

  • Ben Heck's Hackmanji board game, part 3


    try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){} The last piece of the Jumanji-esque puzzle falls into place as Ben, Karen and Felix complete the Hackmanji puzzle board -- and with your help. Putting the finishing touches on the board involves combining the mechanical with the electronic as Ben ensures the servos line up and the player pieces don't clash, all while making sure the micro-controller doesn't run out of RAM and I/O. We get to hear what Felix sounds like as he announces the status of the game while Ben distresses it by hitting it with a hammer. Meanwhile, Karen's design changes make the game more accessible. Tell us what you think of Hackmanji over at the element14 Community, where you will be able to find the code and files, as well as chat with The Ben Heck Show team.

  • Ben Heck's Hackmanji board game, part 2


    try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){} Ben, Karen and Felix continue to work on the Hackmanji board game puzzle. In particular, they've attempted to make it educational, with electronic logic gates ranging from AND, OR to XOR. Ben breaks down the solutions to the logic puzzles while Felix solders the logic chips. Get in touch with The Ben Heck Show team to be involved in the build of logic puzzles for the game, and create an account with element14 to join one of the largest online communities for makers and engineers.

  • Ben Heck's Hackmanji board game


    try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){} With a bit of laser cutting for the box and some 3D printing for the pieces, cogs and arms, Ben, Karen and Felix build a new version of the board game Jumanji. (Yes indeed, it's on based on the 1995 Robin Williams film.) Also in this episode, Karen and Ben get a hold of the original Nintendo Power Glove to hack for a future installment. If you have any show ideas of your own, or simply want to engage with The Ben Heck Show team, visit the element14 Community page.