

  • Video Games Live seats in Indy up for sale

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Tickets are now on sale for the two Video Games Live shows planned in conjunction with Gen Con Indy Friday & Saturday, August 11-12.After a stop in Philly earlier this month, the VGL tour is moving on to Houston July 14th, Chicago August 5th, and then Indianapolis the weekend after that. More on reserving seats for the Hilbert Circle Theatre can be found on the official announcement page (via the pic to the right or the Read link below).Judging by the reviews of the Philly show so far, Video Games Live sounds like it could be a lot of fun. If they keep providing public access to Guitar Hero II, they may have sold this blogger on going already. We hope Midwestern gamers not attending the Chicago show can make a pitstop in Indy to keep Tommy's show on the road. So, yeah ... rock on.See also: Official VGL report from Philly (with some local links to boot) Video Games Live ticket purchases opened a bit early The official page for Gen Con Indy PS2 impressions: Guitar Hero II

  • Preview of new Guitar Hero II co-op mode

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    In case you missed it on Friday, IGN posted a pre-E3 hands-on preview of Guitar Hero II's new co-op mode. It's a departure from the first game's multiplayer mode in that the two players have to depend on each other a lot more to pass each song and thereby make beautiful music together.While the old multiplayer option will still be around in the sequel, the new mode mixes distinct lead guitar and bass or rhythm parts where each player affects the other in various ways, whether by failing if either performance slips (as in DDR), sharing the same Rock Meter (with mistakes from either player resetting the score multiplier), and needing to both go vertical at the same time to activate the shared Star Power. Thankfully, different difficulty levels can be assigned to each player.The Joystiq team out in L.A. will probably find something to do until they get their sweaty paws on a guitar controller or two on the E3 show floor (maybe one of those wacky press conferences will help pass the time), but we're sure the wait to try the latest build of this rockin' series will be worth it. The seven songs available at E3 are listed below.[Thanks, murph]

  • Guitar Hero II interview, dude

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    "Do you OD and die at the end of the game?"That's undoubtedly the best question that the IGN guys ask the creators of Guitar Hero in their interview on the subject of the sequel to the first game which is due this fall. The answer is "Yes and No", so we're thinking that the sequel can judge you as a good or bad rockstar by how crap your timings are (ie. how drunk you are). So what else did they have to say regarding the features of Guitar Hero II? Ability to play separate lead, rhythm and bass tracks in multi-player, but single-player will still only let you play as a drugged up lead guitarist. No specific details on new songs apart from that there'll be 55 songs. They're still in licensing talks apparently. Guitar Hero II won't screw people over when it comes to peripherals. The old guitar will work just fine. People have mastered the original Guitar Hero on expert mode, as this video suggests. Don't be surprised if the sequel's more challenging. In the meantime, check out a video of a Guitar Hero owning expert mode after the jump.