantleThe 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The mantle has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):339 Armor (+16)+55 Stamina (+6)+18 Intellect (+5)+21 Resilience (+0)+20 Spell Hit (+4)+44 Spell Damage / Healing (+4)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: WarlockWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator Shoulders are peacock gear. The Dreadweave Mantle has a low point-for-point improvement from its predecessor and it also uncharacteristically doesn't have higher Stamina than an equivalent Warrior piece. However, it is the only Dreadweave item with +Spell Hit and among the few PvP shoulders to have a Blue Socket. Guardian's Dreadweave BeltBecause it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Dreadgear, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The belt has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):219 Armor (+11)+56 Stamina (+7)+37 Intellect (+5)+31 Resilience (+0)+47 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)Classes: Priest, Mage, WarlockWoW Insider says: Usable by all cloth-wearing classes, the Guardian's Dreadweave Belt might be one of the most popular Season 4 pieces. It has substantial +Stamina for a cloth item and has no personal ratings requirement, making it a great PvP starter purchase.Guardian's Dreadweave CuffsThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Coupled with the fact that bracers are visually insignificant, being hidden under gloves or robes, there's little urgency to get them. A 1575 personal ratings requirement also requires decent performance in Arenas. The cuffs have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):183 (+10)+38 Stamina (+4)+24 Intellect (+4)+17 Resilience (+0)+34 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Socket Bonus: +2 Spell DamageClasses: Priest, Mage, WarlockWoW Insider says: Although there are better purchases in Season 4, the Dreadweave Cuffs are the only pure +Spell Damage cloth bracers for all cloth wearers and is a good option for players who have no need for +Spell Crit.Guardian's Dreadweave StalkersThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The stalkers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):253 Armor (+15)+56 Stamina (+7)+37 Intellect (+5)+31 Resilience (+0)+47 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)Classes: Priest, Mage, WarlockWoW Insider says: These cloth boots have as much +Stamina as the Season 4 Warrior Plate, and stamina is always good. Although the visual impact of these boots is irrelevant considering most cloth classes wear robes that cover it, it is the best choice for pure spell damage boots this season. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Pursuit

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Pursuit is the armor set for Hunters. It is a chain, or mail armor set usable only by Hunters and is usually matched with Guardian's Chain armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Chain GauntletsThe Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. The gauntlets have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 694 Armor (+55)+37 Agility (+4)+56 Stamina (+4)+19 Intellect (+4)+23 Critical Strike (+4) +21 Resilience (+0)+48 Attack Power (+8)Increases the damage done by Multi-Shot by 5%.Classes: Hunter WoW Insider says: Low arena point cost, no personal rating requirement, and an even-numbered improvement over last season's gloves? All check. One of the best gear purchases for Hunters to make in Season 4.Brutal Gladiator's Chain LeggingsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, attainable even by underrepresented Hunters. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The leggings have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):971 Armor (+77)+38 Agility+70 Stamina (+7)+23 Intellect (+5)+17 Hit (+5)+29 Critical Strike (+5)+33 Resilience (+0)+68 Attack Power84 Armor Penetration (+0)Classes: HunterWoW Insider says: Although the lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworking enchants, it has everything a Hunter needs from +Hit to Armor Penetration and is a perfectly good purchase for Season 4.Brutal Gladiator's Chain ArmorWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The armor has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):1110 Armor (+88)+32 Agility (+5)+70 Stamina (+7)+25 Intellect (+4)+16 Hit (+4)+29 Critical Strike (+4)+21 Resilience (+0)+46 Attack Power (+8)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Socket Bonus: +4 Critical StrikeClasses: HunterWoW Insider says: Although a little harder to obtain because of the 1600 personal rating, the Chain Armor is one of the best gear purchases a Hunter can make because of the stats and sockets. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Chain HelmThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Hunters should find the 1700 personal rating requirement to be a reachable target. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The helm has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):902 Armor (+72)+37 Agility (+4)+67 Stamina (+6)+27 Intellect (+5)+17 Hit (+5)+30 Critical Strike (+4)+22 Resilience (+0)+66 Attack Power (+8)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: HunterWoW Insider says: Despite the complexity of Hunter itemization, the Brutal Gladiator's Chain Helm is a purchase worthy of the 1700 personal rating restriction, loaded with all the necessary Hunter goodness for PvP mayhem.Brutal Gladiator's Chain SpauldersThe 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms, and even more rare on the underrepresented Hunters. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The spaulders have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):832 Armor (+66)+39 Agility (+4)+53 Stamina (+4)+16 Intellect (+4)+20 Critical Strike (+4)+21 Resilience (+0)+38 Attack Power (+8)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: HunterWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator shoulders are purely for show. Very few Hunters will obtain this armor piece, if current Arena trends extend into Season 4. With moderate improvements overall from the previous season, the item itself is mostly a cosmetic upgrade. Guardian's Chain GirdleBecause it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Pursuit, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The girdle has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):624 Armor (+49)+37 Agility (+4)+52 Stamina (+4)+27 Intellect (+4)+22 Critical Strike (+4)+21 Resilience (+0)+46 Attack Power (+8)Classes: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: The Guardian's Chain Girdle is the best belt available to Hunters for its level of accessibility. No Arena games required, and only 17,850 Honor. Pretty much the best gear purchase in Season 4 for Hunters, even for those who don't plan to do Arenas.Guardian's Chain BracersThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Coupled with the fact that bracers are visually insignificant, being hidden under gloves, the urgency to obtain them is very low. They also have a modest 1575 personal rating requirement, which means players must do comparatively well in Arenas. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):471 (+39)+26 Agility (+3)+36 Stamina (+3)+15 Intellect (+2)+14 Critical Strike (+3)+13 Resilience (+0)+30 Attack Power (+6)Socket Bonus: +2 Resilience RatingClasses: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: A good purchase for Hunters, who use so many stats. It is the cheapest Honor-bought item for Season 4 and is a marked upgrade over its Season 3 counterpart. Guardian's Chain SabatonsThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, the boots are a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The sabatons have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):763 Armor (+61)+37 Agility (+4)+52 Stamina (+4)+27 Intellect (+4)+22 Critical Strike (+4)+21 Resilience (+0)+46 Attack Power (+8)Classes: Hunter, ShamanWoW Insider says: 1700 personal rating is a modest goal for a pair of new shoes. Many Hunters should have no trouble getting to that point, and the purchase is worth it. It is also the most visually identifiable of all the Guardian items. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Vestments

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Vestments is the armor set for Rogues. It is a leather armor usable only by Rogues and is usually matched with Guardian's Leather armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Leather Gloves The Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. The glove bonus to Deadly Throw is one of the best of all PvP gloves. The gloves have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 368 Armor (+25)+37 Agility (+4)+55 Stamina (+6)+24 Critical Strike (+5)+22 Resilience (+0)+48 Attack Power (+8)Causes Deadly Throw to interrupt spellcasting and prevent any spell from that school from being cast for 3 secs.Classes: Rogue WoW Insider says: One of the simplest choices a Rogue should make in Season 4. It has the lowest Arena point cost and have no personal ratings requirement, making it sure to be one of the most popular items though the season.Brutal Gladiator's Leather LegguardsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain, specially for the Arena-popular Rogue. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The legguards have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):506 Armor (+35)+40 Agility (+5)+74 Stamina (+7)+17 Hit (+5)+30 Critical Strike (+5)+40 Resilience (+0)+60 Attack Power (+10)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Classes: RogueWoW Insider says: The highest armor for a leather leg piece, massive Stamina, high critical strike rating and a modest 1550 personal rating make this one of the best buys in Season 4, despite the 1875 Arena point cost.Brutal Gladiator's Leather TunicWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. Rogues should also have little trouble getting to 1600. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The tunic has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):569 Armor (+40)+36 Agility (+5)+71 Stamina (+7)+17 Hit (+5)+22 Critical Strike (+5)+25 Resilience (+0)+58 Attack Power (+10)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience Rating Classes: RogueWoW Insider says: As always, the Arena chest piece is always the best armor piece to get because of its customizability and traditionally high stats. The Brutal Gladiator Leather Tunic is no different. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get. Brutal Gladiator's Leather HelmThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Many Rogues will be able to reach 1700 with ease for this helm, which costs the same as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The helm has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):475 Armor (+32)+36 Agility (+5)+72 Stamina (+7)+17 Hit (+5)+26 Critical Strike (+5)+25 Resilience (+0)+62 Attack Power (+10)84 Armor Penetration (+0)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: RogueWoW Insider says: Ironically, many Druids will drool over this helm for its massive armor and stamina. Rogues can take pride in keeping this helm graphic on, as a 1700 personal rating is a small price to pay for one of the best Rogue helms in the game.Brutal Gladiator's Leather Spaulders The 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. Rogues in 2v2 and 3v3 brackets have been known to hit these ratings. It is the cheapest item after the gloves, but it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The spaulders have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):430 Armor (+30)+39 Agility (+4)+55 Stamina (+4) +31 Critical Strike (+4)+25 Resilience (+0)+38 Attack PowerSocket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: RogueWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator Shoulders are peacock gear. These shoulders are good, decent upgrades from the previous season, but not quite worth the massive 250 rating point differential. Guardian's Leather Belt Because it is a visual match for the Brutal Gladiator's Vestments, and because it comes with no personal ratings requirement, the belt is most likely to be the most widely distributed Season 4 gear. It is purchasable with Honor points, so even players who do not participate in Arena PvP can obtain it. The belt has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):280 Armor (+22)+37 Agility (+5)+55 Stamina (+6)+24 Critical Strike (+5)+30 Resilience (+0)+48 Attack Power (+8)Classes: Rogue, DruidWoW Insider says: With the low Honor cost and no personal ratings restriction, this belt should be among the most widespread Rogue belts come Season 4. If you have the Honor, go buy it.Guardian's Leather BracersThe only other Guardian piece with a socket is the amulet, which doesn't have a personal rating requirement. Coupled with the fact that bracers are visually insignificant, being hidden under gloves or robes, most players feel that there's little urgency to get them. A 1575 personal ratings requirement also requires decent performance in Arenas. The bracers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):211 (+17)+28 Agility (+3)+37 Stamina (+4)+15 Critical Strike (+3)+15 Resilience (+0)+32 Attack Power (+6)Socket Bonus: +2 Resilience RatingClasses: Rogue, DruidWoW Insider says: Although these are targeted towards Rogues, it's highly likely that many Rogues will be purchasing the "Druid" version Guardian's Dragonhide Bracers. The Red Socket, higher armor and crit all contribute to a conceivably better purchase. Guardian's Leather BootsThe most visually important match of all Guardian items, specially since almost all Rogues save for Orcs and Trolls have their feet covered up. It's a big jump from a 1575 personal ratings requirement and is as demanding to get as the head piece at 1700 personal ratings, but Rogues have historically gotten to those levels with ease. It is also as expensive to purchase as the belt, which has no ratings requirement. The slippers have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):343 Armor (+28)+33 Agility (+4)+55 Stamina (+6)+24 Critical Strike (+5)+26 Resilience (+0)+48 Attack Power (+8)Classes: Rogue, DruidWoW Insider says: Among the few PvP pieces with "normal" armor levels, there's nothing particularly remarkable about these boots but are the best, if only, choice for Rogues in Season 4. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.

  • Brutal Gladiator's Raiment

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Brutal Gladiator's Raiment is the armor set for Shadow Priests. It is a satin, or cloth armor usable only by Priests and is usually matched with Guardian's Silk or Dreadweave armor pieces. The armor set can be purchased from Big Zokk Torquewrench in Netherstorm and Ontokk Shatterhorn in Shattrath City. The matching Guardian items may be purchased from Doris Volanthius in the Hall of Legends and Lieutenant Tristia in the Champion's Hall. Brutal Gladiator's Satin Gloves The Brutal Gladiator armor piece for the hands are the cheapest and easiest Season 4 Arena gear to obtain. With no personal rating requirements, most players will be able to purchase this piece and is the Arena gear likely to be most widespread as soon as the season begins. The bonus is the same for both Priest-specific sets, reducing the cooldown to Psychic Scream. The gloves have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent): 306 Armor (+13)+55 Stamina (+7)+27 Intellect (+5) +25 Resilience (+0) +41 Spell Damage / Healing (+6)Reduces the cooldown of Psychic Scream by 3 secs.Classes: Priest WoW Insider says: These gloves are low-cost and have no rating requirements, making it the ideal purchase specially for starting Arena players. Shadow Priests, in particular, need the best gear possible in order to stay competitive in an Arena environment that tends to be harsh to their spec.Brutal Gladiator's Satin LeggingsThe leg armor possesses a personal rating requirement of 1550, which isn't too difficult to obtain, even for underrepresented Shadow Priests. While not as accessible as the gloves, the leg armor is highly visible on a character and is also likely to be a popular purchase, even at 1875 Arena points. The leggings have the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):442 Armor (+18)+82 Stamina (+9)+39 Intellect (+7) +34 Resilience (+0) +66 Spell Damage / Healing (+9)Classes: PriestWoW Insider says: The lack of sockets mean that the only customization that can be done will be through Tailoring or Leatherworkingenchants. The Satin Leggings are loaded with Stamina and spell damage, which a Shadow Priest needs in abundance. The low barrier of entry makes it a perfect purchase for Season 4.Brutal Gladiator's Satin RobeWith three sockets, the chestpiece is the most customizable Arena armor piece, and is the next best purchase after the gloves. 1600 might be a more prohibitive target for beginning Shadow Priests, who have had a tough time in Arenas in the past. In PvE, the chest armor is traditionally a drop from the final boss in a series (Magtheridon drops Tier 4 chest token, Kael'thas drops Tier 5 chest token, Illidan drops Tier 6 chest token, etc.). Arenas are different in this regard, but the item level of the chest is identical to PvE chest pieces. Sunwell Plateau breaks from tradition in that the final boss, Kil'jaeden, does not drop chest tokens or armor. However, the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is equivalent to the drops from Entropius and is the best combination of cost and restriction among all the armor pieces. The robe has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):476 Armor (+22)+72 Stamina (+9)+34 Intellect (+7) +31 Resilience (+0)+49 Spell Damage / Healing (+7) Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience Rating Classes: PriestWoW Insider says: If only for the sockets, the Satin Robe is the best Brutal Gladiator armor purchase outside of the gloves. The 1600 personal rating isn't extremely difficult to attain, and gives a sense of achievement specially to Shadow Priests, who need to be more populous in Arenas. Because of its PvE equivalent, obtaining the Brutal Gladiator chest armor is almost like killing Entropius in Sunwell Plateau. Well, ok not really, but if you don't raid, that's about as close to a raid drop as you're going to get.Brutal Gladiator's Satin HoodThe helm is very likely the last Brutal Gladiator armor piece that many players will obtain. With the shoulders at an extremely prohibitive 2200, most players will only manage 4/5 of Season 4. Starting Shadow Priests might find 1700 a more lofty target for the head piece, which costs the same Arena points as the chest and leg armor pieces. With a personal rating attached to it, the Brutal Gladiator helm might be one helm graphic that players would like to leave on. It is also identical in model to the pieces that drop off Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau. The hood has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):426 Armor (+17)+79 Stamina (+6)+28 Intellect (+7) +32 Resilience (+0)+50 Spell Damage / Healing (+8)Socket Bonus: +4 Resilience RatingClasses: PriestWoW Insider says: Unfortunately, the Satin Hood is inferior in every way to the equivalent Warlock's Dreadweave Hood. Considering the same Arena point cost and personal Arena ratings, Shadow Priests get the short end of the stick for an equivalent item.Brutal Gladiator's Satin Mantle The 2200 personal ratings requirement for the shoulders are almost Gladiator-level for most Battlegroups, and will likely be a very rare sight in most realms. It will be much more rare to see it on a Shadow Priest. Although it is the cheapest item after the gloves, it is also the most difficult to get. Blizzard's reasoning for this is that the shoulders are the most "visually impacting" armor piece, confirming Blizzard's opinion that PvP achievements should be on display. The mantle has the following stats (number in parentheses are the improvements over its Season 3 equivalent):339 Armor (+16)+56 Stamina (+7) +27 Intellect (+5)+23 Resilience (+0)+37 Spell Damage / Healing (+5)Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience RatingClasses: PriestWoW Insider says: Brutal Gladiator Shoulders are peacock gear. This holds true even for the Shadow Priest's shoulders which aren't a marked improvement over the previous season's shoulders. %Gallery-25440% Looking for more Season 4 info? We've rounded up everything you need to know about the Brutal Gladiator season right here.