

  • BEN STANSALL via Getty Images

    UK asks Amazon and eBay to ban tiny ‘prison’ phones

    Nick Summers
    Nick Summers

    Justice secretary David Lidington has called on Amazon, eBay and Gumtree to block all sales of miniature mobile phones. These tiny handsets, often less than eight centimetres long, can be bought for £25 online and easily smuggled into prisons. Many are advertised with the slogan "Beat the BOSS," a reference to the Body Orifice Security Scanners (BOSS) used by prison officers to detect knives, firearm components and other small metallic objects. During a speech for the British think tank Reform, Lidington said he had written to all three asking them to take down products clearly intended to "evade detection measures in prison."

  • Cheeky scam artist puts apples in iPhone boxes, sells them to unsuspecting woman

    Mike Wehner
    Mike Wehner

    Buying pricey electronics from a private seller is never advised, but when a woman in Brisbane, Australia met with a seller at a local McDonalds to purchase a pair of "new" iPhones, she figured she was safe. As the Herald Sun reports, after buying what appeared to be two new iPhone boxes from the seller for a total of $1,500 AUD (approx. US$1,300), she returned home to find that the boxes contained actual apples in place of Apple smartphones. The scam began on a UK classifieds site called Gumtree where users can post free ads for items, as well as ads stating they are willing to buy specific goods. The victim in this case posted an ad saying she was looking to buy two iPhones. Of course, the thief's plan would have quickly unraveled if the buyer would have simply opened the boxes to verify their contents. I mean really, always check the box, people, or you're asking for trouble.